Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
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Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Placental insufficiency resulting in fetal growth restriction alters synaptic development and neuronal myelination in guinea pigs at term, Karolina Piorkowska
Neuroplasticity in the Mesolimbic System Induced by Sexual Experience and Subsequent Reward Abstinence, Kyle Pitchers
Olympism, Ethics and The Rio 2016 Olympic Games Preparations: An Ethical Analysis, Dana Poeta
Neuromuscular Function Following Lengthening Contractions, Geoffrey A. Power
A Case Study Comparison of Direct Selling Alternative Food Networks in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and Toronto, Canada, Erin M. Pratley
Wind field measurements around photovoltaic panel arrays mounted on large flat-roofs, R Nicolas Pratt
Being an Austrian mother with rheumatoid arthritis: An institutional ethnography about the social organization of everyday life, Birgit Prodinger
Cerebellar degeneration in harlequin mice is associated with inflammation unaltered by low-dose phenobarbital treatment, Anita Prtenjaca
Relations of Mathematics Teacher Education Research Categories with Pre-Service Teacher Education Syllabi, Leslie-Anne R. Purdy
Hydrodynamics and Micro Flow Structure of Gas-Solid Circulating Turbulent Fluidized Beds, Maozhan Qi
The Embryonic Protein Nodal Supports Metastatic Phenotypes in Breast Cancer, Daniela F. Quail
The Reel Latina/o Soldier in American War Cinema, Felipe Q. Quintanilla
Rule-Based Category Learning in Children: The Role of Inhibitory Control, Rahel R. Rabi
Assessing the potential health risk of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms and cyanotoxins in Lake Naivasha, Kenya, Melissa H. Raffoul
Performance of Data Transmission for mobile applications, Md Ashrafur Rahaman
Novel Controls of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Farms, Shah Arifur Rahman
The eShift Model of Care: Informal Caregivers' Experience of Caring for a Family Member who Received Palliative Care at Home, Ashley Ralph
Nursing Identity and the Computer: The Impact of Care Realities on Information Systems Use, Hannah S. Rasmussen
An Investigation of Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviour of Leda Clay, Kimberly K. Rasmussen
Late Archean oceans: A laboratory model of oxygen oases, Maija J. Raudsepp
Born Again Hard : Transgender Subjectivity in Paul Chadwick's Concrete, Justin Raymond
Ordinary Empirical Judgments and our Scientific Knowledge: An Extension of Reformed Empiricism to the Philosophy of Science, Nicholas M. Ray
Social and Human Capital: The Determinants of Economic Integration of South Asian Immigrants in Canada, Muhammed M. Raza
Characterization of the Circadian Properties of Runt-related Transcription Factor 2 (Runx2) and its Role in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, Meghan E. Reale
Parental Relocation: Factors Present In Judges’ Decisions, Emily A. Reddick
Directors' Duties to Creditors - Mapping the Twilight Zone, Mehreen Rehman
The effects of sprint interval training on endothelial function in young men and women, Stephanie M. Reid
Interpretation of the French and Spanish Subjunctive by L1, L2, and L3 Speakers: Contexts Where Mood Can Alternate without Ungrammaticality, Audrey K. Restorick Elordi
A Control Scheme for an AC-DC Single-Stage Buck-Boost PFC Converter with Improved Output Ripple Reduction, Kamran Rezaei
Architectures of the Veil: The Representation of the Veil and Zenanas in Pakistani Feminists' Texts, Amber Fatima Riaz
Communicating Crimes: Covering Gangs in Contemporary Canadian Journalism, Chris Richardson
Social Skill Development of Adults with Disabilities in a Community Drama Group, Jennifer E. Richardson
Reliability and validity of knee moments: 3D gait analysis in subjects with and without knee osteoarthritis, Sara E. Richardson
Profiles of Children and Youth Displaying Inappropriate Sexual Behaviours: Relevance for Assessment for Sexual Offending Patterns, Julia M. L. Rick
The Influence of Physical Education Teachers' Beliefs on Secondary School-Based Physical Activity Opportunities: A Case Study of One Ontario Public School, Gregory D. Rickwood
International returnees and the capturing of foreign knowledge by emerging market firms, Michael Joseph Dominic Roberts
Reactions of Platinum Complexes with Dimethylamine-borane, Shawn M. Robinson
Effects of exogenous androgens on parental care behaviour in male bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), Chandra M.C. Rodgers
Out of Order: Thinking Through Robin Collyer, Discontent and Affirmation (1973-1985), Kevin A. Rodgers
Photocalytic Degradation of Malic Acid Under Thin Coated TiO2, Vanessa Silveira Rodgher
Miscegenation in the Marvelous: Race and Hybridity in the Fantasy Novels of Neil Gaiman and China Miéville, Nikolai Rodrigues
Antropofagia and Constructive Universalism: A Diptych, Aarnoud Rommens
Are Offence-Focused Correctional Rehabilitation Programs Affecting Inmates' Executive Cognitive Functions?, Erin H. Ross
On the One Hand and On the Other: The Effect of Embodying Balance and Uncertainty Orientation on the Confirmation Bias, Jeffrey Rotman
Online Social Breast-Working: Representations of Breast Milk Sharing in the 21st Century, Cari L. Rotstein
Identifying Gait Abnormalities in Patients with Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome, Brook A. Russell
Methodological Challenges and Clinical Applications of Hair Cortisol Analysis, Evan W. Russell
Parametric Study on a Novel Waste Heat Recovery System, Ghaleb Rustom Abdul Sater
Simultaneous particle agglomeration and attrition in a high temperature fluidized bed, Mithun Saha
How does gene flow limit local adaptation at a species range-edge? An artificial selection Drosophila model, Justin P. Saindon
Adherence to Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care: The Case of Post-Stroke Depression, Katherine L. Salter
Women in Science and Engineering: The Impact of Gender Equity Policies in Mexican Higher Education, Elida Sanchez Cruz
Experimental Investigation of the Fluid Temperature Field and the Thermal Performance of Insert Devices in a Flat-Plate Solar Collector, Gurveer Singh Sandhu
Nucleoredoxin and Wnt signaling in F9 cells, Leanne Sandieson
Characterization of novel ichnofossils in meteorite impact glass from the Ries impact structure, Germany, Haley M. Sapers
Consistent Density Scanning and Information Extraction From Point Clouds of Building Interiors, Kuldeep Kumar Sareen
Comparison Between Three Types of Cable Stayed Bridges Using Structural Optimization, Olfat Sarhang Zadeh
