Dissertation in Practice repository at Western University | Western University

The Dissertation in Practice at Western University is the culminating project for students in their final year of the Doctor of Education Program, (EdD) in Educational Leadership.

The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership is a doctoral degree that teaches seasoned educators and professionals specific, research-informed leadership practices, and prepares them to appropriately apply their learning to their own workplace and leadership roles.

The primary goal of the EdD program is to prepare graduates to act as scholarly and influential leaders who will have an effective impact on, and promote sustainable change in, their workplaces and communities.

Further questions about the Dissertation in Practice or the Doctor of Education Program should be directed to EdD.graded@uwo.ca


DIPs from 2021


Cultural Shift From a Teacher- to a Learner-Centered Teaching Environment in an Undergraduate Nursing Program, Katalin Pere


Fostering Collaboration Between local HEIs and Global Professional Engineering Organization, Helder F. Pinheiro Mr


Building Racially Responsive Leadership, Yasmin Razack


Creating a Unified School Culture in a Rural School Serving Families in Multiple Communities, Elliott Roellchen-Pfohl


Addressing Student Attrition in an Era of Evolving Student Demographics, Christine Sawchuk


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Alberta Accredited International Schools: Bridging Modern and Traditional Societal Perspectives in Educational Practice, Krista J. Schultz


Transformative Change in Tutoring Programs to Address Social Justice, Jyoti Sehgal


Enhancing Experiential Learning Opportunities Through the Integration of Continuous Improvement Practices, Alena Shah Ms.


Developing and Implementing a Middle School Program to Improve Student Well-Being and Bolster Enrollment, Tyler Sherwood


Shifting Individuals and an Organization Towards Social Justice: A Teacher Education Program Imperative, Jennifer L. Skelding


Creating and Implementing an Effective, Instructive, and Intentional Staff Induction Process, Nicholas A. Spring-Peers


Reforming Nursing Education to Support Nursing Leadership, Carlyn Tancioco


Moving Toward Wellness: A Transformative Approach to Addressing Inadequacies in Mental Health Supports for Indigenous Youth in Residential Treatment Resource, Tsion Tekie


Virtually Constructed Leadership: A Study of Accountability in an International Non-profit Organization, Kristopher PH Tharris


Supporting the Integration of Internationally Educated Teachers to Foster Equitable Schools, Nadine Trépanier-Bisson


Absent and Present: The Mental Health and Wellness of Ontario Teacher Leaders Using a Catholic Social Justice Approach, Jennifer C. Wojcik


A Values-Based, Holistic Approach towards School Mission in a U.S. Islamic School, Salim S. Yusufali


Strengthening a Culture of Collaboration Through Intentional and Strategic Collaborative Practices, Jimena Zalba


Supporting Effective School Board Governance, Dwayne Michael Zarichny


Fostering and Sustaining an Inclusive and Cognitively Diverse Learning Culture that Promotes Innovative and Agile Thinking, Krista Zavits


Girls as Thriving Leaders: Cultivating a Community of True Belonging in an All-Girls School, Lisa A. Ziebart

DIPs from 2020


Exploring the Role of Collective Teacher Efficacy in Closing Achievement Gaps: A Review of an Urban District Model School Program, Folusho B. Abayomi


Improving the Learning Environment Through Communication: A Systems Perspective, Allison Charlotte Alexander


Using Images and Texts to Increase Students’ Perceptions of their Learning Climates, Sara Alves


Faculty Engagement in an Interior Design Program at a Canadian Higher Educational Institution: Toward Methodical Practice, Angela G. Antohi-Kominek