"The Development of a Digital X-ray Imaging System for The Characteriza" by Zhengyi Hu
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science


Medical Biophysics


David W. Holdsworth


Mechanical stimulus such as whole-body vibration (WBV) has shown to promote bone formation both in humans and animals. WBV has been hypothesized as a potentially useful osteoporosis intervention. While the transmission of WBV has been well characterized in humans, there is currently a lack of knowledge in the transmission of vibration in small animal models, such as mice, due to the lack of an implantable accelerometer appropriate to make such measurements. This thesis introduces an imaging-based method to quantify transmission of vibration in mice using x-ray imaging. Specifically, it utilizes motion blur of fiducial markers, which are implanted into the mouse skeleton. Vibration characteristics in vivo were characterized over the range of 15–40 Hz. Resonance was observed in the femur at 25 Hz and reduction in transmission in the tibia at 30 Hz. These findings provide an estimate of the magnitude of vibration transmitted into the animal’s limb.