Development of a Novel Handheld Device for Active Compensation of Physiological Tremor, Abhijit Saxena
Ethical Enigmas in Modern Water Policy: The Albertan Example, Jeremy J. Schmidt
The effect of an acute bout of exercise on smoking topography, Terri L. Schneider
Why Wait? The Effects of Waiting Time on Subsequent Help-Seeking Among Families Looking for Children’s Mental Health Services, Kyleigh E. Schraeder
Intestinal and hepatic drug transporters and their role in the disposition of lipid-lowering drugs, Ute I. Schwarz
Immune Responses to Homocitrullinated Protein/Peptide in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mathias J. Scinocca
On the Nature of Students' Digital Mathematical Performances, Ricardo Scucuglia Rodrigues da Silva
Interpretive Bias in the Context of Life Stress and Depression: An Examination of Stress Generation and Diathesis-Stress Models, Pamela M. Seeds
Effect of Menstrual Cycle Related Estrogen Fluctuations on Working Memory, Mia Segal
Oxygen Delivery Strategies in Tissue-Engineering Constructs, Dawit Gezahegn Seifu
Characterization of Solar Roadways Via Computational and Experimental Investigations, Rajesh Kanna Selvaraju
Understanding Teachers’ Information Needs, Perceived Competencies, and Information Seeking Behaviours for Special Education Information, Michelle M. Servais
Geometrical Analysis and Modeling of Craniosynostosis, Sahar Shahbazi
A Telerobotic Drilling Control System with Haptic Feedback, Faraz Shah
Preoperative Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Use and Acute Dialysis: A Population Based Cohort Study, Mitesh K. Shah
Metrics for Evaluating Surgical Microscope Usage During Myringotomy, Arefin M. Shamsil
The Contact Mechanics and Kinematics of Radial Head Implants, Hannah L. Shannon
The Research on the L(2,1)-labeling problem from Graph theoretic and Graph Algorithmic Approaches, Zhendong Shao
Structure-Property Relationships of Magnesium Alloys, Pouya Sharifi
Hairy roots as a model to investigate the role of suberin in the Phytophthora sojae-soybean pathosystem, Pooja Sharma
A total electron content receiver for the e-POP mission, Dmitry Shatskiy
A Phenomenology of Fall Prevention: Lived-Identity and Careful Practice in Community Outreach Care, James A. Shaw
Enhancing reliability in passive anti-islanding protection schemes for distribution systems with distributed generation, Mohsen Sheikholeslamzadeh
Audio Mastering as Musical Practice, Matt Shelvock
Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Risk Ratios in the Many-to-One Comparisons of Proportions, Jungwon Shin
Biomechanical Modeling for Lung Tumor Motion Prediction during Brachytherapy and Radiotherapy, Zahra Shirzadi
The effect of dendritic cell mobilization on CD8+ T cell responses to influenza A virus, Adil N. Shivji
Enhancement of Local Buckling Behaviour of Steel Structures Retrofitted Through Bonding GFRP Plates, Mohammad Al Amin Siddique
Experiences of Muslim women as healthcare professionals in Canada, Annie Siddiqui
Delay Extraction Based Equivalent Elmore Model For RLC On-Chip Interconnects, Shamsul Arefin Siddiqui
Exploring Exercise and Youth with a Disability, Kimberly B. Simpson
Exploring Intelligibility in Tracheoesophageal Speech: A Descriptive Analysis, Lindsay E. Sleeth
Relational Viewing: Affect, Trauma and the Viewer in Contemporary Autobiographical Art, Matthew Ryan Smith
Passive and Semi-Active Structure-Multiple Tuned Liquid Damper Systems, Islam Soliman
Broken Passages and Broken Promises: Reconstructing the Komagata Maru and Air India Cases, Alia Rehana Somani
Diagnostic Validity of Physical Examination Maneuvers and Patient Reported History for Shoulder Pathology, Lyndsay Somerville
Security on Medical Wireless Sensor Networks, Eric D. Southern
Predictors of Glycemic Control in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes in Southwestern Ontario, Tamara Spaic
Non-Invasive Examination of the Role of Local Muscle O2 Delivery in Determining VO2 Kinetics During Moderate-Intensity ‘Step’ and Ramp Incremental Exercise, Matthew D. Spencer
Evolution of the Late Ordovician Plaesiomyid Brachiopod Lineage in Laurentia, Colin D. Sproat
Examining Atmospheric Dust Deposition and its Effects on Alpine Lakes in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, Oliver J. Squire
Investigation of Hydrothermal Alteration Processes in the Troodos Ophiolite and the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Tamara P. Sredojevic
Somali Children and Youth's Experiences in Educational Spaces in North America: Reconstructing Identities and Negotiating the Past in the Present, Melissa Stachel
Social Marketing and Falls Prevention: Market Segmentation and Product Positioning, Eric C. Stemmler
Structural Characterization of Protein Folding Intermediates by Oxidative Labeling and Mass Spectrometry, Bradley B. Stocks
The Relationship between Diet Quality and Obesity in Canadian Adults: Evidence from the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey, Kalaivaani Sundararajan
Automatic Classification of Epilepsy Lesions, Junwei Sun
Dynamic Model Construction and Control System Design for Canadian Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors, Peiwei Sun
A Transaction Governance Perspective on Business Entertainment: A General Model and Evidence From China, Yonglin Sun
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Studies of Nickel Surfaces and T24 Single Live Cells, Yu Sun
Structural Motifs of Novel Metallothionein Proteins, Duncan E K Sutherland
Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Unreceptive Quadrupolar Nuclei in Inorganic Materials, Andre Sutrisno
MMAsculinities: Spectacular Narratives of Masculinity in Mixed Martial Arts, Stephen L. Swain
Modeling sequential event times using family data, Balakumar Swaminathan
Exploring the Current Nature of a School Principal's Work, Donna Swapp
Relationships between Earthquake Ground Motions and Modified Mercalli Intensity, Andrea Sweny
Aesthetic Labour at the Coffee Shop: Exploring Young Workers' Perceptions of the Service Encounter, Diana Judit Szabo
Economic Development in a Changing Global Economy: Examining the Perspectives of Practitioners in Ontario, Canada, Maxwell Taabazuing
The Case for Quantum State Realism, Morgan C. Tait
Haptics-Enabled Teleoperation for Robotics-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery, Ali Talasaz
The cross talk between TrkB and NMDA receptors through RasGrf1, Asghar Talebian
Confidence Intervals for Comparison of the Squared Multiple Correlation Coefficients of Non-nested Models, Li Tan Jr.
