"Learning to Feed: Integrating Practical, Theoretical, and Experiential" by Jeff Biletchi

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




infant and breastfeeding, maternal–child health, nursing faculty, higher education, educational development, experiential learning


This dissertation-in-practice (DiP) introduces a targeted improvement plan designed to elevate the proficiency of nursing faculty in X College (a pseudonym), focusing on the delivery of infant and breastfeeding education within the nursing curricula. Anchored in the principles of educational leadership and utilizing action research methodologies, this initiative addresses a pivotal gap in nursing education. It proposes a curriculum framework that intricately blends theoretical knowledge with experiential learning opportunities, aiming to enhance educational development in the nursing discipline. This comprehensive approach not only seeks to equip nursing students with the critical skills required for effective infant and breastfeeding support but also positions the initiative as a benchmark for educational innovation within the sphere of higher education. The DiP underscores the significance of educational leadership in driving substantial improvements in maternal–child health outcomes, through the expert support of infant and breastfeeding practices. Furthermore, this body of work embodies a commitment to advancing nursing faculty capabilities, fostering educational development, and promoting experiential learning as cornerstones of effective higher education in nursing.
