Dissertation in Practice repository at Western University | Western University

The Dissertation in Practice at Western University is the culminating project for students in their final year of the Doctor of Education Program, (EdD) in Educational Leadership.

The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership is a doctoral degree that teaches seasoned educators and professionals specific, research-informed leadership practices, and prepares them to appropriately apply their learning to their own workplace and leadership roles.

The primary goal of the EdD program is to prepare graduates to act as scholarly and influential leaders who will have an effective impact on, and promote sustainable change in, their workplaces and communities.

Further questions about the Dissertation in Practice or the Doctor of Education Program should be directed to EdD.graded@uwo.ca


DIPs from 2023


Indigenous African-Centred Organizational Change: Building Capacity at a Grassroots B3 Organization, Emanuella Nicola Bringi


Are Diamonds a Girl’s Best Friend? Working Toward a Support System for Sexual Misconduct in Baseball, Alexis Krystyna Brudnicki


We Are More than Baskets, Beads, and Bannock: Expanding Teachers’ Knowledge Through Indigenous Professional Development and In-Service Training, Corinne Chappell


Renewing the Conversation: Monetary Award Governance, Jennifer Chin


From Epistemic Bubbles to Generative Possibilities: Knowledge Leadership and Knowledge Mobilization for Child and Youth Care Practicum Education, Carys Cragg


How to Drink from a Firehose: Systemic Supports for Polytechnic Chairs, Jocelyn R. Crocker


Weaving the Story of Self Into Transformative Leadership, Nicole R. Davey


Exposing Neoliberalism's Erosion of Special Education in Ontario Schools, Emily Ellwood


Reaching New Heights: A Pathway to Pedagogical Equity for English Language Learners, Helen Emeny


Reimagining community engagement in a JK–12 International Baccalaureate school: Transforming praxis through compassionate dialogic processes, Paige A. Freeborn


Admission Policy Review: Strengthening Indigenous In-Community Training Programs, Rennais C. Gayle


Belonging Together Separately: Transforming Indigenous Health Policy to Increase Substantive Equity, Sherry A. George


Cultivating a Change Towards a Culture of Compassion and Critical Consciousness in an Elementary School, Leslie A. Goodwin


Professional Development in Indigenous Education: By Teachers, for Teachers, Devin Green


Increasing Support and Collective Teacher Efficacy of Part-Time English-Language Instructors in a Japanese University, Philip J. Gurney


Balancing Nurture and Rigour: Seeking Effective Support for Nursing Students in Distress, Marti Harder


Removing Barriers and Increasing Access to Advanced Placement, Carlos Heleno


Steps Toward Healing a Colonial System While Improving Equitable Experiences for Indigenous Learners K-12 in a BC Rural School District, Gail Higginbottom


Challenging Anti-Black Racism: To Improve the Efficacy and Success of Black Administrators. Organization Improvement Plan, Rohan N. Hollingsworth


Transforming School-Based Mental Health to Heal the Collective Soul Wound, Andrea L. Holowka


Valuating All Parts of the System: Addressing Administrator Health and Well-being to Support Optimal Wellness and Effective School Leadership, Melissa L. Hunte


Building Dynamic Capabilities towards Innovation and Flexibility, Marianne Iaboni Marando


Inviting a Hospital Healthcare Team to Change : A Framework for Building Capacity to Provide Intersectional, Trauma-Informed Care, Yasser Ismail


Reimagining First Nations' Engagement in the Full Life Cycle of Oil and Gas Processing and Land Stewardship in Canada, Munir Nizar Jivraj


Nurturing a Culture of Responsible Conduct of Research to Support Safe Disclosure, Grace Kelly