Synergistic and Environmental Benefits of Using Cement Kiln Dust With Slag and Fly Ash in Cemented Paste Tailings, Amajd Tariq
Taking a Closer Look at Workplace Incivility: Dimensionality and Source Effects, Rima C. Tarraf
The Relationship Between Culture and Counterproductive Workplace Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis, Olusore Anita Taylor
Assessment of Wear in Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Advanced Radiographic Techniques, Matthew G. Teeter
Gender Neutral? An Empirical Test of Life-course Theories of Criminal Behaviour, Jennie M. Thompson
The influence of ambient environment on the growth and fitness of glyphosate-resistant and -susceptible giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) biotypes, Julia A. Thompson
The Cleaving of House and Home: A Lacanian Analysis of Architectural Aesthetics, Sarah E. Thorne
Identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis homolog of the yeast TREX-2 complex, Gang Tian
Heme Binding and Transfer in the Isd Heme Scavenging Pathway of Staphylococcus aureus, Michael T. Tiedemann
Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Migration Inhibition by Synthetic Triterpenoids, Ciric Chi Wing To
Because I am Not Here, Selected Second Life-Based Art Case Studies. Subjectivity, Autoempathy and Virtual World Aesthetics, Francisco Gerardo Toledo Ramírez
A Sensorized Instrument for Minimally Invasive Surgery for the Measurement of Forces during Training and Surgery: Development and Applications, Ana Luisa Trejos
Fractional Condensation of Bio-Oil Vapors, Akhil Tumbalam Gooty
The Role of Transforming Growth Factor Alpha in Osteoarthritis and Skeletal Development, Shirine E. Usmani
Understanding Compassion in Family Medicine: A Qualitative Study, Jane Melek Uygur
The effect of concurrent cognitive, linguistic and motor tasks on speech intensity in Parkinson’s disease, Teresa J. Valenzano
How do teachers teach students with working memory impairments in the regular classroom? A grounded theory approach, Laura Vanderlaan
The Influence of the Childcare Environment on Physical Activity among Preschool-Aged Children: A Feasibility Study, Leigh M. Vanderloo
The Sacramental Theology of John Owen and John Calvin, David van Eyk
The Process of Informed Decision-Making About Prenatal Screening: Patient Education Materials, Policy, and Pregnant Women's Perspectives, Meredith G. Vanstone
Response of Foundations to Random Cyclic Loads, Alireza Varshoi
Day of the Woman?: Feminism & Rape-Revenge Films, Kayley A. Viteo
An experimental investigation into the relationship between process variables and forming conditions during splined mandrel flow forming operations, Brandon C. Vriens
Fuzzy Differential Evolution Algorithm, Dejan Vucetic
Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of Salivary Proteins for Oral Diseases, Dusa Vukosavljevic
Shift work and cardiovascular events: systematic review and meta-analysis, Manav V. Vyas
Hearts and Minds: Examining the Evolution of the Egyptian Excerebration and Evisceration Traditions through the IMPACT Mummy Database, Andrew D. Wade
Charateristics and Impact of Interpersonal Conflicts on Requirements Risks, Avinder Walia
“Winds of Change”: Explaining Support for Wind Energy Developments in Ontario, Canada, Chad JR Walker
Concurrent Multipath Transfer: Scheduling, Modelling, and Congestion Window Management, Thomas Daniel Wallace
Development of a Three-Dimensional Image-Guided Needle Positioning System for Small Animal Interventions, Christopher S.R. Waring
Frequency-Dependent Conduction Block In Demyelinating Focal Neuropathies, Brad V. Watson
"Men to the Rescue" - The Influence of Male English Teachers on Boys' Literacy Achievement, Margaret Anne Watson
Security Aspects of Smart Grid Communication, Pubudu E. Weerathunga
Simultaneous radar and video meteors, Robert J. Weryk
Examining the Relationships between Imagery, Sport Motivation, and Athletic Identity in Curling, Nicole Westlund
"Rap is easy, career is the hard part:" analyzing success, longevity and failure within the framework of the hip-hop career, Christopher R. White
School Re-entry Protocols for Children with Acquired Brain Injury, Matt White
Essays on International and Environmental Economics, Jacob Wibe
Social Episodic-Like Memory in the Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile Atricapillus), Alisha A. Wiechers
Clinical Instructors' Perceptions of Structural and Psychological Empowerment in Academic Nursing Environments, Sandra E. Wiens
Cloning and analysis of RECK during early Xenopus laevis development, Jessica Willson
Multi-Sensor Calibration and Validation of the UWO-PCL Water Vapour Lidar, Robin Wing
Methods for Shape-Constrained Kernel Density Estimation, Mark A. Wolters
Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Intervertebral Disc Prostheses, Elaine Wong
On sensorimotor function and the relationship between proprioception and motor learning, Jeremy D. Wong
Impacts of agricultural disturbance on communities of selected soil fungi (Agaricomycetes), Jessie R. Wong
The Effects of Equity Sensitivity and Teamwork Self-Efficacy on Team Reward Preference, Hayden Jerney Randolph Woodley
Organizational Perceptions and Responses to the Natural Environment, Michael O. Wood
Effect of sledge hockey configuration on sledge hockey performance, Cliff Worden-Rogers
A Homotopy Theory for Diffeological Spaces, Enxin Wu
Essays on Financial Return and Volatility Modeling, Jing Wu
Playing with the Other: The Stories of Mu Xin and Vladimir Nabokov, Meng Wu
Role of ERK5 in Diabetic Vascular Complications, Yuexiu Wu
Development of 3-D Neutronic Kinetic Model and Control for CANDU Reactors, Lingzhi Xia
Preparation and formulation of powder coating for application of enamelled wire, Liuyin Xia
Pricing and Trading American Put Options under Sub-Optimal Exercise Policies, William Wei Xing
Further applications of higher-order Markov chains and developments in regime-switching models, Xiaojing Xi
Characterization of EIF2Be and Its Interaction with RGS2, William H. Xue
Thomas Hobbes on Punishment, Arthur L. Yates
