Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
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Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Trends In The Utilization of Antiglaucoma Medication: An Analysis of Canadian Drug Insurance Claims, Kwun (Bryan) Hung Chan
Cell Biology of the Entry of Bdellovibrio and Like Organisms, Ryan M. Chanyi
Surface Functionalization and Bioconjugation of Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, Longyan Chen
The Development of L-tectonites in High-strain Zone Settings: A Multiscale Modeling Investigation, Weiyin Chen
The Role Of The RNA-Binding Protein Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor In The Cellular Stress Response, Kevin WH Cheung
A Software Design Pattern Based Approach to Auto Dynamic Difficulty in Video Games, Muhammad Iftekher Chowdhury
Mindfulness Meditation versus EEG-Alpha Neurofeedback: The Role of EEG-Alpha Enhancement in Attentional Control, Theodore Chow
Statistical methods for the analysis of RNA sequencing data, Man-Kee Maggie Chu
Building a Community Art Garden: A Participatory Eco-Arts Based Educational Research Project, Beryl R. Cohen
Exploring Health Care Access for Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Living in Middlesex County, Ontario, Todd A. Coleman
A Phenomenological Study of Prescription Drug Abuse Among Children and Youth, Eric A. Collins
Before The World Was Quiet: Ronald Reagan, Cold War Foreign Policy, And The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Summer Games, Brad Congelio
I Am America: The Chicago Defender on Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, and Civil Rights, 1934-1975, Nevada Cooke
Diagnostic Accuracy of Tele-ophthalmology for Diabetic Retinopathy Assessment: A Meta-analysis and Economic Analysis, Andrea C. Coronado
The role of the arginine methyltransferase CARM1 in global transcriptional regulation., Niamh Coughlan
Early Adolescents' Experiences of Mental Health: A Mixed-Methods Investigation, Lisa-Marie Coulter
The Roles of Matrix-Associated Periostin in an In Vitro Model of Hypertrophic Scarring, Justin D. Crawford
International Service-Learning: Transformational Learning Through Experience, Shannan Lee Crowder
Regulation of the High-Affinity Choline Transporter Activity and Trafficking in Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Pathological Conditions, Leah K. Cuddy
Advances in image acquisition and filtering for MRI neuroimaging at 7 tesla, Andrew T. Curtis
Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Solid Circulating Fluidized Beds, Abbas Dadashi
Reinforcement of Flowable Dental Composites with Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes, Manal Dafar
Miniature Cone Penetration Test on Loose Sand, Sepideh Damavandinejad Monfared
Regulation of IGFBP-1 Phosphorylation in Hypoxia Via mTOR Signaling, Ian Damerill
Algorithms to Improve Performance of Wide Area Measurement Systems of Electric Power Systems, Sarasij Das
The Stress Process Model for Community-Dwelling Adults with Mental Disorders, Samantha Davie
Mixed Methods Pilot Study of Peri-Diagnostic Exercise Behaviour Change Among Women With Suspected Breast Cancer, Amy L. Deckert
I. Accurate 50-200 keV proton stopping cross sections in solids II. Lateral growth of Si wires on Si (100) substrate, Sergey Dedyulin
Design of Analog CMOS Circuits for Batteryless Implantable Telemetry Systems, Kyle G. A. De Gannes
Surface Modification of Aluminum Alloys by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation, Vahid Dehnavi
Tissue Engineering Scaffolds with Enhanced Oxygen Delivery Using a Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex, Tierney GB Deluzio
Deleuze's Apocalypse, Grant Dempsey
Maternal Control of Genomic Imprinting: Effects of Infertility and Ovarian Stimulation in a Mouse Model, Michelle M. Denomme
Image-based registration methods for quantification and compensation of prostate motion during trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy, Tharindu De Silva
The antisaccade task: Visual distractors elicit a location-independent planning 'cost', Jesse C. DeSimone
The X-ray View of Galaxies in Compact Groups and the Coma Cluster Infall Region, Tyler D. Desjardins
The Violence of Representation: The (Un) Narration of Palestine in Public Discursive Space in Canada, Peige Desjarlais
Observational Signatures from Self-Gravitating Protostellar Disks, Alexander L. DeSouza
Reactions to Refugees: Do Stronger Believers in a Just World Compensate, Dehumanize, and Perceive Refugees as More Responsible for their Status?, Amanda N. DeVaul-Fetters
Cultivating Better Brains: Transhumanism and its Critics on the Ethics of Enhancement Via Brain-computer Interfacing, Matthew Devlin
Cultural Resource Management and Aboriginal Engagement: Policy and Practice in Ontario Archaeology, Megan DeVries
Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams at Elevated Temperatures, Mohamed Diab
siRNA Targeting of Thymidylate Synthase, Thymidine Kinase 1 and Thymidine Kinase 2 as an Anticancer Therapy: A Combinatorial RNAi Approach, Christine Di Cresce
Covers Uncovered: A History of the "Cover Version," from Bing Crosby to the Flaming Lips, Sean Dineley
Determinants of Health Insurance Enrolment in Ghana's Upper West Region, Jenna Dixon
Numerical Simulation on Dilute Phase Pneumatic Transport, Ethan T. Doan
Regulation of SAGA by the N-terminus of Spt7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dominik Dobransky
Early Mechanisms of Retinal Degeneration in the harlequin Mouse, Eric Dolinar
The Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Speech Intelligibility in Oromandibular Dystonia, Beatriz Ysabel Domingo
Oligonucleotide Design for Whole Genome Tiling Arrays, Qin Dong
Essays on Labor Market in Indonesia, Xue Dong
Shifting Grounds: Judicial Review under NAFTA Chapter 11 and the Ratification of ICSID, Nolan Downer
Statecraft in the Virú Valley, Peru, in the First Millennium A.D., Jordan T. Downey
Exploring The Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry of Zwitterionic Main Group Compounds, Jonathan W. Dube
Encouraging Diversity And Multiculturalism In London, Ontario: A Case Study Of Two Elementary Schools, Abhilasha Duggal
Conversion Of Dimethyl-Ether to Olefins Over HZSM-5: Reactivity and Kinetic Modeling, Abdullah Saad Dughaither
Regulation of CRFR1 and 5-HT2AR by PDZ Domain-Containing Proteins SAP97 and PSD-95, Henry A. Dunn
