Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Welcome to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Electronic Theses & Dissertation site. These pages are dedicated to help you find all the information you might require in order to format and successfully submit your graduate thesis for examination and publication electronically.
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- a raised profile for research institutions
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Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Curcumin-Loaded Magnetic Nanoaggregates Conjugated with Folic Acid for Targeted Cancer Treatment, Melessa Salem
Acetyl Rb1 Ginsenoside from North American Ginseng: Extraction and Application, Raziye Samimi
What is Writing in Undergraduate Anthropology? An Activity Theory Analysis, Boba M. Samuels
In Search of a Cause: An Etiological Analysis of Manubrial Porosity, Jose Sanchez
Nativos migrantes: poesía en la encrucijada, Juan Sanchez
Statistical Analysis and Computer Modelling of Volcanic Eruptions, Laura Anabelle Sanchez
A Statistical Investigation of Nonmetric Vertebral Traits with a Skeletal Population Sample from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Tiffany A. Sarfo
Essays on the Relationship Between Host Market Corruption and Multinational Enterprise Strategy, Michael A. Sartor
Role of Integrin-linked kinase in epidermal integrity and barrier function, Samar Sayedyahossein
Development of an Emergent Narrative Generation Architecture for Videogames, Nicholas A. Schudlo
Canada and the 2001 United Nations World Conference against Racism, Steven J. Seligman
Islet Regenerative Properties of Ex Vivo Expanded Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells, Ayesh K. Seneviratne
MRI Relaxation Rates: A Quantitative Approach to Track Tumour Cells Expressing MagA, Anindita Sengupta
Young adults reflect on the experience of reading comics in contemporary society: Overcoming the commonplace and recognizing complexity, Lucia Cederia Serantes
The Preferential Loss of Small Geographically Isolated Wetlands on Prairie Landscapes, Jacqueline N. Serran
NGN3 Expression in Definitive Endoderm Progenitors Specifies Pancreatic Endocrine Precursors, Ahmed Shah
Investigating the Multiple Hit hypothesis of Parkinson disease using transgenic LRRK2-R1441G rats, Komal T. Shaikh
Identification of Informativeness in Text using Natural Language Stylometry, Rushdi Shams
Multivariate Spatial Visualization using GeoIcons and Image Charts, Bo Shan
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy on Graphene Thin Films for Solar Cell and Biosensing Applications, Faranak Sharifi
Multiparametric Imaging and MR Image Texture Analysis in Brain Tumors, Harish A. Sharma
Association of Head and Cervical Injuries in Pediatric Occupants Involved in Motor Vehicle Collisions, Shayan Shekari
Adolescents Experiences with Cyberbullying: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Nasim Shojayi
Inheritance of virulence in the root rot pathogen Phytophthora sojae, Sirjana Devi Shrestha
Aspects of Newtonianism in Rameau’s Génération harmonique, Abigail Shupe
Prostate Cancer Microparticles as a Next Generation Screening Tool for Prostate Cancer, Khurram M. Siddiqui
The Hα Spectroscopy of Classical B-emission Stars, Jessie M. Silaj
Observational and Theoretical Investigation of Cylindrical Line Source Blast Theory Using Meteors, Elizabeth A. Silber
The Development of Metal-Organic Compounds for Use as Molecular Imaging Agents, Emily J. Simpson
Development of Non-Covalent Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for siRNA Delivery, King Sun Siu
Investigating the Primate Prefrontal Cortex Correlates of Cognitive Deficits In the Ketamine Model of Schizophrenia, Kevin J. Skoblenick
Isotopic Fingerprinting of Shallow and Deep Groundwaters in Southwestern Ontario and its Applications to Abandoned Well Remediation, Mitchell E. Skuce
Adult Women's Perceived Facilitators, Barriers, and Health Benefits of Sustaining a Membership in a Commercial Fitness Facility, Shawn M.T. Slade
Dirty Modernism: Ecological Objects in American Poetry, Michael D. Sloane
American Ginseng Supplementation Does Not Attenuate Indices of Exercise Induced Muscle Damage, Brent Smith
Neuromuscular adaptations to voluntary contraction following postactivation potentiation, Cameron B. Smith
Foster parents' experiences and withdrawal considerations: Comparing treatment and regular foster care, Jessica N. Smith