Hydrogel-based Nanocomposites and Laser-assisted Surface Modification for Biomedical Application, Pei Yin
An Outcome-Based Approach for Ensuring Regulatory Compliance of Business Processes, Quanjun Yin
Examining Assistive Technology Use, Self-concept, and Motivation, as Students with Learning Disabilities Transition from a Demonstration School into Inclusive Classrooms, Gabrielle D. Young
Heavy Handed: A Multi-Level Approach to Understanding Regional Variation In The Use of Force By Police, Zachary R. Young
The Language Learning of Refugee Students in Canadian Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, Hongfang Yu
Improved Non-Linear Solution of Dip Coating Flow, Omar Bin Yusuf
National Identity Perceptions and the Experiences of 1.5 Generation Youth with English Learning and First Language Loss, Olena Yuzefova
Experiences of Socio-Spatial Exclusion Among Ghanaian Immigrant Youth in Toronto: A Case Study of the Jane-Finch Neighbourhood, Mariama Zaami
Motivation in Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate in Elite Wheelchair Tennis Players, Laurence M. Zalmanowitz
The Effects of Neonatal Immune System Activation with Lipopolysaccharide on Adolescent and Adult Anxiety Behaviours in Male and Female Rats, Alina Zaltzman
Protection and Control of Active Distribution Networks and Microgrids, Mohammad Amin Zamani
Acercamiento interartístico a la pintura de género de Murillo y el pícaro literario del Siglo de Oro. Personajes que reflejan una realidad social, Jimena Zambrano
Health Implications of a Delayed Transition into Adulthood, Lisa K. Zaporzan
Impact of Goal Compatibility on Self-Care Adherence Among Patients with Congestive Heart Failure, Karen M. Zhang
Kinetics of O2 Reduction on Oxide-covered Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys, Xiangrong (Sarah) Zhang
3D Velocity Retrieval and Storm Tracking Using Multiple Radars, Yong Zhang
Roles of PGC-1α/PPARs pathway in regulating insulin sensitivity in mouse skeletal muscle cells under prolonged hypoxia, Yunyan Zhang
Applicability of the Eshelby Formalism to Viscous Power-Law Materials: A Numerical Validation, Zhenyu Zhong
To Leave or To Stay? The Decision Context, Self-Images, and Owner-Managers' Persistence Decisions, Fei Zhu
Investigation of histone lysine methylation in stem cell differentiation using inhibitor peptide, Wendy Zhu
Liquid Distribution from Industrial Scale Spray Jets in Fluidized Beds, MohammadAli Zirgachianzadeh
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Transactivation by human Adenovirus Early Region 1A-Conserved Region Three, Jailal NG Ablack
The HIV-1 Tat Protein and Adverse Drug Reactions: A model system utilizing Jurkat T cells and sulphamethoxazole-hydroxylamine, Kaothara Adeyanju
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Charged Nanodroplets, Elias Ahadi
Optical-WiMAX Hybrid Networks, Abdou R. A. Ahmed
Electronic and magnetic excitations in graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons, Maher Zakaria Ahmed Selim
Thermal and Mechanical Studies of Thin Spray-On Liner (TSL) for Concrete Tunnel Linings, Taesang Ahn
A System Dynamics Based Integrated Assessment Modelling of Global-Regional Climate Change: A Model for Analyzing the Behaviour of the Social-Energy-Economy-Climate System, Mohammad Khaled Akhtar
Fetal Growth Restriction: Molecular Mechanisms and Long-Term Outcomes, Caroline D. Albion
Trust-Based Service Selection, Zainab Aljazzaf
Acoustic Signal Encoding in Children with Auditory Processing Disorders, Chris M. Allan
Vibration Isolation Using In-filled Geofoam Trench Barriers, Ashref Mohamed A. Alzawi
Motherhood and Childbirth Experiences among Newcomer Women in Canada: A Critical Ethnographic Study, Fatmeh Ahmad Alzoubi
Biological Nutrient Removal from Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Using a Twin Circulating Fluidized Bed Bioreactor, Mehran Andalib
"Aren't They Keen?" Early Children's Food Advertising and the Emergence of the Brand-loyal Child Consumer, Kyle R. Asquith
The Impact of Climate and Transport on the Compositions and Textures of Heavy Minerals in Modern Rivers of New Zealand, Alexandre Aubin
Welfare Regimes: The Welfare of the Old in Comparative Perspective, Mehmet Fatih Aysan
High Speed and Low-Complexity Hardware Architectures for Elliptic Curve-Based Crypto-Processors, Reza Azarderakhsh
Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Techniques with Applications in Minimally Invasive Therapy and Cell Biology, Mahdi Azizian
A Season in Town: Plantation Women and the Urban South, 1790-1877, Marise Bachand
Residues of the Cold War: Emergent Waste Consciousness in Postwar American Culture and Fiction, Thomas J. Barnes
Does Anyone Really Like Horror Movies? Personality and Automatic Affective Reactions to Frightening Films, Michael E. Battista
Serum iron uptake and virulence in Staphylococcus aureus, Federico C. Beasley
Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick: Strategies to Decrease Dynamic Knee Joint Loading, Daniel J. Bechard
Development of Single and Multimodality Imaging Probes for PET, SPECT and Fluorescence Imaging, Babak Behnam Azad
The Expression of Religious Bias in the Evaluation of Foreign-Trained Job Applicants, Caroline Bennett-AbuAyyash
Biological Inheritance and the Social Order in Late-Victorian Fiction and Science, Sherrin Berezowsky
Impact of Geomagnetically Induced Currents on Power Transformers, Jonathan E. Berge
Characterization of Quadriceps Neuromuscular Function in Knee Osteoarthritis, Michael James Berger
Time-Domain Macromodeling of High Speed Distributed Networks, Amir Beygi
Exemplary Practice: Inscribing Conduct Along Upper Canada's Early Frontier, Tim Bisha
Purine Transport and Metabolism in Microvascular Endothelial Cells, Derek B J Bone
Contributions of Signal-detection Mechanisms and Semantic Memory Representations to Famous Name Recognition, Ben P. Bowles
Strategies for Waveform Tomography of Long-Offset, 2-D Exploration Seismic Data, Andrew J. Brenders
The Prejudice Paradox (Or Discrimination Is Not Dead): Systematic Discrimination In Forced Choice Employment Decisions, Paula M. Brochu
