Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Deep learning for inverse design of nanophotonic structures, Didulani A D Salwathura Acharige
To stay or move on: Retention of higher education graduates in Canadian regions, 2013-2019, Anthony Abbot Sangmen
Monotone Functions On General Measure Spaces, Alejandro Santacruz Hidalgo
Upgrading of Vapors and Gases from Pyrolysis to Valued Added Gaseous Products, Ivan Santiago
The Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Prenatal Cannabinoid Exposure: Pathological Impacts in the Mesocorticolimbic System and Exploratory Therapeutic Interventions, Mohammed Sarikahya
Modeling thermosyphon and heat pipe performance for mold cooling applications, Dwaipayan Sarkar
Three Studies on Patterns of Educational Stratification Over Time, Across, and Within Cohorts in Canada and the United States, Stephen Sartor
Hybrid Feedback Control for Autonomous Robot Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance, Mayur Sanjay Sawant
How Different Insulin Administration Routes Affect Hepatic Glycogen Levels after an Aerobic Exercise Bout in Male Rats with Type 1 Diabetes, Amit P. Sayal Mr.
Birds of the ancient Nile: Species identification in Egyptian animal mummies using multi-resolution computed tomography and deep learning image segmentation, Maris A. Schneider
Concussion-Related Symptomatology and Outcomes in Individuals with Mental Health Conditions: Symptom Number and Severity, Balance Performance, and Time Course to Discharge, Kathryn J. Schulze
A Cross-Classified Multilevel Study Investigating Perceptions of Misogyny in Popular Music Presented in the Format of Lyrics, Michelle Schwier
Frontoparietal Circuitry Underlying Saccade Control in the Common Marmoset, Janahan Selvanayagam
Strengthening service integration across the mental health care system: An exploration of service complexity and resource intensity among youth in Ontario, Valbona Semovski
Development and validation of the Pain Resilience and Optimism Scale (PROS), Wonjin Seo
Applications of Machine Learning in Industrial Buildings, Ibrahim Shaer
Investigating Atmospheric Corrosion of Copper and the Role of Cathodic Cleaning in Nuclear Waste Containment Applications, Ghazal Shafiee
Impact of fluctuating selection on genetic variation when new mutations are expected to be deleterious, Zahra Shafiei
Beyond Limits: Detecting Anomalies in Sparse, High-dimensional Data, Ayush Shah
The Study of Titan's Surface using Impact Craters and Analogues, Jahnavi Shah
Resolving Street Canyon Elements for Microscale Urban Climate Models with Ground-Based Lidar, Steffen F. Shaigec Mr.
Views of Multiculturalism in Canada: A Metaphor Study, Kayvan Shakoury
Engineering Plant-Produced Nanoparticle Vaccines Targeting Salmonella Colonization in Poultry, Shabnam Shamriz
Contribution of Streptolysin O and Streptolysin S to Streptococcus pyogenes Infections in HLA-Transgenic Mice, Blake A. Shannon
Advancement Of Passive Seismic Methods For Seismic Site Characterization And Resource Exploration, Hema Sandeep Sharma Ms
Chest Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Texture Measurements of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Maksym Sharma
Productive Disintegration, Vinay Sharma
Arts-Informed Storytelling: How Arts-Informed Research was Used with Six Indigenous Peoples in London, Ont., Percy Sherwood
The Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise and Caffeine Ingestion prior to a Mentally-fatiguing Task, Ali Shirzad
Conditional Dependence Learning of Noisy Data under Graphical Models, Yu Shi
Exploring the Support Networks of Caregivers of Persons Living with Stroke (PLWS), Jovana Sibalija
Delivery and differentially phosphorylated AKT1 regulation in mammalian cells, Tarana Siddika
Transcriptomic Analysis of Phenotypic Non-Specificity in Drosophila melanogaster., Gabriella A. Sidhu
Investigating Tree- and Graph-based Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing Applications, Sudipta Singha Roy
Maximal Torus in Hofer Geometry and Embeddings of two balls in $S^2\times S^2$, Prakash Singh
Evaluating a Daily Physical Activity (DPA) Toolkit for Elementary School Teachers, Shelby T. Singh
Photonic Crystal Lorentz Force Magnetometer for Out-of-Plane Magnetic Field Sensing, Lance Ferdinand Sotto Siquioco
Learning the pronunciation of English words from textual input: Should we listen first?, Liwen Situ
Understanding the Foundations: Systemic Inflammation’s Role in Chronic Axial Pain and Treatment Response, Thivya Sivarajan
“We Make Things Today For Tomorrow”: Artists’ Publishing for the Future, Ruth Skinner
PU.1 Inhibition Appears to Restrain Murine Melanoma Growth by Promoting the CXCL9/10/11 - CXCR3 Network in Tumor-Associated Macrophages, Nichita Sleapnicov
A Multi-Segment Foot Model Analysis on Normal, Pes Planus and Pes Cavus Feet and Ankle Kinetics, Emma Smart
The Influence of Dispositions and Everyday Social Factors on the Hostile Attribution Bias, Mackenzie C. Smith