Food For Health: An Investigation of Infant Feeding Practices, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Barriers and Facilitators, Jessica W. Smith
The Perfectionism-Psychological Outcome Link: The Mediating Effect of Personal Resiliency, Martin M. Smith
Changing the substrate specificity of arogenate dehydratases (ADTs) from Arabidopsis thaliana., Megan ES Smith-Uffen
Synaptic architecture of the acoustic startle response pathway, Mahabba Smoka
Photochromic Molecular Materials for the Controlled Organization of Nanoparticles, Kristen Elise Snell
Examining the Relationship of Variables Associated with Pre-Service Teachers Coping During their Practicum Experience, Andrew E. Soave
Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Fat Quantification Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Abraam S. Soliman
The Association between Heavy Episodic Drinking and Alcohol-Related Unsafe Sex among Canadian Undergraduate Student Drinkers, Shirley Solomon
From 'Means to Ends': Labour As Art Practice, Gabriella Solti
William James' Theory of Emotion, James Southworth
Labours Of Love: Affect, Fan Labour, And The Monetization Of Fandom, Jennifer Spence
Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Carboxylic Acid Functionalized Polyisobutylene, Inderpreet Sran
Post-Translational Control of Retinoblastoma Protein Phosphorylation, Paul M. Stafford
A Critical Examination of the Social Organizations within Canadian NGOs in the Provision of HIV/AIDS Health Work in Tanzania, Oona M. St-Amant
Behavioral Feeding Problems of Normally Developing Children Under 4 Years of Age, Julia Stanislavskaia
Effects of Mixing and Vapor Residence Time on the Thermal Cracking Performance of Fluidized Beds, Clayton Stanlick
Full-Scale Tests of a Wood-Frame Structure under Extreme Wind Loads, Derek A. Stedman
Between Mercersburg and Oxford: The Ecclesiology of John Williamson Nevin, Kevin H. Steeper
Comprehensive Analysis of Abdominal Tendon Length:Muscle Length Ratios in Human and Rat Specimens, Alexander J. Stephen
Functional Anatomy of the Anconeus: Muscle Architecture and Motor Unit Number Estimation, Daniel E. Stevens
Fragmentation and Wake Formation in Faint Meteors: Implications for the Structure and Ablation of Small Meteoroids, Edward Stokan
Studies In Small Scale Thermal Convection, Daniel F. Stranges
Human Metaphase Chromosome Analysis using Image Processing, Akila M.S Subasinghe Arachchige
Effect of Reverberation Context on Spatial Hearing Performance of Normally Hearing Listeners, Renita E. Sudirga
Physical Sulphate Attack on Concrete, Ahmed Ramadan Suleiman
The ATP2C2 Gene as Transcribed from a Novel Transcriptional Start Site in Pancreatic Acinar Cells, Caitlin M. Sullivan
Ubiquitin-mediated degradation via UPS and lysosome, Qizhi Sun
MR to Ultrasound Registration for Image-Guided Prostate Biopsy, Yue Sun
Gender Relations in Hospice Palliative Home Care for Clients with Cancer and Their Family Caregivers: A Critical Analysis, Nisha S. Sutherland
Effect of Ascorbate on Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Factors in the Septic Microvasculature, Scott Swarbreck
Allostratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician Blue Mountain Formation, Southwestern Ontario, Canada, Sarah N. Sweeney
On the Interfacial Fracture Mechanics of Long-fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites, Ian N. Swentek
Quantifying the Effect of a Novel topical Hyaluronic-Acid Phosphatidylethanolamine Cream on the Epidermis, Caitlin J. Symonette
Exploring Relationships Between Resume Fraud and Individual Differences, Kateryna Synyak
Role of peptidoglycan modifications in predation by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J, Diane C. Szmiett
A Vision System for Automating Municipal Waste Collection, Justin M. Szoke-Sieswerda
Thylakoid Phosphorylation And Cell Morphology In The Antarctic Psychrophile, Chlamydomonas sp. UWO241, Beth Szyszka-Mroz
A DC Distribution System for Power System Integration of Plug-In Electric Vehicles; Modeling, Stability and Operation, Mansour Tabari
Static and Seismic Performance of Geosynthetics-Strengthened Pile Foundations, Ahmed M. Taha
Efficacy Of Novel Antifouling/Antimicrobial Coatings For The Prevention Of Urinary Device Associated Infection And Encrustation, Thomas O. Tailly
Control of Cooperative Haptics-Enabled Teleoperation Systems with Application to Minimally Invasive Surgery, Amir Takhmar
The role of lactate dehydrogenase B in aerobic glycolysis-mediated resistance to AB toxicity, Tyler Tam