Mitochondrial metabolic suppression and reactive oxygen species production during hypometabolism in mammals, Jason CL Brown
Mechanistic Mixed-Mode Failure Criterion for Continuous Fiber-Polymer Composites, Thomas P. Bruce
Life Among the Machines: James Joyce's Ulysses and Early Twentieth-Century Technology, Patrick Casey
Dissecting the molecular role of distinct binding interfaces on the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor in growth control and tumorigenesis., Matthew J. Cecchini
Exploring the Chemistry of Cyclopentadienyl-Cobalt-Cyclobutadiene (CpCoCb) Complexes and Synthesis of Side-Chain CpCoCb Polymers, Preeti Chadha
Bifurcations and Stability in Models of Infectious Diseases, Bernard S. Chan
Contextual control of orienting eye-head gaze shifts in the monkey, Brendan B. Chapman
Solving Polynomial Systems via Triangular Decomposition, Changbo Chen
Real Options Models in Real Estate, Jin Won Choi
Social Money: Literary Engagements with Economics in Early Modern English Drama, Myungjin Choi
Ergodicity and seismicity clustering with applications in statistical seismology, Nelson Cho
Heuristics, Concepts, and Cognitive Architecture: Toward Understanding How The Mind Works, Sheldon J. Chow
Mutant Cx43 in Skin Differentiation and Disease, Jared M. Churko
The Vatican, American Catholics and the Struggle for Palestine, 1917-1958: A Study of Cold War Roman Catholic Transnationalism, Adriano E. Ciani
Structural Characterization of HIP2 Enzyme Interactions in Ubiquitination, Benjamin W. Cook
The Effects of Low Protein during Gestation on Mouse Pancreas Development and Beta Cell Regeneration, Aaron R. Cox
Non-Quiet Listening for Children with Hearing Loss: An Evaluation of Amplification Needs and Strategies, Jeff Crukley
Some Single and Combined Operations on Formal Languages: Algebraic Properties and Complexity, Bo Cui
Magnetic diffusion in star formation: From clouds to cores to stars to disks, Wolfgang B. Dapp
Magnetic Excitations in Cylindrical Multilayered Nanostructures, Tushar K. Das
Immediacy and Aesthetic Remediation in Television and Digital Media: Mass Media’s Challenge to the Democratization of Media Production, Michael S. Daubs
The Research to Practice Gap in the Identification and Instruction of Students at Risk for Reading Disabilities: Teachers' Perspectives, Katherine Davidson
Energy Efficient Reduced Complexity Multi-Service, Multi-Channel Scheduling Techniques, Dan J. Dechene
Validation and Application of Wind Profiler Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence, Armin Dehghan
Regional Specification of the Xenopus Lateral Plate Mesoderm, Steven J. Deimling
Advanced Islanded-Mode Control of Microgrids, Mohammad Bagher Delghavi
Advances in Graph-Cut Optimization: Multi-Surface Models, Label Costs, and Hierarchical Costs, Andrew T. Delong
Mexican Temporary Agricultural Workers in Canada: a Language and Migration Approach, Maria Eugenia De Luna Villalón
Acquisition de la liaison et de l'enchaînement en français L2 : le rôle de la fréquence, Nadine Odette de Moras
Arrangements of Submanifolds and the Tangent Bundle Complement, Priyavrat Deshpande
Optical Power Splitting Techniques Using Photonic Crystal Line Defect Waveguides, Rajat Dey
Geotechnique, Physico-chemical Behaviour and a New Erosion Model for Mine Tailings under Environmental Loading, Rozalina S. Dimitrova
Design and Syntheses of Fluorescent Cytosine Analogues, David W. Dodd
The effects of leg length discrepancy on gait and balance, Colin E. Dombroski
States of Insurgency: Dismemberment and Citizenship in the American 1848, David J. Drysdale
Aristotle’s Naïve Somatism, Alain E. Ducharme
Understanding the Roles of Physiotherapists Within Ontario Primary Health Care Teams: A Mixed Methods Inquiry, Sinead P. Dufour
Active Learning with Generalized Queries, Jun Du
An Observational Assessment of Peer Group Contributions to Adolescent Identity Development, Tara M. Dumas
Re-forging the smith: an interdisciplinary study of smithing motifs in Völuspá and Völundarkviða, Leif Einarson
Enhancement of Biohydrogen and Biomethane Production from Wastes Using Ultrasonication, Elsayed Elrefaey Elbeshbishy
Dynamic and Static Performance of Large-Capacity Helical Piles in Cohesive Soils, Mohamed A. Elkasabgy
Investigation of Hybrid Monopile-Footing Foundation Systems Subjected to Combined Loading, Mohamed El-Marassi
Experimental and Numerical Development of Anchor-Jointed Precast Structural Wall System and Optimum Design of Prestressed Slabs, Mohamed El Semelawy
Predicting Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions: Mechanistic and Clinical Implications, Abdelbaset A. Elzagallaai
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Electrostatic Precipitator Using Hybrid Finite Element - Flux Corrected Transport Technique, Niloofar Farnoosh
Aristotle's Concept of Nature: Three Tensions, W.W. Nicholas Fawcett
Development of an Active Elbow Motion Simulator and Coordinate Systems to Evaluate Kinematics in Multiple Positions, Louis M. Ferreira
Depressive symptoms in mothers of children with new-onset epilepsy: a prospective study, Mark Anthony Ferro
Constructing Categories, Imagining a Nation: A Critical Qualitative Analysis of Canadian Immigration Discourse, Andrea R. Flynn
Development and Testing of a Low Vision Product Selection Instrument (LV-PSI): A Mixed-Methods Approach, Daniel Fok
The Impact of Human Capital and Organizational Characteristics on the Business Value of Information Technology, Shady Fraiha
Stable isotope analyses of bat fur: Applications for investigating North American bat migration, Erin E. Fraser
Effects of methamphetamine on sexual behavior, Karla S. Frohmader
Touching Bodies/Bodies Touching: The Ethics of Touch in Victorian Literature (1860-1900), Ann M.C. Gagne
Rational Design and Advanced Fabrication of Metallic Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Betty Cristina Galarreta
Decoding motor intentions from human brain activity, Jason P. Gallivan
Characteristic Polynomial of Arrangements and Multiarrangements, Mehdi Garrousian
The Analysis of Extreme Synoptic Winds, David A. Gatey
