Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Development and Evaluation of ‘High Alert’, A Brief Smartphone Intervention to Reduce Cannabis-Impaired Driving Among Canadian Youth, Robert Colonna
Exploring Love Through a Different Lens - Examining the Intersection of ADHD, Dating Violence, and Perspective-Taking, Marissa Dias
Can Fibrinogen Drive Microglia Dysfunction?, Elnaz Farahani
Continuum Robotics, Haptics, and Teleoperation for Medical Applications, Navid Feizi
Dual Processes for Social Rank: A Relational Perspective of Dominance and Prestige, Zhuo Li
Age and Sex-Dependent Profiling of Angiotensin II Induced Thoracic Aortic Degeneration in Mice, Ali Marhon
Advancing Autonomous Vehicle Takeovers through Human-Centred Design, Joel A. Miller
Optimizing Radial Head Implant Geometry to Improve Contact Mechanics and Longevity, Maria D. Murcia Rios
Health Behaviour Changes following Personalized Feedback Reports: A HANDDS-ONT Study., Emily Narayan
Corrosion And Mechanical Wear Of Biomedical Metallic Implants And Corresponding Health Aspects, Saman Nikpour
Investigating developmental outcomes of ATRX ablation in embryonic excitatory neurons, Katherine M. Quesnel
Development of Advanced PVDF-HFP Membranes Incorporating Natural and Synthetic Additives for Enhanced Desalination Performance in DCMD Applications, Mohsen Sheikhzadeh
Strain engineering of advanced Pt based electrocatalysts via atomic layer deposition, Xiaozhang Yao
Characterization of Metal-organic Frameworks via Wideline and High-resolution Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy, Wanli Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Innovative Techniques for Partially Upgrading Oil Sand Bitumen to Pipeline Transportable Crude, Moataz Abdrabou
Stress, geographic and sociodemographic factors, and oral health outcomes in adolescents and young adults, Naima Abouseta
Data-Driven Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges, Sulaiman A. S. Aburakhia
Development of a Regional Geodatabase and 3D Models of Metro Vancouver and Their Use and Impact to Regional Seismic Hazard Mapping, Sujan Raj Adhikari
Ontological View-based Semantic Integration Framework in Decentralized Environments, Fateh Mohamed Ali Adhnouss
Hydrophosphination of Vinylcyclopropane & Quinine for Metal Coordination Chemistry, Jeanette A. Adjei
Exploring Equitable Maternal-Newborn Care with Sub-Saharan Black African New Migrant Women in Ontario, Canada, Adebanke Afolabi
Predictive Models of Polymer Composites: A Thesis, Navid Afrasiabian
Development of bioengineered granulation tissue substitutes for enhanced skin regeneration, Baasil Afzal
Impact of Passive Second Language Exposure on Word Segmentation and Word Mapping, Amiya S. Aggarwal
Enhancing Strawberry Disease and Quality Detection: Integrating Vision Transformers with Blender-Enhanced Synthetic Data and SwinUNet Segmentation Techniques, Kimia Aghamohammadesmaeilketabforoosh
The Effect of High-frequency Cortical Stimulation on SEEG-recorded Interictal Epileptiform Discharges, Ahdyie Ahmadi
Assessment of Behaviour and Cascade Failure of Tangent and End Towers of Transmission Lines Under Downbursts, Abdelrahman Ahmed
Structural Optimization and Aerodynamic Behavior of Double-Curvature Cable Domes, Elshaimaa A. Ahmed
Transportation and Land Use Planning for Healthy Cities, Naser Ahmed
Using Physics-informed Neural Networks to Find Soliton Solutions to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, Nadia Aiaseh
Psychometric Properties of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Chronic Pain Conditions with Central Sensitization:- A Systematic Review, Mst Farjana Akhter
The Impact of Stroke and Stroke-Induced Aphasia on Parent-Child Relationships: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Affected Children, Antonia O. Akintunde
Kabeshinàn: Situating the BiFw-6 Site in Broader Regional and Cultural Landscapes, Samantha Albanese
"It’s not a science isolated in a bubble": Grave Encounters in Forensic Anthropology in Colombia and Peru, Franziska Albrecht
Sex Differences in Coping Strategies, Infertility-Related Stress, and Predictors of Infertility-Related Stress among Saudi Men and Women Attending Infertility Clinics, Hayat Abdullah Algamadi
First Language Use in the Second Language Classroom in Public Secondary Schools in Jordan: Policy and Practice, Muath Algazo
The Associations Between Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Cognitive Function, Gabrielle Alimorad
Electrosprayed Serine Octamer Magic Number Cluster: Formation via Gas phase Assembly and Collision-Induced Dissociation, Vida Alinezhad
Attempt to Synthesize a Quinazolinone Aryl Boronic Ester Derivative for 18F-labeling and Positron Emission Tomography Imaging of the Ghrelin Receptor, Husain Al-Jaberi
Mental Health and Poverty During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica Allen
A Comparative Case Study: Exploring Health System Governance in Canada and Saudi Arabia, Fawziah Almalki
Investigating the effects of physical maturation and sexual debut on HIV-1 susceptibility in adolescent males in Rakai, Uganda, Omar Almomani
When is it ethically permissible to use behavioral influences to enhance trial recruitment?, Pepijn p. Al
