Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Investigating the effects of the blewit mushroom Lepista nuda on the community composition of its soil environment., Katarina Kukolj
The role of fruitless P3 and P4 transcripts in Drosophila melanogaster, Sara A. Kulinski
Spatially explicit assignment of harvested waterfowl using stable isotopes, Jackson W. Kusack
Effect of temperature and water chemistry on the dissolution and transformation of lead (II) carbonates., Caitlin SE Kushnir
Pressure-Tuned Structures and Optoelectronic Properties of 2D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites, Aditya Kutty Mr.
MISsed Connections: Developing a Mentorship for Inclusion Scale (MIS), T. Eva Kwan
The effect of ankyloglossia on the development of malocclusion, Tae Wook Kwon
Higher Education Institutions and the Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding Engagement and Prioritization within Canadian Research-Intensive Universities, Kavanagh S.A Lambert
The Effect of Copper-induced Oxidative Stress on Symbiosis Between Model Legume Lotus japonicus and Mesorhizobium loti, Kathryn E. Lamoureux
Characterizing and Applying a Nasal Organotypic Model to Investigate the Effects of Immune Profile Types on SARS-CoV-2 Susceptibility, Victor H.K. Lam
The Cost-Effectiveness of Hypertension Modification Interventions to Reduce Dementia Burden, Marie Lan
Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Behavioural Phenotypes and Environmental Factors, Caitlin E. Leachman Miss
Adsorption and Desorption of Emerging Pollutants with Engineered Biochar Adsorbents, Heejin Lee
The Effects of Gestational Cannabinoid Exposure on the Postnatal Cardiac Outcomes in the Offspring, Kendrick Lee
A Defense of Virtual Veridicalism, Yen-Tung Lee
Cost-Optimized Household Energy Management Considering Variable Electricity Tariffs and Local Energy Storage, Jacqueline Le Feuvre
Three Essays on Market Dynamics: Counterfeits, Tipping Policies, and Probabilistic Promotions, Yongqin Lei
Container Migration: A Perfomance Evaluation Between MIGrror AND Pre-copy, Xinwen Liang
The impact of Akkermansia muciniphila administration on immune system modulation and response to immunotherapy in pancreatic cancer., Amanda M. Liddy
Continual Learning via Hessian-Aware Low-Rank Perturbation, Jiaqi Li
Luminescent Group 11 Metal (I) Chalcogen Clusters with a Conjugated Diphosphine Ligand, Kai Yu Jeffrey Li
Examining Global Mental Health, Bio-Politics and Depression in Ethiopia: A Critical Ethnography Study., Gojjam B. Limenih
The experiences of lesbian and queer female teachers in Canadian schools, Chen Lin
Structural And Mechanistic Elucidation Of The EF-hand In LETM1 Ca2+/H+ Antiporter Function, Qi-Tong Lin Mr.
Secondary students' educational experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative evidence synthesis, Hannah D. Litchfield
3D-printable Open Source Hardware Developed For Sustainable Technology, Dawei Liu
Biliteracy Education in Cross-border Spaces: Case Studies of Curriculum between Canada and China, Wanjing Li
Early Detection of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders, Xinru Li
Analyzing Sensory Gating Capacity in Misophonia, Facundo Federico Lodol
A Study on Biochar Properties Toward their Effects on Adsorption Mechanisms for Aromatic Organic Compounds in Water, Griffin Loebsack
Investigating the Effect of APOE4 on Attention and Pattern Separation in New Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk, Madison Longmuir
Exploring the Chemistry of Bis(azido)phosphine Chalcogenides and the Pursuit of Isolable Phosphinidene Chalcogenides, John Lortie
Optimal Strategies for Introducing a New Technological Product, Ali Lotfi
The micromechanics of notched zirconium polycrystals, Karim Louca
Molecular Analysis of Connexin 43 and Connexin 30.3 Variants Associated with Skin Disease, Sergiu A. Lucaciu
Ecological Momentary Assessments of Daily Sensory Experiences in Autistic Adults: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Contextual Factors Impacting Sensory Processing, Michelle M. Luszawski
Characterizing and Improving Access to Primary Care for Unattached Patients: Insights from the Primary Care Diabetes Support Program, Rhiannon Lyons
Interconnected histories: Tracing generational connections using extended whole-family methodology, Megan MacCormac
Amplifying the Experiences of Trans and Non-Binary Graduate Students at a Canadian University: A Case Study, Malcolm Macdonald
Development and Validation of a Novel Partner Rumination Scale, Daniel Machado
Optimization of Earth Friendly Quantum Dots for Luminescent Down Shifting in Si Photovoltaic Encapsulants, Devin D. Machin
The 17th Century Legacy of Neo-Stoic Ethics, James Mackey
The Role of Transverse Plane Malalignment in Posterolateral Corner Complex Injury, Larissa M. Madia
The Telos of the Rule of Law, Saul Arturo Madueno Alvarez
Development and Comparison of Intelligent and Deterministic Control and Path Planning Methods for Articulated Steering Mobile Robots, Kayvan Mahmoodifar
Running out of Care: Documenting and Contextualizing Ontario's Nursing Shortage, Kate M. Mahoney