Morpho-physiological analysis of interneuronal populations in the rat piriform cortex before and after kindling induced epilepsy, Cezar Gavrilovici
The Life Cycle of Pannexins: Trafficking, Cell Surface Dynamics, Turnover and Degradation, Ruchi Gehi
"Ça devient une question d’être maîtres chez nous”: The Canadiens, Nordiques, and the Politics of Québécois Nationalism, 1979-1984, Terry Gitersos
Feeling Better: The Therapeutic Drug in Modernism, Philip Glennie
Descent Systems, Eulerian Polynomials and Toric Varieties, Letitia Mihaela Golubitsky
GKM theory of rationally smooth group embeddings, Richard P. Gonzales
In Vivo Cellular MRI In Experimental Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury, Laura E. Gonzalez-Lara
Representation of Somatosensory Afferents in the Cortical Autonomic Network, Ruma Goswami
ATPase Regulation in the Maltose Transporter, Alister D. Gould
The importance of self-efficacy and basic psychological needs in children’s physical activity: Measurement, prediction and intervention, Casey E. Gray
Austerity in America, Stephen R. Gray Jibb
The Powered Generation: Canadians, Electricity, and Everyday Life, Dorotea Gucciardo
The Effect of Biomechanical and Biochemical Factors on Endothelial Cells: Relevance to Atherosclerosis, Qiuquan Guo
A Model, Leah K. Hamilton
Audible Acoustic Emissions for Monitoring High-Shear Granulation, Erin M. Hansuld
Mechanisms behind the success of exercise as an adjunct quit smoking aid, Therese M. Harper
The Power of Silence and the Price of Success: Academic Achievement as Transformational Resistance for Aboriginal Women, Dawn M. Harvard
Measurement of Dynamic Temperatures and Pressures in Nuclear Power Plants, Hashem M. Hashemian
The Moderating Effect of Reciprocity Beliefs on Work Outcomes, Stephanie Hastings
Quantum Coherence and Interference in Metallic Photonic Crystals and Hybrid Systems, Ali Hatef
High power systems for dynamic field control and shielding in the MR environment, Dustin W. Haw
Meta-heuristic Strategies in Scientific Judgment, Spencer P. Hey
Convection Due to Spatially Distributed Heating, Mohammad Zakir Hossain
Pushing the Boundaries in Gradient and Shim Design for MRI, Parisa Hudson
Structure and Strength: Anisotropic Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogels and Spider Mite Silk Fibres, Stephen Hudson
Trace metal limitation and its role in oxidative stress of coral algal symbionts; implications for thermally induced coral bleaching events., Katrina Lynn Iglic
Synthesis of One-Dimensional And Two-Dimensional Carbon Based Nanomaterials, Mihnea Ioan Ionescu
Fabrication, Modification and Application of Visible Light Responsive TiO2 Nanotubes, Tayirjan Taylor Isimjan
Strategies for the Thermal and Photochemical Modification of Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) and the Fabrication of AuNP Hybrid Materials, Hossein Ismaili
Effects of Internals Configurations on Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Bubble Columns - With and Without Solid Particles, Anil Kumar Jhawar
Nanoplasmonic Sensors based on Periodic Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles, Hao Jiang
Asymptotic Theory of General Multivariate GARCH Models, Weibin Jiang
Essays On Entrepreneurial Financing, Ye Jia
Elucidating the genetic determinants of the archetypal complex disease hypertriglyceridemia, Christopher T. Johansen
The Other Sides of Billy Joel: Six Case Studies Revealing the Sociologist, the Balladeer, and the Historian, A. Morgan Jones
Evaluation of Wind-Induced Resuspension on the Performance of a Mine Tailings Storage Facility, Laxmi Kant Kachhwal
Investigating Performance and Reliability of Process Bus Networks for Digital Protective Relaying, Mitalkumar Kanabar
Transition Metal Complexes with Reactive Trimethylsilylchalcogenolate Ligands: Precursors for the Preparation of Ternary Nanoclusters, Chhatra Bahadur Khadka
Noms composés en turc et morphème -(s)I, Volha Kharytonava
Bulk density of small meteoroids, Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya Eluo
Strategies for Reducing the Impact of Tumour Motion During Helical Tomotherapy, Bryan Kim
Fatigue and Mobility Post-Stroke, Svetlana Knorr
An Analytical and Numerical Treatment of Inclined Elliptical Orbits About a Kerr Black Hole, Peter G. Komorowski
Workflow-Net Based Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems, Yehia T. Kotb
Do I feel dissonance over you? Sex differences in the experience of dissonance for romantic partners, Sandra D. Lackenbauer
Corporeal Returns: Theatrical Embodiment and Spectator Response in Early Modern Drama, Caroline R. Lamb
The Professional Practice Leader: The role of organizational power and personal influence in creating a professional practice environment for nurses, Sara L. Lankshear
The Utility and Feasibility of Metric Calibration for Basic Psychological Research, Etienne LeBel
The Structural Importance of Consumer Networks, Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee
A Self-Regulation Model of Depression: Content of Cognitive Representations and Prediction of Treatment Seeking, Catherine Leite
Exploring Bacterial Nanowires: From Properties to Functions and Implications, Kar Man Leung
Exploring Process Dissociation as a Tool for Investigating Discrimination in Hiring Situations, Rhys J. Lewis
Particle Attrition with Supersonic Nozzles in a High Temperature Fluidized Bed, Feng Li
Classic Mosaics and Visual Correspondence via Graph-Cut based Energy Optimization, Yu Liu
From Isolated Tumour Cells to Overt Lymph Node Metastases: Biological and Imaging Studies on the Development of Experimental Lymph Node Metastases, Michael M. Lizardo
Advances In Internal Model Principle Control Theory, Jin Lu
Innovation Practice Transfer and Capability Development within the Multinational Enterprise, Nathaniel C. Lupton
Generalized Exponential Models with Applications, Iman Mabrouk
Learning from the Enemy: Identity, Conflict, and Inter-Organizational Learning, Patricia Anne MacDonald
Metastatic Disease: Interactions Between Tumor Cells and Host Environment During Cancer Cell Spread, Jennifer M. MacLean
