Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Influence of Familiarity on Neural Correlates of Rhythm and Beat Perception, Joshua Hoddinott
Harnessing Implicit Learning to Support the Discovery of Second Language Phoneme Patterns in Adult Learners, Émilie R. Hoeppner
Exploring the Reactivity of Metal-Ligand Cooperative Complexes with Dioxazolones, Terminal Alkynes, and 2-Ethynylbenzyl Alcohol, megan A. Hoffer Miss
Fast and Reliable High-Impedance Fault Detection in AC Distribution Systems, Farnam Hojatpanah
Glandular Odontogenic Cyst: Molecular Analysis Using Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing, Natasha R. Holder
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of infant feeding practices and stress in 18th-19th century Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec, Sydney Holland
#AFringeMinority: Collective identity within the 2022 Freedom Convoy protests on social media, William E. Hollingshead
Avoiding a Celestial Anthropocene Epoch: A Framework for Space Resources Extraction Reclamation., Trevor Holness
Development of Automated Analysis Methods for Tornado Damage to Trees in Forests, Emilio S. Hong
Experimental Warming and its Effects on Sphagnum Traits and Community Composition in Boreal Peatlands, Samantha Hopkins
Educators' Knowledge and Confidence about Teaching Students with Exceptionalities, Allison E. Horsley
From Visual Observation to Quantitative Analysis: Evaluating Shoulder movements using Phase Space Dynamics (PSD), Seyedmehdi Hosseini
Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction, SeyedMohsen Hosseini
Proteomic characterization of LIN28A-driven resistance to imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Owen F. J. Hovey
Quantifying Coyote (Canis latrans) Abundance and Habitat Use in the Long Point National Wildlife Area Using Camera Traps, Natalia Hrynko
Improving Student Engagement in Online Learning: A Case Study of a Graduate Program in Canada, Ying Alyssa Huang
Measuring, Characterizing, and Investigating the Novel Construct of Compassionate Self-Responding in Physical Activity in Women, Katarina Huellemann
Synovial Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Knee Osteoarthritis, Lynn Huong
Investigating the Role of Sex Hormones in the Intervertebral Disc, Jeffrey L. Hutchinson
Assemblage, Paradox, and Becoming-cat: Making Videogames with Deleuze and Guattari, Yiling Hu
The imbalanced interaction of verbal ambiguity and pro-drop: The functional hypothesis in homeland and heritage varieties of Calabrian Italian and Ciociaro, Michael Iannozzi
A Feasible Evaluation Approach for Community Organizations: An Evaluation of the Healthy Relationships Program with Vulnerable Youth, Maria C. Ibanez
Evaluation of design wind speeds using scale-based classification of high-intensity windstorms, Ibrahim Ibrahim
Characterizing the Nature and Structure of Child Temperament via Observational Laboratory Tasks, Bianca Iddiols
Invisible Disability Matters: Faculty and Student Perceptions in a Canadian Initial Teacher Education Program, Umair Iqbal
Determining the Effects of Mistranslating Transfer RNA Variants on Drosophila Melanogaster, Joshua R. Isaacson
Untangling the Threads: A Comparative Literary Journey Through Female Guilt and Shame, Shahrzad Izadpanah
Resilience, Anxiety, and Trauma Exposure: A Multifaceted Examination of Firefighters’ Mental Health, Reza Jafari Nodoushan
Advancing Luminescent Technologies: Novel Electrochemiluminescence and Chemiluminescence Studies for Analytical Applications, Sara Jahanghiri
An AI-Powered Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: A Systematic Review, Hyowon Jang
Interconnected Pathways on YouTube and Music Education: YouTubers and Their Stories, Donna Janowski
Towards a More Realistic Evaluation of New Public Transit Services' Impacts on Healthcare Accessibility and Inequality, Reyhane Javanmard
Teaching Advanced Surgical Technique Using Peer-Reviewed Multimedia: An Assessment of Technical Competence in Cadaveric-Based Simulation, Pocharapong Jenjitranant
Use of NDVI from Satellite Imagery to Assess Tornado Tracks in Crops., Fahim Jessa
A Postexercise Executive Function Benefit From Passive and Active Exercise Does not Extend to Mental Fatigue Mitigation, Gianna Jeyarajan
Note Taking and Second Language Vocabulary Learning, Zhouhan Jin
Enhancing Recovery: Investigating Outcome in Supercharged End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous Nerve to Ulnar Nerve Transfer, Tachit Jiravichitchai
Modelling seasonal non-point source phosphorus loads from a mixed urban and agricultural land use watershed, Sabrina Jivani
Wit(h)nessing Blasted Landscapes: Waste Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education, Cory A. Jobb
Determining Pathways Via Which Septic System Wastewater Effluent Reaches Tributaries, Christopher John Jobity
Investigating Synergistic Combinations of MRT68921 and Afatinib as a Therapeutic Strategy in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Tiffany P A Johnston
An exploration of Indigenous cultural safety within cancer care strategies in Canada, Scotlynn M. Jones