The Black-to-White Hole Transition, Farshid Soltani
Intergenerational Dynamics and Health Behaviour Pathways from Adolescence to Adulthood, Matthew Stackhouse
"The whole world opened up, there's no better word for it than euphoria": Experience Of Embodiment In Trans*feminine Individuals, Sara M. Stanley
Biomechanical Analysis of the French Paradox and Standard Cementing Techniques for Femoral Stems in Hip Arthroplasty, Stefan A. St George
The Perpetual “Outsiders”: Romanian Policies Targeting Roma between 1859-1945, Cristina Teodora Stoica
Academic Motivation Dimensions and Achievement in University Students, rui sun
Concerto for Piano Duet, Edgar R. Suski
Understanding How Hypoxia Alters the Breast Cancer Proteome in the Context of Molecular Subtypes and Metastatic Organotropism, David P. Susman
Essays in Human Capital Development Across the Life Cycle: Understanding the Role of Teachers, Parents, Gender, and Occupations, Anastasiia Suvorova
Nutrients recovery from effluent using membrane distillation., Arslan Tahir
Self-Reported Sleep Quality and Sleep Disturbances in Patients with Vasculitis, Misa Tanaka
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Bedside Neuroimaging Tool for Neonatal Brain Monitoring and Injury Characterization, Lingkai Tang
The role of circular RNA HUWE1 in prostate cancer, Danielle S. Taray-Matheson
Test-Retest Reliability of Homeostatic Plasticity Induced and Assessed in the Human Primary Motor Cortex Using Thetaburst Stimulation, Emma Tassinari
Framework for Bug Inducing Commit Prediction Using Quality Metrics, Alireza Tavakkoli Barzoki
Investigating Synergistic Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Reduced Cholinergic Tone on Attentional Deficits and Alzheimer's-Like Pathology in hAβ and hTau mice, Elizabeth M. Teasell
Transfer RNA Missense Suppressors in Nature and Disease, Rasangi Tennakoon
Regulation of ZAP-70 post-translational modifications by HIV-1 accessory proteins Nef and Vpu, Jack E. Teplitsky
Pain, Postmemory, Porattam: Unpacking historical trauma and community healing through a decolonizing, arts-based participatory action research project with 2nd-generation Tamil refugee young adults., Vivetha Thambinathan
Sex Differences in Health Service Use for Mental and Substance Use Disorders Among Methamphetamine Users, Priyadarshini Thandrasisla
Older Adolescent Perspectives on the Use of Research within Online Communities, Ahrrabie Thirunavukkarasu
Segmentation of intracranial electrode contacts using convolutional neural networks, Arun Thurairajah
Frameworks that guide race and ethnicity data collection practices in health settings: A scoping review., Oluwabambi Tinuoye
Hypertension Burden in Sub-Saharan Africa: prevalence estimates and sociodemographic drivers, Nana Ama Tiwaa-Boateng Miss
Well, DAW! That’s Why I Don’t Sound Like the Recording: Music Production in Elementary School Music Education, Johnny Touchette
Essays on Life Cycle Skill Growth and Wage Dynamics: Understanding the Impact of Skill Levels, Personality Traits, and Job Search, Tommas Trivieri
Health Advice from Instagram Influencers on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Their Strategies to Establish and Manipulate Credibility, Vanessa R. Trocchi
ATAD5 Dual-Domain Interaction with UAF1 Enhances USP1-mediated PCNA De-ubiquitination in the TLS Pathway, Vo Ha Uyen Truong
Investigating lysosomal dysfunction and exocytosis in Alzheimer's disease, Adrianna Tsang
The Nucleocapsid Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Does Not Induce Inflammation in Endothelial Cells or Monocytes, Mehreen Tufail
Mutational Bias Shifts and Severe Environmental Stress Promote Mutator Emergence, Marwa Tuffaha
Investigating the Effect of Bentonite Clay Compaction Density on the Corrosion of Copper Materials, Claire Samantha Tully
The Value of Contribution Mapping to Knowledge Translation for Public Health Policy, Kurt L. Tulsieram Mr.
Microbial community response to experimental warming in boreal peatlands, Cristina A. Turcu
On the Study of Manifest Images: Perspectives, Concepts, and Misrepresentation in Cognition, Andrew J. Tweedie
Characterizing the hippocampal dentate gyrus involvement in temporal lobe epilepsy, Carolyn Twible
Clinical Care of Masters Athletes: A Health Needs Assessment, Princess A. Ulona
Critical Post-Humanism as Problematic: Epistemological, Ethical, and Teleological Gestures for the Future of Post-Humanity, Jacob Vangeest
Investigating the Role of Pannexin 1 in Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells, Carlijn Van Kessel
Role of eNOS in fetal heart development during pregestational diabetes with maternal exercise., Ryleigh Van Neck
Optimizing the Management of Anterior Monteggia Fractures: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Treatment Options, Kirk D. Vannitamby
Stimuli-responsive antibacterial coatings, Monica Vasquez Pena