Diagnostic Checking, Time Series and Regression, Esam Mahdi
Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Point Cloud Data via Progressive Local Mesh Matching, Ji Ma
Workplace Commitment and Employee Well-Being: A Meta-analysis and Study of Commitment Profiles, Elyse R. Maltin
Emergence and Reduction in Science. A Case Study, Alexandru Manafu
Thermal Plume Transport From Sand and Gravel Pits Potential Thermal Impacts on Cool-Water Streams, Jeffrey M. Markle
Uncovering New Bonding Motifs: The Synthesis of Chalcogen and Phosphorus Complexes Supported by Nitrogen Based Ligands, Caleb D. Martin
Development of a Cohesion Inventory for Children's Sport Teams, Luc J. Martin
The Role of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in the Intestinal Immune System and the Response to Probiotics, Andrew J. Martins
Interplay of masculinity and schooling in rural Zimbabwe, Alfred Masinire
The Use of Capacity as an Indicator of Automatic Processing: Is Smoking Automatic?, Agnes A. Massak
Quantification of Pulmonary Ventilation using Hyperpolarized 3He Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Lindsay Mathew
On the early onset of vascular stiffening and sexual dimorphism of sympathetic control in the spontaneously hypertensive rat, Louis Mattar
Analyzing Epidemics in New France: The Measles Epidemic of 1714-15, Ryan M. Mazan
The CEO Effect: A Longitudinal, Multi-Level Analysis of the Relationship Between Executive Orientation and Corporate Social Strategy, Daina D. Mazutis
A Collection of Portfolio Management Issues, Mike McCausland
Investigation of Subchondral Bone Abnormalities associated with Osteoarthritis using Image-Based Biomechanics, David D. McErlain
Romantic Anarche: The Philosophical and Literary Anarchism of William Godwin, Jared M. McGeough
Prehabilitation for total knee arthroplasty: A patient-centred approach to maximizing surgical outcomes, Carly D. McKay
Ethical Challenges in Cluster Randomized Trials, Andrew McRae
Improving Search Engine Results by Query Extension and Categorization, Guo Mei
On Developing Novel Energy-Relates Nanostructured Materials by Atomic Layer Deposition, Xiangbo Meng
Late Pleistocene climate and proboscidean paleoecology in North America: Insights from stable isotope compositions of skeletal remains, Jessica Z. Metcalfe
Seismic Microzonation of Great Toronto Area and Influence of Building Resonances on Measured Soil Responses, Dimitar Genchev Mihaylov
Critical Stages in Viral Replication - Entry, Gene Regulation and Egress, Matthew S. Miller
Models, Techniques, and Metrics for Managing Risk in Software Engineering, Andriy Miranskyy
Vulnerability of Adolescents to HIV/AIDS in Malawi, Paul Mkandawire
Noncommutative complex geometry of quantum projective spaces, Ali Moatadelro
Authentic Occupational Therapy: A genealogy of normative technology in occupational therapy, Daniel K. Molke Mr.
Red de comunicación jesuita desde la Misión de Moxos, Carlos-Urani Montiel
Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenolic Compounds in Water: Irradiation and Kinetic Modeling, Jesus Moreira del Rio
New Synthetic Methodologies Directed toward Pharmacologically Active Compounds as well as Silole Based Chromophores for Analytical and Optoelectronic Applications, Mahmoud M. Abd Rabo Moustafa
Design and Syntheses of Novel Quenchers for Fluorescent Hybridization Probes, Mohamed Moustafa
Reliable and High-Performance Hardware Architectures for the Advanced Encryption Standard/Galois Counter Mode, Mehran Mozaffari-Kermani
Planar Photonic Crystal for Biosensor Applications, Anil Kumar Mudraboyina
Development of a Novel TiO2-polymeric Photocatalyst for Water Purification both under UV and Solar illuminations, Debjani Mukherjee
Finding Faulty Functions From the Traces of Field Failures, Syed Shariyar Murtaza
Coupled heat and water transport in frozen soils, Ranjeet M. Nagare
Numerical Simulation of Tornado-like Vortices, Diwakar Natarajan
Motivational Coaching: Its Efficacy as an Obesity Intervention and a Profile of Professional Coaches, Courtney E. Newnham-Kanas
Client-Provider Relationships in a Community Health Clinic for People Experiencing Homelessness: A Critical Ethnography, Abram Oudshoorn
Thermodynamics, Hydrodynamics and Critical Phenomena in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories, Christopher Pagnutti
Algorithmic Contributions to the Theory of Regular Chains, Wei Pan
Structure and Dynamics of the Membrane Protein Bacteriorhodopsin Studied by Mass Spectrometry, Yan Pan
A phenomenological inquiry into the embodied nature of occupation at end-of-life, Anna Park Lala
Structure-Function Analysis of Enzymes of the Polyisoprenyl-Phosphate Hexose-1-Phosphate Transferase family, Kinnari B. Patel
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies on the Oxidation Processes of Nickel, Chromium and their Alloys, Bradley P. Payne
El Gracioso en el Teatro de Calderón: Un Análisis desde las Humanidades Digitales, Miriam A. Peña-Pimentel
An Investigation of Masked Priming Mechanisms in Binary Classification Tasks, Jason Perry
Carving Cognition at its Joints: Insights from the Interaction between Explicit and Implicit Social Cognition, Kurt R. Peters
Assessing and Improving 4D-CT Imaging for Radiotherapy Applications, Greg Pierce
The Complex Paragenetic History of Basal Negaunee Iron Formation Iron Ores, Tilden Mine, Marquette District, Upper Michigan, Natalie J. Pietrzak
General Education Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Developing "Interventionist" Beliefs and Practices, Michelle Pompeo
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Interactions of Phospholipid Membranes with Dehydroergosterol and Penetrating Peptides, Amir Mohsen Pourmousa Abkenar
Model Socialist Town, Two Decades Later: Contesting the Past in Nowa Huta, Poland, Kinga Pozniak
Investigating Interfacial Reactions of Silver-Containing Films Using Novel Methods, Sarah Danielle Pretty
Seeking the Self in Pigment and Pixels: Postmodernism, Art, and the Subject, Selma Purac
Effects of Work Environments on Nursing and Patient Outcomes, Nancy M. Purdy
