The Dissertation in Practice at Western University is the culminating project for students in their final year of the Doctor of Education Program, (EdD) in Educational Leadership.

The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership is a doctoral degree that teaches seasoned educators and professionals specific, research-informed leadership practices, and prepares them to appropriately apply their learning to their own workplace and leadership roles.

The primary goal of the EdD program is to prepare graduates to act as scholarly and influential leaders who will have an effective impact on, and promote sustainable change in, their workplaces and communities.

Further questions about the Dissertation in Practice or the Doctor of Education Program should be directed to


DIPs from 2023


Bridging Cultures: Preparing Non-Indigenous Teachers to Teach Indigenous Epistemology in a Rural Public School, Simonjay Moreton


Addressing the Need for an Appropriate Adult Learning Environment to Increase Student Retention and Success, Karen L. Morgan-Bowyer


Building a Culture of Relevancy and Decolonization in a Community School, Minou Morley


Hidden in Plain Sight: Finding a Balance Between Assessment and Learning in Competency-Based Education in Canadian Health Care, Scott Murray


The Amplification of “At-Promise” Middle School Student Voice to Foster School Success, Nathan J. Ngieng


Strengthening Advising Knowledge to Improve Consistency and Coordination in Academic Advising, Rella Ng


Kotter's Model for Change and Distributed Leadership: A Multifaceted Approach for Canadian Colleges to Become Less Reliant on Operating Grant Funding, Jatinder Notay


Systemic Abuse of Black Educational Leaders in K-12 Schools, Bianca Parris


Equity and Inclusion for Leaders in the School District: Exploring Gender, Michele Radomski


Building Global Skills: Broader Concepts of Internationalization in an Ontario College, Mariam Raza


Creating Equity Education for First Nation, Métis and Inuit Students in Ontario Provincial Classrooms, Tammy Restoule desOrmeaux


Head, Heart, and Hands: A Relationships First Approach to Indigenizing and Decolonizing Education, Sherra Lee C. Robinson


Counter-narratives and Revisionism: A Transformative Journey to Closing the Achievement Gap for Indigenous Learners through Culturally Responsive School Leadership, Equity Transformation, and Nurturing Collective Teacher Efficacy, Elise Saraceni Mrs.


Centring Indigenous Worldviews and Perspectives: Deepening the Implementation of the Curriculum, Perry N. Smith ~ Kꙻ anilqꙻ a?


Embracing Diversity to Increase Belongingness and Foster a Culture of Success, Julia M. Soloman


Queering Education: Creating Inclusive and Affirming Learning Environments for Sexually Diverse Students, Phillip M. Spalierno


Yá sgóonwáan adátx'i neildáxh kha sgóondáxh hasdu eexh dasheeyí, kei kghak’é! Mamawiohpikihawasowin akwa awasisak kisaspin wecihawak wikiwahk akwa kiskinwahamakiwikamikohk kita mithopathin! Supporting First Nations Student Academic Success Through Improved Educator Efficacy, Tammy H. Stoneman


Defining Student Success From a Holistic Perspective, Ranabelle Aranda Stroh


Engaging Health Professionals Toward the Redevelopment of a Continuing Competence Program, Salima Thawer


A Shift Towards Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in Workplace Education, Nancy M. Thompson


The Ripple Effect: How One Rural School Can Embrace Indigenous Learning on a Journey Towards Truth and Reconciliation, Catherine A. Usher


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in New Student Enrolment: Transforming Undergraduate University Admissions, Kathryn M. Verkerk


The Missing Link: Applying Embodied Cognition to Professional Learning, Jon William


Anti-Exclusionary Leadership: Increasing the Achievement of Marginalized and Minoritized Students in an Ontario High School, Nicholas J. Woolley

DIPs from 2022


Fostering an Evaluative Culture by Addressing a Breakdown in the Policy Development Cycle, Michelle Anderson-Draper