Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format

Integrated Article


Doctor of Philosophy




Daniel, Omar


My Concerto for Piano Duet (ca. 23 minute duration) was born out of my passion for the concerto medium and my love of piano performance. It is composed in eleven miniature movements, joined thematically by use of the 0-3-4 motive. In addition to the solo piano duettists, a number of movements include obligato soloists from various sections of the orchestra. My musical aesthetic in this composition features expressive melodies and horizontal/linear writing with a predilection for harmonic outcomes resulting from independent lines in counterpoint with each other. I chose the piano duet instead of piano solo due to lack of substantial piano duet concerto literature composed to date. In the written portion of my dissertation, I briefly explore the history of the piano duet medium and highlight some reasons why there has been a lack of interest in composing piano duet concerti. I include a list of all known piano duet concerti in my appendices.

Summary for Lay Audience

I composed Concerto for Piano Duet (ca. 23 minute duration) partly because the piano duet has historically been an unpopular choice for a soloist in a concerto. My dissertation provides some historical background on the piano duet, the concerto, and the piano duet concerto genres. I also dive into the specifics of my piece and what I think makes it interesting. My Concerto for Piano Duet is comprised of eleven short movements which can be described as miniatures. They all have unique features that set them apart from each other while also upholding certain thematic relationships which serve as connective tissue throughout the work.

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Composition Commons