When faces "feel" familiar: The role of affective signals in face recognition, Lauren E. Dunphy
Identification and characterization of cysteine protease genes in tobacco for use in recombinant protein production, Kishor Duwadi
A sensor view model to investigate the influence of tree crowns on effective urban thermal anisotropy, Daniel R. Dyce
Digital Generation and Radiation in Spherical-Void-Phase Porous Media, Nolan J. Dyck
Inter-relationships of functional status in children with cerebral palsy: An extension, Emily Dyszuk
Evaluation of Auditory Evoked Potentials as a Hearing aid Outcome Measure, Vijayalakshmi Easwar
Micro-Computed Tomography Semi-Empirical Beam Hardening Correction: Method And Application To Meteorites, David R. Edey
The Romantic Posthuman and Posthumanities, Elizabeth Effinger
Exploring Preschool Educators' Funds of Knowledge about Print Literacy Pedagogy through a Narrative Lens, Nazila Eisazadeh
Man Versus Food: An Analysis of 'Dude Food' Television and Public Health, Amy R. Eisner-Levine
Chemical Communication of Antibiotic Resistance by Highly Resistant Bacteria., Omar M. El-Halfawy
The Effects of RHAMM on Cell Division, Cell Motility, and Tumorigenesis, Sallie Elhayek
Learning during the Transition Period: How Identifying Executives as Designate CEOs Affects their Learning, Rida Mitri Elias
Knowledge Translation and the Governance of Health Research in Canada: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Kathleen S. Ellis
The Synthesis and Reactivity of Novel Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes and Progress Towards Pyrrolidine Alkaloids, Michael R. Emmett
Topographic Controls on N2O and N2 Efflux in a Temperate Forest, Eric M. Enanga
Through the Eyes of Children: First Nations Children's Perceptions of Health, Kyla Annui Ursa English
The Effect of Nutrition on the Microbiome in Pregnant Women and the Use of Micronutrient Supplemented Probiotic Yogurt to Improve Outcomes, Megan Kathleen Enos
Magnitude Estimation for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning Systems, Attieh Eshaghi
Probiotic therapy for heart failure: Investigating the potential anti-hypertrophic properties of probiotics, Grace L. Ettinger
The Contribution of Attachment Styles and Reassurance Seeking to Daily Mood and Relationship Quality in Romantic Couples, Lyndsay E. Evraire
Rural Heterosexual Female Adolescents' Decision-Making about Sexual Intercourse and Pregnancy in Ontario, Paulina Ezer
Tragedy, Ecstasy, Doom: Modernist Moods of "West Side Story", Andrew M. Falcao
Polyglyoxylates: a new class of triggerable self-immolative polymers, Bo Fan
Multinational Enterprise Parent-Foreign Subsidiary Governance, Bassam Elias Farah
A Photographer Develops: Reading Robinson, Rejlander, and Cameron, Jonathan R. Fardy
Runoff Generation In A Tropical Dry Forest Watershed: Processes, Patterns And Connectivity, Kegan K. Farrick
Nasopharyngeal method for selective brain cooling and development of a time-resolved near-infrared technique to monitor brain temperature and oxidation status during hypothermia, Mohammad Fazel Bakhsheshi
Star Cluster Populations in Compact Groups of Galaxies, Konstantin Fedotov
Erythropoietin and Chronic Kidney Disease Alter Hepatic Expression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Drug Transport Proteins, David A. Feere
The Role of the Ku70 vWA Domain in the Response to DNA Double Strand Breaks, Victoria L. Fell
Solid-phase Extraction as Sample Preparation for Bioassay-based Micropollutant Quantification, Chen Feng
Micromechanics Modeling of the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotude (CNT)- Polymer Nanocomposites, Chuang Feng
The Role of c-Kit Receptor Tyrosine Kinase in Beta-Cell Proliferation, Function and Survival, Zhi Chao Feng
Seismicity Processes in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada, Azadeh Fereidoni
Essays on Innovation and Consumer Credit, David E. Fieldhouse
Environmental Factors Influencing Spring Migration Chronology of Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis), Taylor A. Finger
Examining Children's Perceptions and Use of Their Neighbourhood Built Environments: A Novel Participatory Mapping Approach, Stephen Fitzpatrick
Transnational Conversations: The New Yorker and Canadian Short Story Writers, Nadine Fladd
The Application of Novel Donor Acceptor Cyclopropanes in the Synthesis of Linearly Fused Tricyclic Triazoles, Michelle E. Flisar
Peptidomimetic GHS-R1a Agonists as PET Imaging Agents for Prostate Cancer, Milan M. Fowkes
Automated Image Interpretation for Science Autonomy in Robotic Planetary Exploration, Raymond Francis
Calmly Coping: A Motivational Interviewing via Co-Active Life Coaching (MI-via-CALC) Intervention For University Students Suffering From Stress, Rebecca R. Fried
Effects of Reduced Muscular Strength on Running Kinematics Relating to the Planus Foot, Adam D. Froats
Characterization of Fine Powders and Development of Processes for Powder Coatings, Jing Fu
Reporting Sexual Violence in School: Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude and Behaviours, Ronit Futerman
Our Stories: Inuit Teachers Create Counter Narratives and Disrupt the Status Quo, Dawn E L Fyn
A Wishy-Washy, Sort-of-Feeling: Episodes in the History of the Wishy-Washy Aesthetic, Amy Gaizauskas
Valuation and Risk Measurement of Guaranteed Annuity Options under Stochastic Environment, Huan Gao
Social immunity and the expression of immune-related genes in the Eastern subterranean termite, Qi Gao
Adaptive relay techniques for OFDM-based cooperative communication systems, Xin Gao
The Clinic Narrative: A Multiple Case Study of Integrated Knowledge Translation and Equity-Oriented Primary Health Care, Christine A. Garinger
A Health Promotion Perspective On Transitioning Into Retirement, Catherine P. Gelinas
A comparison of community composition analyses for the assessment of responses to wood-ash soil amendment by free-living nematodes, Paul B.L. George
Numerical Modeling of Deformation, Oscillation, Spreading and Collision Characteristics of Droplets in an Electric Field, Osameh Ghazian
The Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure of Moral Orientation, Erica A. Giammarco
How attention and beat perception modulate neural entrainment to rhythm, Aaron WC Gibbings
Development of an In-Vitro Passive and Active Motion Simulator for the Investigation of Shoulder Function and Kinematics, Joshua W. Giles
