Master of Science
Dr. Greg Marsh
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of fatigue on performance of the Reactive Agility Test (RAT) by University Football players. This test assesses the athlete’s ability to change direction in response to a visual stimulus, somewhat like responding to the actions of an opponent in a game. Two fatiguing conditions were compared, simulations of normal game play and hurry-up offense in football. Methods: Following a warm-up and baseline RAT testing the athletes performed 10 high intensity, sprints on a specialized treadmill, with a 1:5 work to rest ratio to simulate regular game pace. This was followed by 10 repetitions of the RAT. The athletes repeated the interval sprints at a 1:2 work to rest to simulate a hurry-up offence and repeated the 10 repetitions of the RAT. The entire procedure was performed twice and data from the repeated trials averaged. Results: RAT time was significantly slower in the hurry-up condition (0.952sec±0.079) relative to the normal game play simulation (0.920sec±0.069, p
Recommended Citation
Walker, Kristine E., "The Effects of Fatigue on the Reactive Agility Test: Looking at the Difference Between Normal Game Play and the Hurry-Up Offense in Football Game Simulations" (2015). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3327.