Dissertation in Practice repository at Western University | Western University

The Dissertation in Practice at Western University is the culminating project for students in their final year of the Doctor of Education Program, (EdD) in Educational Leadership.

The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership is a doctoral degree that teaches seasoned educators and professionals specific, research-informed leadership practices, and prepares them to appropriately apply their learning to their own workplace and leadership roles.

The primary goal of the EdD program is to prepare graduates to act as scholarly and influential leaders who will have an effective impact on, and promote sustainable change in, their workplaces and communities.

Further questions about the Dissertation in Practice or the Doctor of Education Program should be directed to EdD.graded@uwo.ca


DIPs from 2024


Transforming Hearts and Minds: Racial Equity Through Human Resources Policies and Practices, Peggy Antifaeff


Weaving New Stories: Decolonizing and Transforming Secondary Schools for Equity, Belonging, and Learning, B. M. Lynn Archer


The Heart of School Leadership: Supporting the Health & Well-being of Teachers in the Face of Occupational Pressures, Lindsay Avramovic


When Good Intentions Aren't Good Enough: Dismantling Colonial Praxis in Educational Leadership, Peter Francis Barron


Breaking Barriers: Resourcing a Nonprofit University to Ensure Female Higher Education Access in Afghanistan, Sadiqa Basiri


Improving the Educational Experience of Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), Sarah E. Bates


Learning to Lead: Leadership Development for Academic Administrators at a Canadian Community College, Brian Edward Benoit


Learning to Feed: Integrating Practical, Theoretical, and Experiential Aspects of Breast and Infant Feeding Into Nursing Curricula, Jeff Biletchi


Beneath the Badge: Exploring the Complexities of Police Culture and Mental Health, Kymberly Briggs


Niinwi-Kiinwa-Kiinwi: The Path to Reconcialtion, Decolonization and Pursuing Etuaptmumk (Two-Eyed Seeing) Pedagogy in a Faith-based Organization, Nicole L. Brouwer


Building Bridges to Wellbeing: Using Trauma-Informed, Socially Just Practices to Foster Educator Capacity and Resilience to Promote Student Wellbeing, Mark G. Bunten


Encouraging a Sustainable Model for Professional Learning: Implementing District Wide Initiatives as an External Consultant in the United States, Vicente C. Bustamante


Creating Pathways to Reconciliation Through Incorporating Indigenous Voices and Culture into the Development of Impact Benefit Agreements (IBAs) on First Nation Traditional Territory, Hannah M. Caicco Ms


Improving Teacher Preparedness and Capacities: Narrowing the Gap to Support Youth Mental Health in a Catholic High School, Philip Anthony Capobianco


Toward Inclusive Excellence: Forging Inclusive Police Organizations through Leadership Training and Development, Tiffany A. Castell


Indigenization of Postsecondary Education Applied Learning Curriculum Development, Gabriel Y. Chung


Victim-centred Policing: A Strategy for Effective Planning and Response to Mass Victimization Incidents, Karen D. Collins


Equity-Driven Change Action: Reimagining Assessment and Evaluation Practices in Middle School, Angela Condon


Homeschooling and Publicly Funded Education - Achieving the Best of Both Worlds, Thomas D'Amico


Wyi Wah! Mamaskacikiwey Itota: An Integration of Indigenous Culture and Academics at a Manitoba High School, Wayne B. Davies


Cultural Duality in International School Leadership: Navigating Transformational Change for Organizational Improvement in Mainland China, James F. Davis


Improving Work-Integrated Learning Experiences through the Implementation of a Quality Framework at a Multi-Campus College, Theresa M. Dobbin Pittman


The Sweetgrassroots Movement: An Indigenous Way of Leading, Doing, and Changing for Indigenous Education, Jean-Paul Gauthier


Remote Leadership, Centralization, and Paternalism: Leveraging Shared Leadership to Address Issues of Autonomy within the Political Jungle of a Dual-Campus University, Christopher Glover


Championing Belonging: A Community Where Students Can Flourish, Carol D. Grant-Watt