Statistical Summaries in Action: Evidence from the Antisaccade Task, Caitlin Gillen
Peat as an Archive of Remote Mercury Deposition in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada, William James Goacher
Motivational Interviewing via Co-Active Life Coaching Intervention for Women Seeking a more Physically Active Lifestyle, Andrea M. Goddard
KISS1R Signaling Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis, Cameron G-F Goertzen
Investigation of the Crystallization of DNL-6 and FT-Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Guest Molecules in MOFs, Maxwell Goldman
Optimizing the Analysis of Electroencephalographic Data by Dynamic Graphs, Mehrsasadat Golestaneh
Humidity Effect on the Structure of Electrospun Core-Shell PCL-PEG Fibers for Tissue Regeneration Applications, Adam P. Golin
Enrichment Programming for Secondary School Gifted Students: A Narrative Inquiry, Melissa D. Gollan-Wills
Childhood Abuse and Neglect: A Profile of Associated Risk Factors for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Jennifer P. Gomez
Metabolic Correlates in Spinal Cord Compression Measured by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Motor and Sensory Cortices, Sandy Goncalves
Sub-Inhibitory Antibiotics Enhance Virulence, Persistence, and Pathogenesis of Uropathogens, Lee W. Goneau
Specific Cognitive Domains Associated with Gait Performance in Mild Cognitive Impairment, Elyse M. Gordon
Older Woman Workers: Met and Unmet Needs for Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace, Gillian Gorfine
Quantitative MRI correlates of hippocampal and neocortical pathology in intractable temporal lobe epilepsy, Maged Goubran
Community Physiotherapy and Chronic Disease Self-Management for Rural Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Laura J. Graham
Maximal motor unit discharge rates of the medial and lateral gastrocnemeii of young males, Mitchell T. Graham
“Soldiers First”: The Evolution of Training for Peacekeeping in the Canadian Forces, 1956-2000, Trista L. Grant-Waddell
Deep Learning via Stacked Sparse Autoencoders for Automated Voxel-Wise Brain Parcellation Based on Functional Connectivity, Céline Gravelines
Move More Mommy: A Web-Based Physical Activity Intervention for Postnatal Women (Pilot Study), Sarah Gray
International Student-Athletes in Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS): Motivations and Experiences, Daniel L. Grbac
Contribution of Gypsum-board Sheathing to the Compressive Resistance of Wood Studs Subjected to Gravitational Loads, Daniel J. Grenier
The Effects of Age and Long-Term Endurance Training on VO2 Kinetics, Tyler M. Grey
Nitrogen fixation by the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme in response to variation in nitrogen availability, temperature, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations, Danielle A. Griffith
Exploring The Reactivity Of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes And The Synthesis Of (+/-)-Quebrachamine, Huck K. Grover
Novel Mechanisms In The Sorting Of Proglucagon To The Secretory Granules Of The Regulated Secretory Pathway, Leonard M. Guizzetti
The Effects of Atypical Protein Kinase C on TGFβ Signalling, Adrian D. Gunaratne
Mechanism of Dissolution of High Valence Lead Oxides in Water Under Depleting Chlorine Conditions, Daoping Guo
Enhancement of Biohydrogen Production from Co-Fermentation of Glucose, Starch, and Cellulose, Medhavi Gupta
Comprehensive STATCOM Control For Distribution And Transmission System Applications, Shubham Gupta
A Molecular Simulation Study on Micelle Fragmentation and Wetting in Nano-Confined Channels, Mona Habibi
Design and Development of a Surgical Robot for Needle-Based Medical Interventions, Mostafa Hadavand
Ultrasound-Guided Mechatronic System for Targeted Delivery of Cell-Based Cancer Vaccine Immunotherapy in Preclinical Models, Adem Nadjib Hadj Boussaad
Multi-sector Service Use by Children in Contact with Ontario Mental Health Agencies, Christian M. Hahn
The Experiences of Black Men Living with Hypertension in Ontario, Canada: A Critical Narrative Study, Rob Haile
Transitioning to Motherhood After Trauma: Interacting With the Healthcare System, Karen E. Haines
The Adolescent Experience Of Motivational Interviewing-Via-Co-Active Life Coaching As A Motivational Intervention: A Constructivist Grounded Theory, Elizabeth A. Hall
Numerical and Experimental Studies of Transmission Lines Subjected to Tornadoes, Ahmed Hamada
Functional Assessment and Potential Therapeutic Role of Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecule-‐3 in a Rodent Model of Compartment Syndrome, Al Walid Hamam
Executive Dysfunction: A Contributor to Subtypes of Violence or General Criminality?, Megan B. Hancock
Efficient algorithms for local forest similarity and forest pattern matching, Fang Han
Statistical Applications in Wildfire Management and Prediction, Lengyi Han
Tournaments, Rankings, and Time Crunches: Exploring the use of Competition Technologies in the Classroom, Cortney Hanna
Economic Evaluation of Potential Applications of Gene Expression Profiling in Clinical Oncology, Malek Hannouf
Assessing and responding to parental alienation cases: Does gender matter in Canadian court decisions?, Bryanne M. Harris
Intensity Based Non-rigid Registration of 3D Whole Mouse Optical and MR Image Volumes, Jacqueline Kathleen Harris
From Their Perspective: How Adolescents and Young Adults Experience and Conceptualize Life and Occupation Surrounding Parental Divorce or Separation, Laura R. Hartman
BM3D Image Denoising using SSIM Optimized Wiener Filter, Mahmud Hasan
Adaptive Edge-guided Block-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D) Image Denoising Algorithm, Mohammad Mahedi Hasan
Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow in a Liquid Cross-Flow and an Effervescent Atomizer, Mona Hassanzadeh Jobehdar
Integrating Spirituality and Medical Education: What Students and Teachers Have to Say - A Qualitative Study, Sharon N. Hatcher
New Opportunities in Digital Archaeology: The Use of Low-Cost Photogrammetry for 3D Documentation of Archaeological Objects from Banks Island, NWT, Colleen Haukaas
Contextual Anomaly Detection Framework for Big Sensor Data, Michael Hayes
‘First Among Equals:’ The Development of Preponderant Federalisms in Upper Canada and Ontario to 1896, Daniel H. Heidt
