Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Invariant Object Recognition in Deep Neural Networks and Humans, Haider Al-Tahan
Justice and Meaningful Work, Caleb Althorpe
Structural magnetic resonance imaging in Parkinson’s disease and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, Erind Alushaj
Patterned Heating Induced Propulsion, Saajid A. Aman
Assessing the accuracy of Wearable sensor-based motion capturing system application in shoulder movement measurements, Leila Amirfakhrian
Strategic Supplier Dynamics and Decision-making in Supply Chain Management: Exploring Market Segmentation, Copycatting, and Encroachment, Shobeir Amirnequiee
Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis, Amreen Anbar
Synovial Histopathology Across a Spectrum of Hip Disorders: From Pre-Arthritic Femoroacetabular Impingement to Advanced Osteoarthritis, Ronan James Anderson
Insatisfacción y tácticas de oposición: tres novelas de formación femenina en América Latina (1870-1940), Andrea Angel Baquero
SSL Everywhere: Leveraging HSMs for Enhanced Intra-Domain Security, Yazan Aref
Towards Clinical Microscopic Fractional Anisotropy Imaging, Nico JJ Arezza
The Attainment of Obstetrical Competency in Postgraduate Family Medicine Training: A Qualitative Study, Nisha Arora
Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces, Sepehr Asgarian
Improved Protein Sequence Alignments Using Deep Learning, Seyed Sepehr Ashrafzadeh
The Modulation of LFP Characteristics In The Freely Moving Common Marmoset, William JM Assis
NATO Cyber Defence, 2000-2022, Ryan J. Atkinson
Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Nucleotide Prodrugs Against SARS-CoV-2, Mohammed Attaelmanan
Hiring Criteria and Employability of ESL/EFL Instructors in the TESOL Job Market in Canada and the United Arab Emirates, Shaden S. Attia
Exploring the Experience of Disclosing in the Workplace, Jillian Auger
Indigenous Energy Justice: Multitemporalities, Natural Law, and Decolonial Governance in Anishinaabeg Pipeline Resistance, Sakihitowin Awasis
Effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber epoxy composites by wet compression molding, Saboora Ayatollahi
Systemic, Institutional, and Teaching Factors in the Delivery of Interprofessional Education Curriculum in Canada, Mohammad B. Azzam
Interplay of Forces in Impinging Jet Flow and Circular Hydraulic Jump, Abdelkader Baayoun
Multi-Dimensional QoS and Collaborative MAC Layer Design for Dense, Diverse, and Dynamic IoT Network, Jiyang Bai
An Exploration of Queer Women's Relationship with the Body and Physical Activity, Jade A. Bailey
Spontaneous Simulation of Future and Past Events, Mackenzie Bain
Developing and Validating a Measure of Transformational Followership, Noelle Baird
The effect of dietary thiaminase on cardiac function and morphology in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), Peter Baker
Using an Evolutionary Framework to Test the Social Functions of Risky Behavior in Emerging Adulthood, Michal Bak
Transferring organelles into native neurons: A disease-modifying therapy for neurodegenerative disorders, Lohiny Balendran
An Examination of the International Court of Justice’s Approach to Customary International Law, Janet Adewumi Bamigbose
Computer Vision-Based Hand Tracking and 3D Reconstruction as a Human-Computer Input Modality with Clinical Application, Tania Banerjee
Continuous Authentication in the Digital Age: An Analysis of Reinforcement Learning and Behavioural Biometrics, Priya Bansal
The introduction of nursery seedlings and their fungi to a spruce-fir forest in Newfoundland, Alicia G. Banwell
Evaluating Phosphorylation as a Potential Regulator of ADT5 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Eileen Barac
No Smoke Without Fire — and Vice Versa: Keystone XL and the Climate Debate, Julian Barg
The Phenomenology and Intentionality of Normative-Evaluative Experience, Shawn K. Bartlett
Mechanisms of Impaired Efferocytosis of Synovial Macrophages in Knee Osteoarthritis, Jasika Bashal
Multiparametric Classification of Tumor Treatment Using Ultrasound Microvascular Imaging, mahsa bataghva
The influence of knee position and sex on ultrasound imaging of femoral cartilage characteristics, Harry Battersby
The 1900s Southwestern Ontario Sand Sucker Panic, Mary E. Baxter
Malperfusion Syndrome in the Setting of Type A Aortic Dissection, Karama Yaslam Karama Bayamin
“The Dignity of Being Called Americans”: American Identity and Portrayals of Canadians in the American Press, 1754-1812, Jonathan Bayer
Developing and testing a miniaturized in situ XRD for a Mars rover, Dana Michael Beaton
Elucidating the neural circuitry underlying social spacing in Drosophila melanogaster through the lens of neuroligin 3, Abigail T. Bechard
A Comparison of Methods to Identify the Mean Response Time of Ramp-Incremental Exercise for Exercise Prescription, Nikan Behboodpour
