"Strengthening a Culture of Collaboration Through Intentional and Strat" by Jimena Zalba

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




transformational leadership, constructivist leadership, distributed leadership, change path model, coteaching, collaborative inquiry


Collaboration can inspire professional learning, improve teaching practices, and impact student learning and well-being. Yet, not all types of collaboration yield these desired results, as is in the case of Elementary School (ES) at Paradise International School (PIS; a pseudonym). This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) presents a problem of practice (PoP) that addresses the lack of intentional and strategic collaborative practices at PIS. Within a pragmatic worldview, this OIP is grounded in a socioconstructivist theory, one that frames three chosen interrelated leadership models: transformational, constructivist, and distributed. A synthesis of these theoretical foundations results in three leadership principles and 10 leadership behaviours that underpin this OIP, which is steered by this change vision: teachers work and learn interdependently in high-performing teams and are collectively responsible for the learning and well-being of all students. This vision, along with the key priorities and the diagnosed needed changes, were utilized to develop the outcomes and goals of the change. Furthermore, after examining the possible solutions to address the PoP, a research- and practice-based decision was made to implement coteaching and collaborative inquiry in an integrated manner. The change path model was chosen to lead the change process and used to develop the 2-year action plan. The multifaceted action plan of this OIP has three integrated components: an autonomous and programmed change implementation plan, a context-specific monitoring and evaluation framework, and a participatory and persuasive communication plan. This OIP concludes by considering ways to ensure the sustainability and evolution of effective collaborative practices at PIS.