Exposure to Environmental Contaminants and Stress as Determinants of Health in Three Communities: Walpole Island and Attawapiskat First Nations and Naivasha, Kenya, Deirdre Phaedra Henley
Producing Undecidability: Placing History in the Work of Jacques Rancière, Scott Herder
Unmasking the Protester: The Meanings and Myths of Collective Civil Resistance Movements in African American and Polish Postresistance Prose Fiction, Agnieszka Herra
Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Gold Nanoclusters, Mahdi Hesari
Functional role of the striatum in stimulus-response learning: Evidence from functional MRI and patients with Parkinson's disease, Nole M. Hiebert
Three Models for Educating for Empathy and Humanization through Values Dialogue in Secondary School Classes, Adam J. Hill
Investigating Barriers to Access and Delivery of Palliative Care for Persons with Dementia in London, Ontario, Emily M. Hill
The Late Quaternary Paleolimnology of Lake Ontario, Ryan Hladyniuk
What Lies Behind: Speculations on the Real and the Willful, Barbara Hobot
Effect of Photoperiod on Redox Regulation of Phenotypic Plasticity and Cellular Growth in Chlorella vulgaris, Lauren E. Hollis
Bone Sialoprotein and Osteopontin Mediate Bone Development, Erik Martin Holm
Primary health service use by mothers and children from London-Middlesex, Ontario, Catherine Holtz
Theorizing 'Transitional Justice', David Anton Hoogenboom
Developmental associations of self-reported body mass and depressive symptoms: A longitudinal examination of the transition from adolescence to young adulthood, Setareh Hooshmand
A Comparative Analysis of Neoliberal Education Reform and Music Education in England and Ontario, Canada, Stephanie Horsley
Attention to Competition: The Role of Managerial Cognition in Shaping the Response to Competitive Actions, Mehdi Hossein Nejad
Laser-Assisted Surface Modification of Hybrid Hydrogels to Prevent Bacterial Contamination and Protein Fouling, Guobang Huang
Reductive Depolymerization of Kraft Lignin for Chemicals and Fuels Using Formic Acid as a In-Situ Hydrogen Source, Shanhua Huang
Nitrate sources and lake response in high elevation lakes, Uinta Mountains, Utah, Beth J. Hundey
Analytic Network Process (ANP) for Housing Quality Evaluation: A Case Study in Ghana, Lucia Kafui Hussey
Performance Implications Of Rear Foot Movement In The Swimming Kick Start, Amber C. Hutchinson
Signaling Events During Extraembryonic Endoderm Differentiation, Jason Taek Ki Hwang
ILK modulates stress-induced apoptosis in epidermal keratinocytes, Michelle Im
Energy Based Multi-Model Fitting and Matching Problems, Hossam N. Isack
Thickening of Mature Fine Oil Sands Tailings, Shriful Islam
The hydrodynamic behavior of an inverse liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed, Amin Jaberi
Global Citizenship Through the Eyes of the Grade Seven Elementary Students: A Case Study, Eva Jaberi
A RHOG/ILK/ELMO2/RAC1 Pathways Modulates Microtubule Stability, Bradley C. Jackson
Synthesis Of Carbohydrate Functionalized Dendrons For Use As Multivalent Scaffold And In Self-Assembled Structures, Namrata Jain
Low temperature tolerance of adult Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Ruth Jakobs
Extending and Merging the Purple Crow Lidar Temperature Rayleigh and Vibrational Raman Climatologies, Ali Jalali
Mechanistic Failure Criterion for Unidirectional and Random Fibre Polymer Composites, Jamaloddin Jamali
Self-Referential Processing: An Investigation of the Mediating Role of Alpha Power, Tanaz Javan
Optimization of p-Type CZTS Nanocrystal Thin Film Layers For Applications in Low Cost Photovoltaic Devices, Kyle S.B. Jeffs
Plasmonic Optical Sensors: Performance Analysis and Engineering Towards Biosensing, Peipei Jia
Essays on Portfolio Optimization, Simulation and Option Pricing, Zhibo Jia
Computing and Approximation Methods for the Distribution of Multivariate Aggregate Claims, Tao Jin
Assessing the Structural Validity of the Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20) in Children with Epilepsy, Kariym Christopher Joachim
miRNA Regulation of Programmed Cell Death-1 in T Cells: Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Markers in Melanoma, Nathan J. Johnston
A Bayesian Model of Stress Assignment in Reading, Olessia Jouravlev
Wind and Thermal Effects on Ground Mounted Photovoltaic (PV) Panels, Chowdhury Mohammad Jubayer
Employee Voice and Recipients' Appraisals/Reactions: The Effects Of Speech Style, Voice Type, and Voicer Status, Yongsuhk Jung
Evaluating the Similarity in Postures Between Forklift Operators in Virtual Reality and the Workplace, Youngmin Jun
Targeted Proteomics of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Kevin Gregory Kania
Morphological And Structural Mapping Of The Oudemans Impact Crater Layered Central Uplift, Mars, Bahareh Kasmai
Use of Microsoft Kinect in a dual camera setup for action recognition applications, Omar Ghassan Kayal
Tip-Enhances Raman Spectroscopy, Enabling Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale, Nastaran Kazemi Zanjani
Dynamic Resource Management in Virtualized Data Centres, Gaston Keller
Evolutionary and in silico analysis of the antiviral TRIM22 gene, Jenna Kelly
Investigating Risk Factors for Pediatric Opioid Morbidity and Mortality, Lauren E. Kelly
Immune function and infection status is related to migration distance and phases of the annual cycle in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Tosha R. Kelly
Proxy-based Mobile Computing Infrastructure, Azade Khalaj
On the Application of Mechanical Vibration in Robotics-Assisted Soft Tissue Intervention, Iman Khalaji
Mechanistics of Prothymosin alpha and Nrf2 in the Keap1-Nrf2 mediated Oxidative Stress Response, Halema Khan
Adaptive Real-Time Optimal Dispatch of Privately Owned Energy Storage Systems, Hadi Khani
Investigating Genotype-Phenotype relationship extraction from biomedical text, Maryam Khordad
A Critical Policy Analysis of Internationalization in Postsecondary Education : An Ontario Case Study, Ali Khorsandi Taskoh
Modeling and Control of Steerable Ablation Catheters, Mahta Khoshnam Tehrani
Characterization of Efferosome Maturation and the Processing of Apoptotic Bodies, Yohan Kim
The Book Beautiful: Aestheticism, Materiality, and Queer Books, Frederick D. King
Peatland-Stream Hydrological and Biogeochemical Connectivity in the James Bay Lowland, Ontario, Meghan Kline
Student Perspectives of Misbehaviour, Katie A. Knowlton
Learning to Prevent Burning and Fatigue: Teacher Burnout and Compassion Fatigue, Adam Koenig
