Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Identifying Shared Regions to Measure Change in Location of Spatial Transcriptomics, Siraj Elzagallaai
Towards Smart-Building Digital Twin: Data Integration, and Probabilistic Frameworks for Reliable Virtual Sensing, and Continuous Model Calibration, Dagimawi D. Eneyew
Periodic structures to Improve Performance of Silicon based Optical Phase Shifters for Inter-Satellite Communication, Mackenzie Essington
Analysis of flood risk in the Chignecto Isthmus, SeyedehMaliheh Etesami
Embodiment, Ecological Philosophy and the Ethics of Listening, Julian Evans
Relational Composition for Post-Pandemic Well-being in a Canadian Children’s Choir, Fiona Evison
Queer(ing) Post-Holocaust Experiences: An Oral History with LGBTQ+ Children of Holocaust Survivors, Jacob Evoy
Engineering THP-1 Cells to Enable Longitudinal Reporter Gene Imaging to Assess Decellularized Adipose Tissue Hydrogels as a Delivery Platform for Human Monocytic Cells, Al-Shumoos Fadhil
Schoolboy Romance: Queer Identity and Same-Sex Desire in the Contemporary Boys' School Story, Jeremy Fairall
Efficient Algorithms and Parallel Implementations for Power Series Multiplication, Seyed Abdol Hamid Fathi
Understanding Protein Deep Learning Models through Explainability, Zahra Fazel
Probing the anodic growth mechanism of titanium oxide, Hunter Feltham
Liquid Flow Rate from Acoustic Measurements, Tiancheng Feng
Aspects of Police Search and Rescue Work for Missing Persons in Canada, Lorna Ferguson
Period Poverty and Menstrual Perceptions Among Unhoused Menstruators in an Urban Center in Southern Ontario, Kristina D N Fernando
Networks of Resistance: A Regional Analysis of Extractive Conflicts in Central America, Giada Ferrucci
Group living features can challenge predictions for the evolution of altruistic behaviors, Alan Flatres
Improving Retail Sales through Unsupervised Collective-Contextual Anomaly Detection: A Deep Reconstruction Autoencoder for Network-Wide Sales Analysis, Thanuri Tehara Fonseka
Beyond the portable classroom: investigating portable classrooms from secondary sources and reframing spatial needs in Canadian schools, Marzieh Forozantabar
Eyes Open in the Dark, Brittany A. Forrest
The Psychology of Effective IEAs: Beyond Rational Choice Theory, Kieley Forsey
Understanding Children's Best Interests for Healthcare Decisions: A Critical Interpretive Review, Micaela Nicole Forte
The Role of Mycorrhizal Associations in Modulating Poplar Growth, Phytohormone Responses, and Mortality under Elevated CO2 and Temperature Conditions, Joshua JR Frank-Webb
Pathways to Active School Travel: The Influence of Individual, Sociodemographic, and the School Neighborhood Factors, Nathaniel C. Frisbee
The development and evaluation of a co-designed pre-rehabilitation and education program for patients undergoing a shoulder replacement surgery, Rochelle Furtado Ms.
Intelligent and Customized Resource Management and Network Cooperation in Beyond 5G and 6G Networks, Yongqin Fu
Establishing the Construct Validity of a Developmentally Sensitive Self-Referent Encoding Task, Lindsay Gabel
Characterization of Abadla 002 CM2: optical, mineralogical, compositional considerations, Morgan J. Gabor
Combating IoT Attacks In AI-Driven Networks Via Robust And Resource-Efficient Federated Learning, Eyad Gad
A study on the effect of swirl ratio and surface roughness on the flow dynamics of tornadoes using LES, Anant Gairola
Interrogating the ability of ambroxol to modulate microglia functions, Sairam Gajavelli
Experience on the Ropes: Embodiment, Narrative, and Boxing, Patrick Galler
Attribution Robustness of Neural Networks, Sunanda Gamage
Studies of compound risk models with dependence and parameter uncertainty, Dechen Gao
Geospatial tool to identify locations of septic systems within the Canadian Lake Erie and Lake Simcoe Basin, Yunpeng Gao
Cladding Wind Loads on Low-Rise Buildings: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach, Tsinuel Nurilligne Geleta
The Predictors of Pregnancy Loss Among Women Aged 15-49 Years in Pakistan, Kevin George Samuel
Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Counsellors Work, Sneha George
Exploring the Effect of Combining Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling on Lower Extremity Function Following Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury, Fereshteh Ghahremani
Flood Hazard and Vulnerability Mapping using Deep Learning and Earth Observation Data, Nafiseh Ghasemian Sorboni
Multi-finger configurations: a paradigm to study learning novel muscle synergies, Ali Ghavampour
Host-Pathogen Co-evolution with Various Transmission Modes of Infection and Density-Dependent Dynamics, bita ghodsi
The role of gut microbiome on the immunogenicity of immune hot neuroblastoma tumours, Hasti Gholami
The Question of Opium: Money, Morality and Japan’s Transimperial Participation in Opium Regulation, 1868 – 1925, Brian F. Gibb
Knowledge mobilization around Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBIs) among Black populations in Canada, Bethelehem Girmay
Scale-up and Measurement Enhancements of a BioGenerator Bioreactor, Jason J. Glas
Mental Health Service Use among Children and Youth with Co-Occurring Health and Mental Health Disorders in Ontario, Grace Golden
Evaluating Spoken Language Outcome Monitoring Data Collection in Ontario’s Infant Hearing Program, Camila Goldstein Fridman
Exploring Experiences of Trauma for Older Adults Across the Trajectory of Unhoused to Housed, Rebecca Goldszmidt
Liquid Flow Rates Measurements Through Graphene Nanopores by Micro-PIV, Samuel Francisco De Jesus Gomez Suarez
Design of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Solid States in Crystallization Processes, Weizhong Gong
Oscillator Network Spectra, Chimeras, and Transient Dynamics in the Non-Asymptotic Limit, James W. Graham
Characterization of brain metabolism in a mouse model of Alzheimer's Disease using MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometry, Sandra Grahovac-Nemeth
Assessing Cognition and Quality of Life in People With Epilepsy: A Feasibility Study, Hannah Gabrielle Gray
Critical Care Outreach Team Nurses' Roles in End-of-Life Discussions, Marley B. Gregorio Ms.