Machine Learning Classifiers for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assessment Using Lung CT Data., Halimah Alsurayhi
Neural Underpinnings of Academic Skills: Cross-Domain and Cross-Generational Influences, Aymee Alvarez Rivero
A grounded Theory Investigation of Self-Identified Female Students' Mental Health Perception, Mental Health Factors, and Help-Seeking Behaviour, Laila Awwadh Alzaidi
Exploring the Quality Performance of Ethno-Specific and Mainstream Not-For-Profit Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario, Lanei Amein
Design of Space-Hardened Electronics in a Multispectral Imager for Lunar Rover Applications, Stephen J. Amey
Making Mindfulness Matter: Exploring the Feasibility and Co-regulation Outcomes of an Online Mindfulness-Based Intervention, Christina Marie Amico
The Politics of Syrian Photographic Representation: Intersections of Civilian Photography and Power Amidst Revolution, Rawand Amsdr
A Secure Lightweight Wireless M-Bus Protocol for IoT: Leveraging the Noise Protocol Framework, Wafaa Anani
Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Delivery of Septic System Wastewater Effluent to Tributaries, Evan Angus
Going local with global policies: Understanding the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana, Eunice Akua Annan-Aggrey
Association of Air and Noise Pollution with Unprovoked Seizures and New-Onset Epilepsy, Tresah C. Antaya
Solar powered electrolysis of wastewater: innovative portable lab for green hydrogen production and water treatment, Giorgio Antonini
Bioactive and Electrically Conductive Nanocomposite Bone Biomaterials, Rebeca A. Arambula-Maldonado
Marion’s Story: Women’s Hockey in Indian Residential Schools, Kalley Armstrong
Is There Adversity in Diversity? Racialized International Students' Experiences at a Southwestern Ontario University, Shamiga S. Arumuhathas
Responding when time is of the essence: An analysis of signal timing in the macaque superior colliculus during reflexive visually guided reaching, Amirhossein Asadian
A Novel Technology for Precision Agriculture: Robotic Stem-Stake Coupling System, Moteaal Asadi Shirzi
Exploring Parental Vaccine Decision Making: A Mixed Methods Study, Sarah A. Ashfield
Studies of Anticancer Mechanisms of CFI-400945, Radiation and its Combination in Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Harjot Athwal
The Experience of Postpartum Care Practices among Parent and Healthcare Providers in Canada: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, Andrea Atkinson
Narcissistic Status Pursuit: Experimental Evidence of Narcissism-related Differences in Cognitive-behavioural Processes that Regulate Status Attainment, Breanna E. Atkinson Miss
Perceptions of ADHD-Related Behaviours in Trinidad & Tobago and Canada: A Cross-Cultural Study, Ronald V. Auguste
Uncovering the Physical Activity Experiences of Muslim Women Students at Western University, Mais Zuhair Awadallah
Real-Time 5G-Enabled Management System for Civil Infrastructure using Augmented Reality, Omar Zuhair Awadallah
Identification and characterization of isoflavone reductase family members in soybean, Negin Azizkhani
Pedagogical Confluences and Radical Imagination in the Brazilian Anthropocene, Adrianne Bacelar de Castro
The Characterization and Electrochemistry of Natural Uranium Dioxide Under Long-Term Disposal Conditions, Martin D. M. Badley
Listening to "Silence": Alternative Modes of Communication in Korean and Korean American Women's Literature, Judy Joo-Ae Bae
Osculating Curves, Sepideh Bahrami
Compressed Air Energy Transmission, Leila Bakhtiari
Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment of the Interconnected Infrastructure Systems, Soheil Bakhtiari
Evaluating the accuracy of methods used for reverse engineering hand geometries for 3D printed splinting, Ajay Kumar Balaji
The evolutionary response to hunting-induced selection on horn characteristics in Yukon thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli), Mehra Balsara
Right to the city? Urban governance and the spatial politics of street traders in Harare, Zimbabwe, Elmond Bandauko
How are Canada’s Humanitarian Policies Supporting Rohingya Sexual Violence Survivors?: Reflections of Canadian Government and NGO Workers, Deeplina Banerjee
Analyses For Assessing The Centreline Translation, Asymmetrical Wind-Field, And Velocity Fluctuations Of Tornado Vortices, Niall C. Bannigan
Computational Modelling of Branching Arteriolar Networks using Constrained Constructive Optimization, Yuki Bao
Generative AI Driven Novel Approaches for Cyber Attack Prediction, Detection, and Mitigation, sudipto baral
Towards Improved Acoustic Emission-based Methodologies for Structural Damage Identification and Visualization, Mohamed Emhemed Barbosh
Exploring Student Experiences of Interprofessional Simulation Education, Jonathan Barrios
Investigating premotor corticospinal excitability in fast and slow voluntary contractions of the elbow flexors, Daniel C. Basile
P2N2 Ligands in Catalysis for Organic Transformations, Anne Marie Beardall
Prediction of Teacher Well-Being through Beliefs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Educators, Annie Beatty