Physiotherapists Description of Patient-Centered Care, and Barriers and Facilitators Experienced to Implementation, Maclean Jordan
How can I be OK with the e/and of the world?, Jessica I. Joyce
Caregiver Perceptions of the Impact of Psychoeducational Reports on Children with Learning Disabilities and ADHD, Rafia Junaid
Seeking Solitude: An Examination of the Motivational Underpinnings of Solitary Experiences, Zuzanna Jurewicz
A Multi-omics Insight into Hypoxia and Glucose Deprivation-Mediated Changes: Implications for Intrauterine Growth Restriction Development, Jenica Kakadia
Retrospective Pre-Post Evaluation of a Healthy Relationships and Mental Health Promotion Program for 2S/LGBTQIA+ Youth, Nikita Kalwani
The Detection, Quantification, and UV Inactivation of Waterborne Rotavirus, Samuel Kamal
Development of Biolubricants from Vegetable Oils for Non-Internal Combustion Engine Applications, Behzad Kamiab
Botho - Inspired Social Entrepreneurship in Sport: A Decolonial Intersectional Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship in Sport, Denise Kamyuka Ms
The Integrated stress response, a novel mediator of pro-inflammatory microglia phenotypes, Erica Kane
Human Robot Interactions Relying on Human Perception and Intention Awareness, Fehmi Karaalioglu
Appraisals of three critical capabilities driving internationalization strategies of emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs), Rishiraj Kashyap
Developing Curve Fitting Procedure using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for N-Heterocyclic Carbenes, Ekrupe Kaur
Improving Diagnosis and Prognosis in Acute Severe Brain Injury, Karnig Kazazian
Barriers To Working With Low Income Clients As Experienced By Counsellors, Riley Keast
Laughing [until/because] it Hurts: Finding Time for Queer Joy and Belonging through Art and Aesthetics, Amy Keating
Coordination Chemistry and Reactivity of Biaryl Pd Phosphine 1-Azaallyl Complexes, Leslie S.G. Kelley
Sex-based Differences in Corticospinal Excitability and Inhibition, Alicia M. Kells
Examining Sex and Gender Differences in Cognitive Recovery of Cardiac Arrest and Myocardial Infarction, Sophie A. Kelly
Helping Engagement in Interprofessional Health Care Teams: A Constructivist Exploration, Erin K. Kennedy
On Mothers and Measures: The (Re)Production of Mothering Ideologies in Psychological Measures of Motherhood, Ella R. Keogh
Understanding patterns of outdoor recreation in Canadian parks using volunteered geographic information and big data, Matthew Ketchin
Extinction Anxiety as Zeitgeist: An Examination of the Cultural Anxiety Surrounding Extinction Threats, Spencer J. Kett
Multi-species Toxicity Testing of iPrNHC: A Candidate for Organic Coating Enhancements, Maryam Khalilvand Nahid
Security and Integration in Business Intelligence Tools: A Comprehensive Study, Lakchchayam Divya Khare Mr
Investigating the Effect of Apolipoprotein E4 on Attention Following Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries in hAPP and hMapt mice, Khashayar Khasheeipour
The Impact of Simulated Image Acquisition Time Reduction on Image Quality and Parameters of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using a Dedicated Cardiac Camera, Alireza Khatami
STAF: Leveraging LLMs for Automated Attack Tree-Based Security Test Generation, Tanmay Khule
Evaluating User Performance in Augmented and Virtual Reality for Neurosurgical Targeting Tasks, Denis Kikinov
Exploring the potential of the insect gut-brain axis to modulate the hygienic behaviour of Western honey bees (Apis mellifera), Sophie M. Killam
Essays on Credit Risks and Financial Frictions, Jihyun Kim
Revealing role of PGC1-alpha in chondrocyte and knee joint health, Yuri Kim
Follow the Leader: Genre Formation and Gendered Reception of Nu Metal Music, Clare L. King
Listening to Transgender and Autistic Voices: Reflecting on Affirming Research and Mental Health Practices, Kameron BM Kirbyson
Planetary Exploration via Fully Automatic Topological Structure Extraction using Adaptive Resonance, Jonathan Kissi
Nineteenth-Century Canadian Photographically Illustrated Books Online: Examining and Sharing a Research Collection as Data, Elizabeth Knazook
Developing Therapeutic Relationships in the Community Setting with Clients Experiencing Marginalization, Danielle Knipping
A multilocus phylogeny of Hericium fungi in Canada and their production of Erinacine A, Julien Koga
Structure and Function of Long-COVID Evaluated Using Pulmonary Imaging, Harkiran Kaur Kooner
High Stakes Headlines: Ontario Newspapers and the Cannabis Legalization Narrative, Donna M. Kosmack
What Are You Ruminating About? The Development and Validation of a Content-Dependent Measure of Rumination, Christopher M. Kowalski
Controls on Plastic Debris Capture in Urban Stormwater Drains of London, Canada: A Study Within the Great Lakes Watershed, Nina Kozikowski
Human pluripotency acquisition and maintenance: Examining the relationship between lactate, cell state, and cell fate, Alexandra Kozlov
Examining macropinocytosis regulation and its role in Alzheimer's Disease, Jordan M. Krupa
Mercury Exposure, Fuel Stores and Torpor Use in Silver Haired Bats, Melina Kuerschner