An Empirical Investigation Of The Concept Of “Pornography”, Taylor A. Kohut
Response Of Soil Nitrification To The Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Monensin, Ivermectin And Zinc Bacitracin, Magda A. Konopka
Evaluating Human Performance for Image-Guided Surgical Tasks, Matthew Kenneth Kramers
Women's Stories of Breast Cancer: Sharing Information Through YouTube Video Blogs, Jenna Kressler
The Modalities of Roman Translation: Source-representative, Allusive, and Independent, James Kruck
Canadian University Early Admission Policies for Gifted and Talented Students, Waldemar P. Kruszynski
Biological and Contextual Correlates of Cortisol Reactivity in Early Childhood, Katie R. Kryski
Examining Social Participation of Older Adults to Help Create an Age Friendly Community, Oksana Kubach
Voices Count: Employing A Critical Narrative Research Bricolage For Insights Into Dyscalculia, Diana E. Kuhl
TAK1 Mediates TGF beta-1 Responses in Gingival Fibroblasts, Hanna Kuk
Influence of Water Chemistry Parameters on the Dissolution Rate of the Lead (II) Carbonate Hydrocerussite, Caitlin SE Kushnir
A Detailed Metallogenic Study of the McFaulds Lake Chromite Deposits, Northern Ontario, Jordan E. Laarman
The Promise and Problematic of the Virtual Eucharist Mass According To The Roman Catholic Church’s Position in “The Church and the Internet”, Andrew W. Labenek
Are Patients at the Centre of Care?: A Qualitative Exploration of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1), Kori A. LaDonna
Reconstructing the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Daily Life in the 19th Century City: A Historical GIS Approach, Donald Lafreniere
Study of Virus Dynamics by Mathematical Models, Xiulan Lai
A Surface Chemistry Study of the Effects of Zinc Sulphate on Sphalerite During Flotation Separation at the Laronde Mine, Dennis M. Laliberty
The Role of the Pre-Sensor 1 β Hairpin in Minichromosome Maintenance 2-7 Function, Simon K. W. Lam
The Role of miR-526b in COX-2 Mediated Human Breast Cancer Progression and Induction of Stem-Like Phenotype Via EP4 Receptor Signaling, Erin O. Landman
Navigating Life with HIV: The Lived Experiences of Youth Living with HIV, Tamara M M Landry
Application of Mn(III) Oxidative Cyclizations to Natural Product Synthesis, Bryan Landschoot
Regulation of the Kcnq1ot1 Imprinting Domain in Mouse, Lauren SM Landschoot
Literature in the Archive of Terror: Badiou, Blanchot, Beckett, Christopher Langlois
The Development and Application of a Forearm Simulator to Investigate Radial Head Biomechanics, Brent A. Lanting
Technology Based Mental Health Support Strategies for Youth, Kathleen S. Larion
The Impact of Obesity on Employment Participation and Earnings among Working-Age Women in Canada: Evidence from the NPHS Longitudinal Data, Samantha L. Larose
The effects of oar-shaft stiffness and length on rowing biomechanics, Brock Laschowski
Cell Death Regulates Injury and Inflammation During Renal Allograft Transplantation, Arthur Lau
The Inter-relationship between Core Language Skills and Social Competence in Preschool Children, Clarissa Lau
Establishing School Safety: Lessons Learned From a High Needs School, Jacqueline Lau
Pathophysiology of Compartment Syndrome, Abdel-Rahman Lawendy
Preservationist Aesthetics: Memory, Trauma and the New Global Enclosures, Kate Lawless
Land use interactions drive southwestern Ontario stream nutrient concentrations, Renee L. Lazor
Functional Transformations and Octatonality in Selected Works by George Crumb, Peter Lea
Quantitative Analysis of Relaxation Rate Dependence on Interecho Time in MagA-expressing, Iron-labeled Cells, Casey Yesol Lee
A Spatial Exploration of Institutional Investment in Canada for the Year 2010, Martin R. Lefebvre
Biomechanical Investigations of Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: Gait Analysis, Materials Testing and Dynamic Radiography, Kristyn Leitch
Music and Auditory Transportation: An Investigation of the Music Experience, Gail Leizerovici
Political Theology Versus Public Theology: Reclaiming the Heart of Christian Mission, Martin R. Levesque
The Politics of Honduran Schoolteachers: State Agents Challenge the State, Jordan D. Levy
New Ligands for Lanthanides and Transition Metals toward Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents, Melissa M. Lewis
Dynamic Image Processing for Guidance of Off-pump Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair, Feng Li
Interpretive Reproduction and Informal Music Learning in the Grade One Classroom, Leslie S. Linton
Brain tumor segmentation with minimal user assistance, Liqun Liu
Provincially-Funded Insulin Pump Therapy and Glycaemic Control: Real-World Experience in London, Ontario, Selina L. Liu
Role Of Nitric Oxide In Embryonic Heart Development And Adult Aortic Valve Disease, Yin Liu
Bidentate Ferrocenyl-Dithiol Reagents for Nanocluster Surface Functionalization, Yiyi Liu
The Doubly Adaptive LASSO Methods for Time Series Analysis, Zi Zhen Liu
Learners' Stories: A Study of Hong Kong Post-Secondary Students' English Learning Experiences and Identity Construction, Vickie Wai Kei Li
Design and Development of Magneto-Rheological Actuators with Application in Mobile Robotics, Wenjun Li
Risk models with dependence and perturbation, Zhong Li
Identifying the role of non-native species in the enhanced trophic transfer of mercury in the food web of Lake Erie, a North American Great Lake, Kaylin M.S. Liznick
Creativity as a Mental State: An EEG Study of Musical Improvisation, Joel A. Lopata
Small Businesses Encounters with Information Technology, Liliana Lopez Jimenez
Ultra High Field (7T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Intracranial Vessel Wall, Pablo Lopez-Ojeda
Obtaining a Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Experiences of Caregivers and Professionals, Erica R. Lundberg
Structural Variation and Local Service Delivery: Comparing Municipal Governments and Special Purpose Bodies, Joseph R. Lyons
Applying Probabilistic Methods to the NATO Military Load Classification System for Bridges, Andrew J. MacDonald
Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Robert Maciel
Experiences of biphobia, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among Ontarian bisexuals: A cross-sectional view of potential moderators, Melissa A. MacLeod
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Bis(trimethylsilyl)phosphido Complexes, Masoomeh Madadi