Brassinosteroid-mediated stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana, Tawhidur Rahman
Addressing Computational Complexity of High Speed Distributed Circuits Using Model Order Reduction, Ehsan Rasekh
A model system in landscape genetics – the insect inhabitants of pitcher plants, Gordana Gojko Rasic
A Usability Maturity Model for Open Source Software, Arif Raza
Structural Role of S100 Proteins in Membrane Repair, Atoosa Rezvanpour
The Olympic Games and the Secret Cold War: The U.S. Government and the Propaganda Campaign Against Communist Sport, 1950-1960, Toby C. Rider
The Regulation of Cell Division and Neurogenesis by the Chromatin Remodeling Protein ATRX, Kieran L. Ritchie
Attitude Estimation and Control of VTOL UAVs, Andrew D. Roberts
Magnetic Field Effects On The Neuroprocessing Of Pain, John A. Robertson
A Social Relations Analysis of Transactive Memory in Groups, Sarah J. Ross
Real-time Three-dimensional Photoacoustic Imaging, Michael B. Roumeliotis
Numerical simulations of composition changes in the high latitude thermosphere during disturbed conditions, Albert T. Russell
Modeling Lung Tissue Motions and Deformations: Applications in Tumor Ablative Procedures, Ali Sadeghi Naini
Reactivity of Dimethylplatinum (II) Complexes, Muhieddine A. Safa
Myth, Language, Empire: The East India Company and the Construction of British India, 1757-1857, Nida Sajid
Control and Power Supply for Resistance Spot Welding (RSW), Meranda Salem
The Behaviour of Cement Stabilized Clay At High Water Contents, Saeed Sasanian
FEM-FCT Based Dynamic Simulation of Trichel Pulse Corona Discharge in Point-Plane Configuration, Paria Sattari
Total Men!: Literature, Nationalism, and Mascuilinity in Early Canada, Aaron J. Schneider
Maternal and Fetal Plasma Protein Changes in Fetal Growth Restriction, Maxim D. Seferovic
Functional Coatings: Superhydrophopbic And Conductive Coatings, Seyed Amirhossein Seyedmehdi
Investigation on Rheology of Oil Well Cement Slurries, Anjuman Shahriar
Investigation of Ash Deposition During Co-Firing Biomass/Peat with Coal in a Pilot-Scale Fluidized-Bed Reactor, Yuanyuan Shao
The characteristics of successful evidence retrieval by nephrologists and the impact of PubMed search filters, Salimah Shariff
The Effect of the Environment on the Corrosion Products and Corrosion Rates on Gas Transmission Pipelines, Brent Sherar
Fluid Percussion Injury in the Rat as an Animal Model of Concussion: Cumulative Effects of Repeated Concussion and its Treatment by Anti-CD11d Antibody, Sandy RC Shultz
Alternative Be/longing: Modernity and Material Culture in Bengali Cinema, 1947-1975, Suvadip Sinha
Sexual Differentiation in the Auditory System: An Investigation into Prenatal and Adult Sex Steroid Influences on Otoacoustic Emissions, Adrian W.K. Snihur
Uncertainty Estimation of Extreme Precipitations Under Climate Change: A Non-Parametric Approach, Tarana A. Solaiman
Early-Age Shrinkage of Ultra High-Performance Concrete: Mitigation and Compensating Mechanisms, Ahmed Mohammed Soliman
The Newsvendor Problem with Pricing, Craig Sorochuk
A Model System for Rapid Identification and Functional Testing of Genes Involved in Early Breast Cancer Progression, Lesley H. Souter
Extent, Characteristics and Downstream Effects of Stream Enclosure in Southwestern Ontario, Katie L. Stammler
A critical analysis of the factors that promote and support leadership and advocacy for people with lived experience with mental health problems or illness., Kathryn L. Storey
Development of Novel Nanomaterials for High-Performance and Low-Cost Fuel Cell Applications, Shuhui Sun
Experiences of Embodiment: Analysis of Muslim Women's Participation in Physical Activity, Natalie V.K Szudy
Septal Modulation of the Hippocampus, Siew Kian Tai
Confidence Interval Estimation for Continuous Outcomes in Cluster Randomization Trials, Julia Taleban
Vortex shedding from elongated bluff bodies, Zachary J. Taylor
A Descriptive Study Utilizing Grounded Theory: The Moral-Reasoning Process of Coaches, David M. Telles-Langdon
Planning, implementation, and formative evaluation of a food literacy program, Heather M. Thomas
The Vascular Link Between Intrauterine Hypoxia and Postnatal Cardiovascular Pathology, Jennifer A. Thompson
The intracellular behaviour of Burkholderia cenocepacia in murine macrophages, Jennifer S. Tolman
Hyperthermal H2 Induced C–H Bond Cleavage: A Novel Approach To Cross-linking Of Organic Molecules, Tomas Trebicky
Development of New Platforms for Efficient Production and Purification of Recombinant Protein in Higher Plants, Reynald Tremblay
Mechanisms of Atrial Arrhythmia: Investigations of the Neuro-Myogenic Interface in the Mouse, Jari Michael Tuomi
The Effects of Superovulation and Embryo Culture on Genomic Imprinting in a Mouse Model System, Brenna A. M. Velker
Rethinking Justice in Transitional Justice: An Examination of the Mãori Conception and Customary Mechanism of Justice, Stephanie Vieille
Students' Experiences Within a Community-Based Orchestral Music Education Program: A Phenomenological Exploration, Leigh C. Walter
Double Helical Hydrogen-Bonded AAA-DDD Complexes and Supramolecular Polymers, Hong-Bo Wang
Dissociable and Dynamic Components of Cognitive Control: A Developmental Electrophysiological Investigation, Matthew Waxer
International Chinese and Canadian Students' Experiences of Internationalization at a Canadian University, Linda J. Weber
A Rawlsian Idea of Deliberative Democracy, Angela D. White
Judging Covers by Their Books: Malleable Attractiveness Appraisals in Response to Belongingness Feedback, Christopher J. Wilbur
Overwintering energetics of Lepidoptera: the effects of winter warming and thermal variability., Caroline M. Williams
Hemodynamics in the Stenosed Carotid Bifurcation with Plaque Ulceration, Emily Y. Wong
Continued Sport Participation and the Negotiation of Constraints, Laura Wood
Socially Responsible Investment in a Changing World, Desheng Wu
Study of Malaria Transmission Dynamics by Mathematical Models, Yanyu Xiao
Essays on International Trade, Kai Xu
Fault Location and Incipient Fault Detection in Distribution Cables, Zhihan Xu