Towards an Improved Understanding of the Heterogeneity of Violence: A Test of the Clinical Utility of the Reactive-Instrumental Distinction Among Adult Male Inmates, Jennifer L. Tapscott
Potential for Photoacoustic Imaging of Neonatal Brain, Pantea Tavakolian
EECOLOGY: (pata)physical taoism in e. e. cummings’s poetry, Nathan B. TeBokkel
Optimal Contract Design for Co-development of Companion Diagnostics, Rodney T. Tembo
Estimation of Hidden Markov Models and Their Applications in Finance, Anton Tenyakov
The Effect of Diffusive and Convective Sodium Balance During Hemodialysis on Interdialytic Weight Gain, Benjamin Thomson
The Role of Islands in the Migration of Bats Across Lake Erie and Lake Ontario: Lasiurus borealis, Lasiurus cinereus and Perimyotis subflavus, Toby J. Thorne
Nursing Clinical Instructor Experiences of Empowerment in Rwanda: Applying Kanter's and Spreitzer's Theories, Mary E. Thuss
Bifurcation of Limit Cycles in Smooth and Non-smooth Dynamical Systems with Normal Form Computation, Yun Tian
Advances in Dynamic Virtualized Cloud Management, Michael Tighe
Hybrid Data Storage Framework for the Biometrics Domain, Abhinav Tiwari
Mutations at the 46th residue change properties of Cx50 gap junction channels, Xiaoling Tong
Evolve, Brian L. Topp
Concerto Suite: For Viola da Gamba and String Soloists, Matthew W. Tozer
The Role of the Phonological Syllable in English Word Recognition, Daniel Trinh
Plastic Effect of Tetanic Stimulation on Auditory Evoked Potentials, Rajesh Tripathy
The Effect of Exercise on Cigarette Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms While Using a Nicotine Lozenge, Amelia Tritter
Mental Toughness Training Intervention for Collegiate Track and Field Athletes, Amanda A. Truelove
Les interactions morphosyntaxiques dans l’interlangue des apprenants: le cas de l'acquisition des pronoms clitiques en français L2, Kanstantsin Tsedryk
Presenting the Fashion Object: Analyzing the exhibition Fashioning the Object: Bless, Boudicca, Sandra Backlund, Elyse N. Tsotsos
The Effects of Global Climate Change on Canadian Boreal Forest Collembola Communities, Matthew S. Turnbull
The Neural Correlates of Guilt and Restitution During a Social Decision Making Task, Ambrose Ty
Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of a Bog-Fen-Tributary Complex in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada, Thomas A. Ulanowski
Post Exercise Ingestion of Plant vs Animal Protein Enhances Exercise Performance Outcomes Similarly, Adam N. Upshaw
Sex Hormones and Sympathetic Nerve Activity, Charlotte W. Usselman
Effects of Surface Topographies on Heat and Fluid Flows, Hadi Vafadar Moradi
Studies of Anode Electrodes for the BioGenerator, Vahid Vajihinejad
Scale-Up Methodology for Bench-Scale Slurry Photocatalytic Reactors Using Combined Irradiation and Kinetic Modelling, Patricio J. Valades Pelayo
Validation of the multi-segment foot model with bi-planar fluoroscopy, Aïda Valevicius
Investigating Teachers' Understandings of Gender Equity and Achievement in Postfeminist Times, Katee Joy Van Campen
Secondary Traumatic Stress and Alexithymia in High-Risk Professionals, Matthew R. J. Vandermeer
Characterization of Human 82-kDa Choline Acetyltransferase expression in a newly developed Transgenic Mouse Model, Silke M. Vanvaerenbergh
Biostimulation of Oil Refinery Soils, Thipphathong Vattaso
Ambiguous Loss For Caregivers of Family Members With Dementia, Ashleigh Vella
Escribir la propia vida: memoria, confesión y autobiografía en dos textos medievales, Maria Carmen Vera Lopez
Canadian Post-Secondary Students, Stress, and Academic Performance – A Socio-Ecological Approach, L. Nicole Versaevel
Psychometric evaluation of self-report pain and disability measures for elbow disorders, Joshua Vincent
Reporting Child Exposure to Domestic Violence: Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Behaviours, Katherine Vink
Examination of the Usability of the IPAD Among Older Adult Consumers, Mike J. Voumvakis
Computing Intersection Multiplicity via Triangular Decomposition, Paul Vrbik
More Than Just Sex: The Social Implications of HIV/AIDS in Lusaka, Zambia, Mbaka Wadham
Ghost number of group algebras, Gaohong Wang
Digestion of Municipal Wastewater Biosolids using an Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Bioreactor (AnFBR), Zhenqi Wang
Authority Migration and Accountability in Canadian Type II Multilevel Governance, Robert W. Waterman
Food Ontology and Distribution: Ethical Perception and the Food Object, Siobhan M. Watters
A Pseudo Non-Cartesian Pulse Sequence For Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Gas MRI of Rodent Lungs At Low Magnetic Field Strength, Krzysztof Wawrzyn
