Date of Submission
Spring 6-17-2017
Document Type
Doctor of Education
OIP Defense Chair
Elan Paulson
anywhere, anytime, anyway learning, blended learning, hybrid learning, competing values, democratic education, educational technology
This organizational improvement plan considers the implementation of anywhere, anytime, anyway learning in the context of competing stakeholder values in a postsecondary institution in Canada. Quinn’s (1983) competing values framework is used to juxtapose the values of students, faculty members, innovators and administrators in the context of educational technology implementation (Yang & Melitski, 2007). A case for anywhere, anytime, anyway learning through web-conferencing in a blended online format is made to each group in the context of that group’s value system. Bourdieu’s (1984) forms of capital are used: administrators valuing economic capital, faculty members valuing cultural capital, and students valuing social capital. Freire’s (1968) model of conscientization is used to argue that humanization is needed to overcome neoliberal obstacles that have stalled the implementation of new initiatives. An implementation strategy based on a community of practice is recommended for a gradual process of organizational change through professional development. The plan concludes that win-win solutions are possible between neoliberal administrators and liberatory/critical/democratic educators. In fact, these solutions may even bring neoliberals into conscientization.
Recommended Citation
Moen, D. (2017). Democratic Implementation of Anywhere, Anytime, Anyway Learning through Blended Synchronous Delivery in a Postsecondary Institution in Canada. The Dissertation in Practice at Western University, 2. Retrieved from