Advanced interface design for electrode materials in high energy-density lithium-ion batteries, Jinjin Ma
Integrating Environmental, Geographic and Network Context into Human Mobility Analysis, Milad Malekzadeh
The Nature of Reflexes in Online Planning and Control, Pranshu Malik
Population-Level Impacts of Non-Medical Cannabis Legalization and Commercialization on Psychosis-Related Outcomes, Maliha Mamun
The role of 5-lipooxygenase expressing cells in homeostasis, injury, and colitis-associated cancer, Venkat Vaibhav Mani Murugan
A Snapshot of Peer Relationships in Children and Youth: Pre- Versus During COVID-19, Jordyn Manis
Characterizing The Auditory Processing Alterations At The Electrophysiological Neuronal Level In The Cntnap2-/- Rat Model Of Autism, Rajkamalpreet S. Mann
Evaluating self-efficacy change in a hybrid type 2 diabetes self-management education program: A secondary analysis of a six-month quasi-experimental treatment-only study, Katherine Mapplebeck
Differential effects of cannabis vapour constituents on brain connectivity: Exploring the long-term effects of adolescent exposure, Pedro Marinho
Effects of Age on the Adult Peripheral Auditory System, Faraz Masheghati
Infant Communication Outcomes Relate to Language Network Connectivity in Utero, Rutva Master
Sex Differences in Sucrose Sensitization, Vangel Matic
Advancing Anti-Racism in Public Libraries for Black Youth in Canada, Amber Matthews
The Fundamental Groupoid in Discrete Homotopy Theory, Udit Ajit Mavinkurve
The Politics of Progress: A Field-Level Analysis, Cameron McAlpine
The WARN Study: Investigating University Student Perceptions of Alcohol Risk and Health Warning Labels, Erin O. McEachran Ms
Extracting Prototypes From Lexical Feature Norms for Settlement Concepts, Chelsea-Leigh M. McKenzie
Collaborative Care for PTSD: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Kelly A. McKinney
Outrageous Love Letters to the Psy-disciplines: Rethinking Causal Models of ADHD and OCD Through Phenomenological Encounters with Bergson and Merleau-Ponty, Jean F. McLachlin
Longitudinal Trends in Early Childhood Napping Behaviours, Taylor H. Meiorin
Synthetic Degradable Polymer Systems for Drug Delivery, Xueli Mei
Cu(I) Binding to Recombinant Metallothioneins, Adyn Melenbacher
Development and Validation of the Motion Shirt: A Wearable Sensor System for Monitoring Upper Limb Motion in Shoulder Joint Replacement Patients, Sohrob MilaniZadeh
Capital, Christopher J. Miller
Role of monocyte-derived macrophages in critically ill patients, Yasamin Minazadeh
The Use of NP-110, a RHAMM Peptide Mimetic, Reduces Capsule Fibrosis in a Novel Rodent Model of Radiation-Induced Capsular Contracture, Kathryn Minkhorst
Exploring the Needs and Priorities of Youth Mental Health Services in the Middle-East North Africa (MENA) Region and Canada, Amirah Mobarak
The Good, the Bad, and the Microaggressions: How Identity and Context Influence Daily Experiences and Psychological Outcomes Over Time, Negar Mohammad Vali Samani
Gust effect factors of components and cladding wind loads for low-slope roofs on low-rise buildings, Jigar Mokani
The Role of Synovectomy in Pain Reduction Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, Olivia N. Morassutti
A Comprehensive Study of Neural Entrainment in Developmental Language Disorder and Reading Disability, Christine Moreau
Development of an In Vitro Model of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Depletion via Stable Inducible Expression of D1135A Mutant DNA Polymerase Gamma, Amanda L. Morin
Through Others' Eyes: Understanding Dating Violence Attitudes Through Perspective Taking, Aly M. Moscovitz
Cortical Thickness Changes as a Potential Biomarker for Epilepsy in People with First-Time Unprovoked Seizure, Keza T. Motlana
Characterization of the C6 Glioma Microenvironment using 9.4T MRI: Evaluation of Diffusion and Chemical Exchange Weighted Contrasts, Maryam Mozaffari
A Novel Four-Dimensional Ultrasound Approach to Investigate the Relationship Between Ligament Behaviour and Thumb Osteoarthritis Onset, Randa Mudathir
Examining the Association Between Preterm Birth and Social-Emotional Functioning: The Role of the Amygdala and the Exploration of Other Contributing Factors, Megan E. Mueller
Bioarchaeological Knowledge Mobilization and the Museum as Knowledge Broker, Teegan Muggridge
Against Eternity: A Critical Reading of Transhumanism, Alessandra Mularoni
Functional and evolutionary dynamics of HIV-1 Nef: Contributions to viral virulence and immune evasion, Mitchell J. Mumby
Queer(ing) Suicide: Why Necropolitical Archives of Trauma and Resilience in AIDS Activism Matter, Kody Muncaster
A Dyadic Daily Diary Investigation of Partner- And Self-Schema Structures on Relational Well-Being and Depressed Mood, Gabriela C. M. Murphy
Essays on Firms and Climate Change, Emmanuel Murray Leclair
Smart Plant Watering System: A Mobile Robotic Solution for Precise Plant Hydration in Indoor Environments, Md Najib Murshed
VOICE: Exploring the Experiences of University Students who have Experienced Gender-Based Violence, Rabani Nagra