The Application of MICP for Strengthening of Mine Tailings and Peats, Hamed Behzadipour
Visual Cortical Traveling Waves: From Spontaneous Spiking Populations to Stimulus-Evoked Models of Short-Term Prediction, Gabriel B. Benigno
Musical Behaviours, Dispositions, and Tendencies: Exploring Church Music-Making Through a Theory of Practice, Laura E. Benjamins
Development of reverse genetics tools in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, Nivitha Bhaskar
Thermal and Fluid Evolution of the Clearwater West Impact-Generated Hydrothermal System, Quebec, and Associated Astrobiological Implications, Daliah R. Bibas
The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on conditioned disgust: Expanding the rodent model of lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced anticipatory nausea, Indra R. Bishnoi
A Comparative Analysis of the Early Twentieth-Century Music Appreciation and Community Music Movements in the United States, Andrew J. Blimke
Grounds for a "Third Place": The "Starbucks Experience," Sirens, and Space, Michael A. Bodkin
Shoe Modifications and Foot Health: A Case Study from Roman Britain, Casey Elizabeth Kay Boettinger
"That's the Way I Am, Heaven Help Me": The Role of Pronunciation in Billy Bragg's Music, Mary Blake Bonn
Championing Inclusive Education in Canada: Voices of Educators, Advocates, and Researchers, Sydney K. Bota
Understanding the Knowledge Translation Practices of Environmental Health Officers in Canada: A Mixed Methods Study, Shawna Bourne-Shields
Public Art as a Therapeutic Landscape, Sarah Anne Bradshaw
Examining the Paradox of Adult Second Language Word and Grammar Learning, Leah Brainin
Science Attitudes of Students Enrolled in an Introductory Environmental Science Course, Rajan Brar
The Predictors of Multimorbidity (defined as diabetes + hypertension) Amongst Males Aged 15-54 in India: An Analysis of the NFHS-5, Vikramjit Brar
Arctic Lake Response to Warming: A Paleolimnological Investigation in the Northwest Territories, Canada, Brittany Brasier
Automatic Classification and Segmentation of Patterned Martian Ground Using Deep Learning Techniques, Ruthy Brito
The Process of Art Creation Among Mothers from Ontario Who Have Experienced Gender-Based Violence, Madison L. Broadbent
Evaluating the Biomechanical, Functional, and Clinical Outcomes of Bicruciate Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty, Jordan S. Broberg
Neural responses to magnetic orientation information in songbirds, Madeleine IR Brodbeck
Polynomial Density Of Compact Smooth Surfaces, Luke P. Broemeling
The Biopolitics of Gentrification:Re-imagining and Re-membering London, Ontario's Old East Village, S B
Post-breeding survival of adult and hatch-year Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) in the Great Lakes region: a radio telemetry study, Christian M.M Buchanan-Fraser
Design Strategies for Boron Difluoride Formazanate Dyes with Near-Infrared Optical Properties, Francis L. Buguis
Spike-Time Neural Codes and their Implication for Memory, Alexandra Busch
Investigating the role of miRNA-378-3p and its target PDIA-4 in endothelial cells, Shuhan Bu
Exploring How Mothers With A History Of Intimate Partner Violence Experienced The COVID-19 Pandemic, Emma Jane Butler
Canada's Evergreen Playground: A History of Snow in Vancouver, M Blake Butler
A Scoping Review of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Higher Education, Sarah Caimano
The Concept of Trust in Newly-formed versus Long-term Romantic Relationships, Omar Jordan Camanto
Effect of Acute Exercise on Muscle and Liver Glucose Metabolism in T1DM Rodents, Justin A. Camenzuli
The Perceptions of the Real Estate Sector on Pluvial Flooding in London, Ontario, Emilia Cameron
Multiple endpoints in randomized controlled trials: a review and an illustration of the global test, Lindsay Cameron
Poetics in Transit: Indigenous, Diasporic, and Settler Women’s Contemporary Writing in Canada, Christine Campana
Concussion Injury in Working-Aged Canadian Adults: Influences on Life and Livelihood, William N. Campbell
Mineralogy, Petrology, and Shock History of Martian Regolith Breccia, Fengke Cao
Towards Patient Specific Mitral Valve Modelling via Dynamic 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography, Patrick Carnahan
Developing a Finite Element Model for Evaluating the Posterior Tibial Slope in a Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy, VIctor Alexander Carranza
Mechanisms of lactic acid bacteria secretions as anti-Helicobacter pylori agents, Daelyn Carroll
Too Many Constructs in the Kitchen: Toward a Feature-Based Approach to Mistreatment, Sarah Carver
Single-Subject Writing Strategy Instruction: A Meta-Analysis, Madelyn A. Casola
Characterization of Deposited Copper Oxide Films on Copper Substrates, Millicent Castillo