Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format



Master of Engineering Science


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Collaborative Specialization

Planetary Science and Exploration


Sabarinathan, Jayshri


Spacecraft instrumentation is important in a variety of applications ranging from Earth observation to planetary surface investigation. Outside the Earth’s atmosphere, spacecraft instrumentation is subject to harsh conditions arising from high-energy radiation and vast temperature swings. If not designed to withstand these conditions, electronic components can fail and result in the loss of an instrument or mission. Recently, a novel Dual-Sensor Multi-Spectral Imager (DS-MSI) instrument for rover applications was built at Western University with funding from the CSA, and can capture images over a wide range of wavelengths (400nm-1550nm). The next step is to adapt the design and fabricate a space-rated instrument suitable for the lunar environment. In this thesis the feasibility of the DS-MSI in lunar geological exploration was demonstrated. Next, the lunar environment was examined and electronic design guidelines for risks and mitigation methods proposed. Finally, a space-hardened system architecture suitable for the lunar surface was developed.

Summary for Lay Audience

Multi-spectral imaging instruments are powerful tools for gathering information across several different bands of light. Satellites orbiting above the Earth can use them to gather information such as weather patterns, atmospheric composition, and the spread of wildfires. To geologists they can help in identifying rocks and minerals, even those on another planet if the instrument is mounted on a rover. However, electronic components are vulnerable to radiation and vast temperature swings of space, which may result in damage and failure.

Recently, the prototype for a novel instrument called the DS-MSI (Dual-sensor Multi-Spectral Imager) was built at Western University as part of a project funded by the Canadian Space Agency. The DS-MSI is unique in that it uses two different imaging sensors, allowing it to capture images over a wider range of wavelengths that other instruments are not capable of. This work aims to adapt the electronics of the DS-MSI prototype in pursuit of a space-hardened instrument that may be used on the surface of the Moon.

This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of the DS-MSI in geological exploration of the Moon, focusing on the software development and testing. It also proposes a set of design guidelines for electronics in the lunar environment, identifying potential risks and how to best mitigate them. Finally, it covers the selection of components and how they interface to form the electronics system of a space-hardened instrument.

Available for download on Wednesday, December 31, 2025