Media Literacy and the English as a Second Language Curriculum: A Curricular Critique and Dreams for the Future, Clara R. Madrenas
Modeling Pharmaceutical Risk-Sharing Agreements, Reza Mahjoub
Power Management Strategies for Islanded Microgrids, Hisham Mahmood
Hydrolytic Depolymerization of Lignin for the Preparation of Polyols and Rigid Polyurethane Foams, Nubla Mahmood
The “Other” athletes: Representations of disability in Canadian print media during the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Melinda A. Maika
The Integration and Evaluation of Humor and Positive Psychology Approaches to Well-Being, Nadia Maiolino
A CFD assisted control system design for supercritical water cooled reactor, Rohit V. Maitri
Torque Production of the Dorsiflexors During Lengthening Contractions at Different Velocities in Young and Old, Demetri Makrakos
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase confers resistance to chemotherapy and γ radiation to cancer cells, independent of direct immune involvement, Saman Maleki Vareki
Agricultural Interventions as a Means to Improving Food Security: Experiences of HIV/AIDS-Affected Households in Northern Malawi, Faith N. Mambulu
On The Parallelization Of Integer Polynomial Multiplication, Farnam Mansouri
A Computational Linguistic Approach towards Understanding Wikipedia's Article for Deletion (AfD) Discussions, Wanting Mao
Sade au bûcher. Lire, dire et penser la transgression à la lumière des supplices, Dominic Marion
Treatment of Synthetic Oil Sands Tailing Water with Activated Carbon, Alfredo Martinez Iglesias
Turning to see otherwise, Jennifer L. Martin
Improved Non-Local Means Algorithm Based on Dimensionality Reduction, Golam Morshed Maruf
The Effects of Ocean Acidification and Eutrophication on the Growth, Lipid Composition and Toxicity of the Marine Raphidophyte Heterosigma Akashiwo., Julia Rose Matheson
The effects of alcohol on different classes of motion perception, Steven J. Matson
Applications of Stochastic Control in Energy Real Options and Market Illiquidity, Christian Maxwell
Beyond the Neoliberal Imaginary: Investigating the Role of Critical Pedagogy in Higher Education, Melanie M. Mazier
Steam Gasification of Biomass Surrogates: Catalyst Development and Kinetic Modelling, A S M Jahirul Islam Mazumder
Mouse Models of Intervertebral Disc Development, Degeneration and Mechanical Loading, Matthew R. McCann
Thématiques dans les récits des enfants cachés dans l'univers catholique en France, Carmen P. McCarron
Graphic Drama: Reading Shakespeare in the Comics Medium, Russell H. McConnell
Fully Automated Segmentation and Quantification of Abdominal Adipose Tissue Compartments in Mouse MRI, Colin M. McCurdy
Motivation and the 40-hour community involvement program: Their relationship to identity status in first year university students, Michael A. McDonald
Come Together: An Exploration of Contemporary Participatory Art Practices, Karly A. McIntosh
Examining the Influence of Environmental Opportunities and Exposures on Children's Sleep Duration, Leanne B. McIntosh
Sox9 conditional knockdown reduces chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan expression, increases neuroplasticity, and improves motor function in a mouse model of spinal cord injury, William M. McKillop
Decreased Peak Muscle Power is Associated with Motor Unit Loss in the Lower Limb of Older Adults, Neal B. McKinnon
The Effects of Semantic Neighborhood Density on the Processing of Ambiguous Words, Mark J. McPhedran
Temperature and pH Imaging using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI Contrast, Nevin Neil Campbell McVicar
The Role of the Media in the Automatic Dehumanization of Refugees, Stelian Medianu
On The Applications of Lifting Techniques, Esmaeil Mehrabi
Attachment and Attention: An investigation of biases in attention as they relate to attachment security in infancy and adulthood, Paul J. Meinz
Maternal Employment During Infancy and Toddlerhood: Mechanisms for Associations with Childhood Overweight/Obesity in Canada, Nathalie Victoria Metzer
Influence of Polycaprolactone and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Gingival Fibroblasts, Sarah Michelsons
Options Pricing and Hedging in a Regime-Switching Volatility Model, Melissa A. Mielkie
Image Fusion and Axial Labeling of the Spine, Brandon Miles
Athletes in Song and Stone: Victory and Identity in Epinician and Epigram, Peter Miller
Seeing with sound: Investigating the behavioural applications and neural correlates of human echolocation, Jennifer L. Milne
A Photographic Ontology: Being Haunted Within The Blue Hour And Expanding Field, Colin E. Miner
Numerical Analysis of Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Condensers, Pooya Mirzabeygi
Role of Search, Human Capital and Learning in Occupational Mobility and Immigrant Assimilation, Masashi Miyairi
Posture-Dependent Projection-Based Force Reflection Algorithms for Bilateral Teleoperators, Ali Moatadelro
Pregestational Diabetes and Congenital Heart Defects: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species, Hoda Moazzen
Introduction of a Mobile Device Based Tertiary Survey Application Reduces Missed Injuries: A Multi-Center Prospective Study, Bradley S. Moffat
Impact of Local Bed Hydrodynamics on Jet-Bed Interaction, Maryam Mohagheghi Dar Ranji
Thermal Convection of Non-Fourier Fluids, Rahim Mohammadhasani Khorasany
Censored Time Series Analysis, Nagham Muslim Mohammad
Differential effects of early-life seizures on neuronal inhibition in the hippocampus of seizure-prone and seizure-resistant rats, Amir Abbas Mohseni Zonoozi
Space, Territory, Occupy: Towards a Non-Phenomenological Dwelling, Brett Mommersteeg
Factors Affecting Bed Agglomeration in Bubbling Fluidized Bed Biomass Boilers, Alejandro Montes
Matters of Airing, Tegan Moore
Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Interfacial Reactions and Transfer Processes of Phosphonium-based Ionic Liquids with Carbon Steel, Ryan P. Morco
The Methodological and Diagnostic Applications of Micro-CT to Palaeopathology: A Quantitative Study of Porotic Hyperostosis, Jennifer A. Morgan
A Spatial Analysis of Forest Fire Survival and a Marked Cluster Process for Simulating Fire Load, Amy A. Morin
Role of SIRT1 in Vascular Complications of Diabetes, Rokhsana Mortuza
Drug Delivery to the Respiratory Tract Using Dry Powder Inhalers, Doaa M.R. Mossaad