Effects of EGFR and CCR2 Signaling in Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis, Jasleen Kaur Grewal
The Digital Assessment of Biomarkers in Breast and Colorectal Cancer, Natalie Grindrod
Art or Con? Exploring Instapoetry at the Nexus of Influencer Culture, Author-Entrepreneurism, and Literary Innovation, Tanja Grubnic
Characterizing Hypoxia, Neutrophil Persistence and Revascularization in the Murine db/db Model of Type II Diabetic Impaired Skin Healing, Michael R. Grynyshyn
Computational Studies of Energy Storage Materials under High Pressures, Rongfeng Guan
Triple oxygen isotopes of grass phytoliths as a proxy for relative humidity, Minger Guo
Evaluating the Effects of Meditation on Sleep and Cognition, Anvita D. Gupta
Contemporary Painting: Autopoietic Improvisation and a Relational Ecology, Philip James Gurrey
Towards the Development of Wearable Tremor Suppression Systems Combining Functional Electrical Stimulation and Mechanical Actuation, Zahra Habibollahi
The Rise of BREAD: Leveraging Open-Source Process Control, Finn Keith Hafting
Functional Bias of Contractile Mechanisms in Resistance Arteries, Nadia Haghbin
Factors Associated with Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease Among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Yasaman Hajiesmaeili
Investigating the Stability of Different Sizes of Gold Nanoparticles in Physiological Environments and Different Gold Nanoclusters in Water., Narges Hajighasemi
Integrated Microvascular Flow Regulation and the Impact of Metabolic Disease, Brayden D. Halvorson
Analyzing sgRNA Cleavage Activities for SaCas9 and SpCas9 in Bacteria, Dalton T. Ham
Modelling Frost Heave of Small Piles, Mohammad M. Hammad
Special quotients of absolute Galois Groups with Applications in Number Theory and Pythagorean fields, Oussama Rayen Hamza
Early Childhood Educators’ Multimodality Practice During the COVID-19: A Systematic Review, Mengjiao Han
Hippocampal Subfield Volumes and Spatial Memory Performance in Older Adults At Risk for Developing Type 2 Diabetes, Jennifer Hanna Al-Shaikh
Multisensory Integration in ADHD: A Behavioral and EEG Investigation in Youth and Adults, Carolynn Hare
The Experiences of Women Living in Social Housing with Mental Illness and Trauma Histories, Sneh Hariramani
The Indomitable Basque: an orchestral work in three movements inspired by the Basque Whalers of Labrador of the Sixteenth Century, Aiden Hartery
Identifying behavioural phenotypes among 1,084 healthy living app users., Roshan Hasan
Politics of the Female Body: Middle Eastern Female Refugee Writers in Canada and the US, Sepideh Hatami Ms.
Telehealth Autism Services: Service Providers’ and Users’ Perspectives, Lina Hawi
Performing Masculinity: Calgary Men in the Great War, Andrew J. Hawkes
Using Driver Gaze and On-Road Driving Data for Predicting Driver Maneuvers in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems, Farzan Heidari
Identification and Characterization of Novel Mycotoxin Degrading Enzymes, Kyle N. Hendricks
Chinese Development Projects in Jamaica: An Ethnography of Imperial Formations from the ‘Yaardi’ Perspective, Ashley Henry
Simulation and Analysis of Tornado-Induced Loads on Low-rise Buildings, Osmany Hernandez Cruz
Statistical Learning in the Hippocampus and Neocortical Regions: Evidence From Intracranial Neural Entrainment, Daniela Herrera Chaves
Stability of long multiple-rod constructs and dual-rod constructs in the thoracic spine: a biomechanical cadaveric study, Brandon J. Herrington
Developing a Novel Touchscreen-based Test of Cognitive Judgement Bias, Ashlyn Hersey
The Relationship Between Boredom and Substance Use Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness, Cory Herzog-Fequet
Simplified Analysis of Flat-Plate Buildings During Fire Exposure, Mohamed A Sulieman Hesien
Advanced Motion Correction Methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, Miriam Hewlett
Porous Titanium Alloy Constructs for Mandibular Reconstruction, Khaled Marwan Anis Hijazi