Dissertation in Practice repository at Western University | Western University

The Dissertation in Practice at Western University is the culminating project for students in their final year of the Doctor of Education Program, (EdD) in Educational Leadership.

The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership is a doctoral degree that teaches seasoned educators and professionals specific, research-informed leadership practices, and prepares them to appropriately apply their learning to their own workplace and leadership roles.

The primary goal of the EdD program is to prepare graduates to act as scholarly and influential leaders who will have an effective impact on, and promote sustainable change in, their workplaces and communities.

Further questions about the Dissertation in Practice or the Doctor of Education Program should be directed to EdD.graded@uwo.ca


DIPs from 2018


Undergraduate Student Retention: Using Leader Member Exchange as an Organizational Change Driver, Joe Stokes


Building a Framework to Address Barriers Impacting Implementation of Student Well-Being Initiatives, L. Bailey Wallace

DIPs from 2017


Resiliency: The Implementation of a Strategic Framework, Michael L. Allegretti


Re-imagining A Learning Program For New Faculty: An Opportunity To Enhance Institutional Capacity, Carol A. Appleby


Through A Prism: A Reflection of the Culture of Leadership, Catherine A. Beaton Ms


Navigating the changing landscape of early education within a preschool setting, Heather L. Beaudin


Flourishing Firefighters: A plan for optimal organizational deviance using healthy human systems, Sajel Bellon


Exploring the Leadership Necessary to Develop Teacher Efficacy for Working with Marginalized Students in Support of Improved Student Success: Helping Teachers Develop both the Skill and the Will to do so, Diane C. Charles


Improving Principal Professional Practice Through Communities of Practice, Lisa Clarke


Increasing Success: Strategies to Address Factors Affecting Student Retention from First to Second Year at a Canadian, Undergraduate, Liberal Arts University, Tracy L.A. Cunningham


Creating a safe, caring and inclusive school environment through a code of conduct that is educative, preventative and restorative in practice and response., John Robert Esliger


Improving Adult Learners’ Experience with Continuing Professional Education: A Transformational Path to Andragogy, Sylvain Gagne


Building Leadership Capacities Through Course Development Planning at a Conventional University, Tina R. Goertz


Enhancing Employability Skill Sets: The Obligation of Community Colleges to be Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts, Linda C. Hill Ms.


Development and Leadership of a Faculty-led Academic Integrity Education Program at an Ontario College, Evelyn J. Holmes Miss


Increasing Teacher Capacity in Supporting Student Mental Health, Mary Louise Ireland


Supporting Department Chairs as Educational Leaders in a Polytechnic Context, Jennifer Marran


Democratic Implementation of Anywhere, Anytime, Anyway Learning through Blended Synchronous Delivery in a Postsecondary Institution in Canada, Donald Moen


Organizational Improvement Plan For Eliminating a Need for Alternative Programs By Way of a Paradigm Shift, Sam J. Oh Neill Mr


Curriculum Congruence of an HR Baccalaureate Degree Program to Industry Requirements, Wesley D. Sallenback


Changing School Culture to Engage Disengaged Students, Trisha E. Sotropa


How School and School Board Leaders Can Increase the Sense of Social Belonging for Students with Developmental Disabilities Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviour, Kathleen Sutherland


Aboriginal Offender Parole Outcomes, Truman Paul Tremblay

DIPs from 2016


Organisational Improvement Plan: System of Care, Derek Haime