Computational Techniques to Predict Orthopaedic Implant Alignment and Fit in Bone, Seyed Kamaleddin Mostafavi Yazdi
Biomechanical Modeling and Inverse Problem Based Elasticity Imaging for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Seyed Reza Mousavi
Poly(Ester Amide) and Poly(Ethyl Glyoxylate) Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug Release, Amira Mohamed Moustafa
The adaptive capacity of thermal tolerance in chinook salmon, Nicolas Muñoz
Characterization of the anti-apoptotic function of the lysine demethylase plant homeodomain finger protein 8 (PHF8), Kimberly Muranko
Hearing Voices: Judicial Consideration of Ontario’s Social Assistance Legislation, Teri Muszak
Blood Conservation in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Interim Analysis of the Tranexamic Acid Comparison in Hip Replacement (TeACH-R) Trial, Richard P. Nadeau
Elemental Distribution in Bone Impacted by Bacterial Diseases, Steven J. Naftel
Beyond the Sports Page: Baseball, The Cuban Revolution, and Rochester, New York Newspapers, 1954-1960, Evan K. Nagel
Oriented Collagen and Applications of Waveguide Evanescent Field Scattering (WEFS) Microscopy, Qamrun Nahar
Design of a Haptic Interface for Medical Applications using Magneto-Rheological Fluid based Actuators, Nima Najmaei
Body Image and Quality of Life: An Exploration Among Individuals with Head and Neck Cancer, Melissa M. Nash
Diphosphine Carboxamide Ligands with Gold(I), Silver(I) and Platinum(II), Nasser Nasser
The Role of KIM-1 Mediated Efferocytosis by Cancer Cells in Blocking the Immunogenicity of Tumor Cell Death, Sahra Nathoo
Diffusion and Adsorption Coefficients of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Gas Chromatography Capillary Columns, Gabriela Navarro Tovar
Glacial Stratigraphy of the Ridge River Area, Northern Ontario: Refining Wisconsinan Glacial History and Evidence for Laurentide Ice Streaming, Maurice Nguyen
The effects of target spectrum, noise, and reverberation on auditory cue weighting in sound localization, Tran M. Nguyen
Confronting Colonial Standard Making Practices: Environmental Governance and Invasive Species Management at Walpole Island First Nation, Kristy A. Nicholson
Verb Use in Parkinson's Disease, Swati S. Nikumb
The Relationship between Implicit and Explicit Processing in Statistical Language Learning, Nicolette B. Noonan
Pre-diabetes and sympathetic nervous system mediated microvascular dysregulation in skeletal muscle, Nicole M. Novielli
Morphologic and structural mapping of layered central uplifts on Mars, Anna M. Nuhn
Enhanced Dechlorination of 1,2-Dichloroethane by Coupled Nano Iron-Dithionite Treatment, Ariel Nunez Garcia
Hungry Farmers: A Political Ecology of Agriculture and Food Security in Northern Ghana, Hanson Nyantakyi-Frimpong
Dual energy imaging for determining urinary calculi composition: A theoretical and experimental study with computed tomography, Stephanie Nykamp
Characterization of ALDH Positive Cells in the Human Fetal Pancreas, Amanda Oakie
Attachment Relationships Across Siblings and their Common Mother: Patterns and Predictors, Kathleen Anne O'Connor
Wind-Induced Pressures in Air Permeable, Double-Layer Roof Systems in Regions of Separated Flow, Jeong Hee Oh
Environmental Health Effects of Multiple Exposures: Systemic Risks and the Detroit River International Crossing Study, Tor H. Oiamo
Population Genetic Structure in the Pitcher Plant Flesh Fly Fletcherimyia fletcheri, John R. O'Leary
Diffuse Connections: Making Sense of Smell in Canadian Diasporic Women's Writing, Stephanie Oliver
Nerve Blood Flow Control in Health & Disease:The Effects of Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise Training, Terry D. Olver
Liquidation, Amanda A. Oppedisano
Examining Artistic Processes And Transfer, Trish Osler
The Production of Unequal Vulnerability to Flood Hazards in Metro Vancouver, Canada, Greg S. Oulahen
Functional Analysis of Two Brassinosteroid Responsive, Putative Calmodulin-Binding Proteins 60 (CBP60S) in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Purvikalyan Pallegar
A Non-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technique to Assess Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability, Harini Pandithasekera
Niacin and microvascular endothelial cell response to fatty acid excess and hypoxia, Dominic Pang
Transnational Corporate Regulation through Sustainability Reporting: A Case Study of the Canadian Extractive Sector, Navraj S. Pannu
A Space Without Memory: Time and the Sublime in the Work of Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, Margherita N. Papadatos
The Nature of Conflict in Sport: Development and Validation of the Group Conflict Questionnaire, Kyle F. Paradis
The “Fifth Business" of Department Heads: Examining the perceptions of department heads about their role, Nikola Paranosic
The Relationship of Plantar Sensation with Standing Balance and Gait Post-Stroke, Stephen Parsons
Investigating Microenvironmental Regulation of Human Chordoma Cell Behaviour, Priya Patel
Investigating the Experiences of Queer International Students, Elizabeth S. Patrick
Quantifying the effect of age and contraction mode on the force-velocity-power relationship in the knee extensors, Justin R. Paturel
RIPK3 Regulates Microvascular Endothelial Cell Necroptosis and Cardiac Allograft Rejection, Alexander William Pavlosky
Distinct roles of BMP and LKB1/AMPK signalling impacting ovarian cancer spheroid biology, Teresa M. Peart
The Impact of Financial Incentives for Cervical Cancer Screening in Ontario's Primary Care Delivery Models, Ciara Pendrith
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Investigations of Alzheimer Disease, Jacob Penner
Reforming Ontario Teachers (1990-2010): The Role of the College of Teachers, Janice Pennycook
Characterization of the Green Roof Growth Media, Ginevra Alessandra Perelli
Paisaje después de la tormenta, Randol Perez Salas
Just As It Should Be: Painting and the Discipline of Everyday Life, Jared R. Peters
Surgical Approach in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Patient Outcomes and Impact on Costs, Stephen M. Petis
Black, White, and Red All Over: A Thematic Analysis of Selected Canadian and American Newspapers Coverage of the 1968 Mexico City Massacre, John A.M. Petrella
Oxidative Cyclizations of Tertiary Pentenols and the Synthesis of β-Carboline Alkaloids, Geoffrey A. Phillips
