Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




dual-cultured leadership, transformational leadership, adaptability, cultural competence, cultural intelligence, co-principalship model


In the context of leading international schools in Mainland China, amidst the backdrop of globalization and cultural diversity, traditional leadership ideals are proving inadequate in navigating the complexities of contemporary organizational change. This Dissertation-in-Practice (DiP) delves into the concept of dual-cultured leadership as both the catalyst for the struggle, and the core component of any solution uniquely tailored for this environment. By acknowledging the coalescence of diverse cultural influences within leading educational institutions, this study probes the fusion of local organizational ethos with the broader global milieu, recognizing it as the cornerstone of effective leadership in the Mainland China context. Central to this paradigm is the cultivation of cultural competence, adaptability, and cultural intelligence among leaders on both sides of the cultural paradigm, enabling them to navigate the intricate interplay of cultural dynamics inherent in international school settings in China. Advocating for a transformational shift towards embracing dual-cultured leadership, this study significantly contributes to the limited dialogue on effective leadership dynamics within international schools in Mainland China. Providing actionable insights for educational leaders, this study underscores the imperative of embracing cultural diversity as a strategic asset rather than a challenge. By equipping leaders with practical tools and strategies rooted in cultural competence and intelligence, it aims to empower them to navigate and excel amidst the intricacies and opportunities presented by the twenty-first-century educational milieu in Mainland China.
