"Reforming Nursing Education to Support Nursing Leadership" by Carlyn Tancioco

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




nursing leadership, nursing leadership courses, nursing regulation



This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) examines the lack of effective education to support the development of nursing leadership amongst nurses in a Canadian province. The nursing profession represents a substantial portion of the health-care workforce in this specific Canadian province, and nurses play a central role in patient care as primary providers and by advocating for patients. Nursing care is a critical component of the overall patient experience and has the potential to be one of the most important contributors to positive patient outcomes. Accordingly, it is critical to ensure that nurses develop the leadership mindset required to contribute effectively to take the lead in transforming patient-care experiences. This OIP analyzes data from many sources, which highlight the lack of education to support nursing leadership, and discusses the importance of providing nurses with effective education focused on improving nursing leadership. This OIP primarily examines and addresses the issue from the perspective of Organization X, the nursing regulatory body for the Canadian province. In examining the issue, this OIP draws from multiple theories, models, and perspectives, including the functionalist paradigm and structural theory. This OIP utilizes Deming’s Plan, Do, Study Act (PDSA) model to support change and sets out a multifaceted plan which promotes collaboration and draws on transformational, adaptive, and team leadership approaches. This OIP sets out a comprehensive examination of the issue and current evidence, promotes a shared understanding of the importance of nursing leadership, and proposes strategies for educating nurses on effective approaches to nursing leadership.

Keywords: nursing leadership, nursing leadership courses, nursing regulation, transformational leadership, adaptive leadership, team leadership