Shock Metamorphic Effects in Lunar and Terrestrial Plagioclase Feldspar Investigated by Optical Petrography and Micro-X-Ray Diffraction, Annemarie E. Pickersgill
Learner Anxiety and Professional Practice Self-efficacy in Nursing Education, Joanna Pierazzo
Mental Health and Safety in Schools: Children’s perceptions and experiences, Larissa K. Pipe
Toward a Postmodern Avant-Garde: Labour, Virtuosity, and Aesthetics in an American New Music Ensemble, John R. Pippen
Understanding Women's Health Promotion in Rural Canadian Churches, Robyn Plunkett
Polynomial Identities on Algebras with Actions, Chris Plyley
Dowsing for Potential Temporary Autonomous Zones: A Psychotopology of the Alternative Lifestyles of Nomadic Artisans in Mexico, Annaliese M. Pope
Development of the Coach Identity Prominence Scale: A role identity model perspective, J. Paige Pope
Role of C-Kit Receptor Tyrosine Kinase on INS-1 Cell VEGF-A Expression in Vitro, Alexei Popell
Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Mapping Subsurface Remediation, Christopher Power
Epistemology of the Cartesian Image, Mikhail Pozdniakov
The effects of dissolution on the silicon and oxygen isotope compositions of silica phytoliths, Andrea Prentice
Fantasizing Disability: Representation of loss and limitation in Popular Television and Film, Jeffrey M. Preston
High Multiplicity Strip Packing, Devin Price
Effect of Nozzle Geometry on Jet Bed Interaction: Experiments with Commercial Scale Nozzles and Eroded Nozzles, Nicholas A. Prociw
Scale-up and study of the BioGenerator, Victor Pupkevich
Characterization of Blood-Derived Human Progenitor Cells for Vascular Regeneration, David Putman
Protein-Protein Interaction Network Alignment, Yu Qian
Cohomology of Absolute Galois Groups, Claudio Quadrelli
Quantum Optics of Polaritonic Nanocomposites, Chris Racknor
Making Ourselves at Home: Representation, Preservation & Interpretation at Canada's House Museums, Stephanie Karen Radu
Investigation of Techniques to increase the Field of View of a Staring Transducer Array for Photoacoustic Imaging, Avery Raess
The role of rotator interval closure in Bankart lesion repair, Lauren L. Rainsford
Rapid Segmentation Techniques for Cardiac and Neuroimage Analysis, Martin Rajchl
Structural Response Analyses of Piezoelectric Composites using NURBS, Vijairaj Raj
Regulation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 activity by Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase IIα, Fitore Raka
Experiencing Nothing: Anxiety and the Philosophy of Alain Badiou, William E. Rankin IV
Two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) selection to Arabidopsis thaliana, Huzefa Ratlamwala
Managing Uncertainty in Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease, Michael J. Ravenek
Investigation of β-Catenin-Mediated Regulation of IGFBP-6 and the Roles of IGFBP-6 and IGF-II in Dupuytren's Disease, Christina N. Raykha
Frontstage Dramaturgy, Backstage Drama: An Ethnographic Study of the Provision of Hotel Accommodation, Maziar Raz
Thinking Across Worlds: Indigenous Thought, Relational Ontology, and the Politics of Nature; Or, If Only Nietzsche Could Meet A Yachaj, Jarrad Reddekop
Physical Simulation of Tornado-Like Vortices, Maryam Refan
The use of technology and electronic media in adolescent dating violence, Katherine Reif
The Aricheng Basement-Hosted Albitite-Type Uranium Deposit, Roraima Basin, Co-Operative Republic Of Guyana, South America., Jim A. Renaud
Clyfford Still in the 1930s: The Formative Years of a Leading Abstract Expressionist, Emma Richan
Exploring the Association Between Commute to School Duration and Children's Physical Activity Level and Bodyweight Status, Lucie Richard
(Un)Covering Suicide: The Changing Ethical Norms in Canadian Journalism, Gemma Richardson
“Companions of the Flame”: Concealment and Revelation in H.D.’s Trilogy, Cam Riddell
The Role of Integrins in Support of Pancreatic Function, Survival and Maturation, Matthew Riopel
The Association Between Women's Autonomy and Women's HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes in Ethiopia, Fadumo Rirash
Women's Navigation of Maternal Health Services in Ghana's Upper West Region in the Context of the National Health Insurance Scheme, Andrea C. Rishworth
Perceptions about Equity in Public Health: A comparison between frontline staff and informing policy in Ontario, Katherine E. Rizzi
Genomic predictors of drug response to the alpha-specific phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3Ka-alpha) inhibitor BYL719 in head and neck cancers, Giananthony T. Rizzo
Cognitive Predictors and Behavioural Mediators of Vulnerability-Specific Stress Generation in Depressed Adults, Katerina Rnic
Characterizing Spoken Discourse in Individuals with Parkinson Disease Without Dementia, Angela C. Roberts
Protein Conformational Studies by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry, Antony D. Rodriguez
Understanding the role of cholinergic tone in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, Kaie Rosborough
Realistic Dialogue Engine for Video Games, Caroline M. Rose
Boxing in the Union Blue: A Social History of American Boxing in the Union States During the Late Antebellum and Civil War Years, Greggory M. Ross
Hypothetical Necessity and the Laws of Nature: John Locke on God's Legislative Power, Elliot Rossiter
Host-imposed regulation of bacterial transposons Tn10 and Tn5, Joseph A. Ross
Struggling to Compete: Community-Based Research on Agrarian Change in the Caribbean, Karen A. Ross
The Implications of Altered Cholinergic Signaling in Cardiac Health and Disease, Ashbeel Roy
Body Mass Index Trajectories: The Effect of Fetal Size and Early Life Modifiable Factors, Mathew Roy
An Accurate Offline Phasor Estimation Technique For Fault Location In Series Compensated Lines, Rubeena Rubeena
Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging of Tissue Microstructure Using Ultra-High Field MRI, David A. Rudko
Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Regulates miR-200b in Retinal Endothelial Cells: Possible Implications in Diabetic Retinopathy, Michael A. Ruiz
Protein Body Biogenesis and Utility in Recombinant Protein Production in Nicotiana benthamiana, Reza Saberianfar
A New Generation of Polymer/Ceramic Composite Biomaterials for Bone Regeneration, Mehrnaz Salarian
Prostate Tumor Volume Measurement on Digital Histopathology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mehrnoush Salarian