"Indigenous African-Centred Organizational Change: Building Capacity at" by Emanuella Nicola Bringi

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Indigenous African-centred, capacity building, Black ecosystem, B3 organization, Nguzo Saba, Ubuntu


Nakupenda Community Services (NCS) is a B3 organization based in Ontario Canada. At NCS there are several valuable programs serving the everyday needs of clients. While the services are valued by the community, the internal challenge within the organization is the lack of capacity to lead all programs. Compounding this problem is the demand for more programs and services given the impacts of the recent pandemic. The very active board of directors and employees have made significant efforts to meet the needs of clients, but the problem of capacity persists and negatively impacts service delivery as employees and leaders tend to experience burnout which therefore impacts the retention rate at the organization. The problem of practice being investigated is the lack or organizational capacity to meet outcome expectations at NCS. While funding plays a major role in the lack of human capital the organization possesses, three potential solutions were identified and a merging of two key solutions was selected as the best approach for this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP). This solution reduces the number of programs being facilitated by the organization and ensures that the programs that remain are managed and lead effectively. To supplement the program reduction, the active participation in a network of Black organizations, identified as a Black ecosystem, is established. Developed through an Indigenous African-centred lens, Ubuntu and highlighting the principles of the Nguzo Saba framework (unity, self-determination, collective-work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith) collective action will achieve the improvement necessary for NCS.