Releasing the self from the diagnostic straitjacket: Making meaning & creating understanding through dialogic autobiography, Marnie L. Wedlake
Development and Assessment of a Virtual Reality Forklift Simulator as a Research Tool to Study Whole-Body Vibration, Peter Wegscheider
Task-switching in oculomotor control: Systematic investigations of the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost, Jeffrey Weiler
Quality of Life and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Yi Wei
Sacred Heart: A Stable Isotope Analysis of Childhood, Diet, and Mobility at a Nineteenth Century Ontario Cemetery, Emily Wells
A Cognitive Role Theoretic Approach to the Consumer Role, Jodie Whelan
A Philosophical Analysis of Ethics Education in the Canadian National Coaching Certification Program for Rowing, Mark M. Williams
Comparison of Housed and Homeless Patients with an Orthopedic Diagnosis, Susan M. Williams
The Christian as Witness in View of the True Witness, Emily Patricia Wilton
Somatic Copy Number Mosaicism Contributes to Genomic Diversity in Mus musculus, Andrea E. Wishart
Revisiting working memory: Are domain, process and global models mutually exclusive, nested or orthogonal?, Jeffrey P. Wong
Entrepreneurial Culture: Developing a Theoretical Construct and its Measurement, Matthew A. Wong
Three-dimensional Photoacoustic Tomography System Design Analysis and Optimization, Philip Wong
Evaluating Mental Health Training for Teachers: Identifying and Supporting Students with Mental Health Challenges, Jessica A. Woods
Sculpted Selves, Sculpted Worlds: Plasticity and Habit in the Thought of Catherine Malabou, Thomas Wormald
Gravity wave spectra morphology in the Arctic and non-Arctic lower atmosphere, Melanie C. Wright
Perfect and Nearly Perfect Sampling of Work-conserving Queues, Yaofei Xiong
The role of superantigens during Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization and infection, Stacey Xu
Application of otolith increment analysis to the study of maturation timing in female kokanee salmon, Yelin Xu
Tilting Sheaves on Brauer-Severi Schemes and Arithmetic Toric Varieties, Youlong Yan
Investigation of Fracture Toughness Measurement for Pipeline Steels Based on SE(B) and SE(T) Specimens, Zijian Yan
Functional Imaging of Malignant Gliomas with CT Perfusion, Timothy Pok Chi Yeung
When Objects Become Part of Self: Effects of Ownership and Choice on Self-object Associations, Yang Ye
In Vitro Functional Analysis Of Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms In OATP1B1 And Potential Clinical Relevance, Zhiyuan P. Yin
Across Boundaries, Diana A. Yoo
Amyloid β Peptides, Signalling and Trafficking of the α7 Nicotine Receptor, Kirk Young
'What's in a List?' Cultural Techniques, Logistics, Poeisis, Liam Cole Young
Fatal Attraction: The Fetishized Image of the Fatal Woman as Gothic Double, Margaret Anne Young
Gamma-Radiolysis Kinetics of Liquid, Vapour and Supercritical Water, Nastaran Yousefi
The Role of Oxygen Tension and Insulin-Like Growth Factor Signaling in the Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate, Amer Youssef
Using Worked-Out Examples of Written Explanation for Writing-to-Learn in Evolutionary Biology, Amy M. Yu
Surfactant Assisted Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polyvinylpyrrolidone Solutions, Tennison Yu
Examining Contextual Factors and Resilience in Adolescents who Faced Adversity as Children, Veronica Zapotoczny
Risk Scores for Predicting Mortality in Flail Chest, Meaghan Zehr
Automated Building Information Extraction and Evaluation from High-resolution Remotely Sensed Data, Chuiqing Zeng
Development and Integration of MEMS Based Inductive Sensors, Luyang Zhang
The Reciprocal Influences of the Old Order Mennonite Community and Tourism in St. Jacobs, Ontario, Mingyuan Zhang
Decision Theory Based Models in Insurance and Beyond, Raymond Ye Zhang
Development of Probabilistic Corrosion Growth Models with Applications in Integrity Management of Pipelines, Shenwei Zhang
Understanding Recurrent Disease: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Wenjing Zhang
Production and Applications of Formaldehyde-Free Phenolic Resins Using 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Derived from Glucose In-Situ, Yongsheng Zhang
Size-dependent Electroelastic Properties of Piezoelectric Nanoplates, Zhengrong Zhang
Intents-based Service Discovery and Integration, Cheng Zheng
Mechanical Pretreatment of Corncobs for Bioethanol Production by a Twin-Screw Extruder, Jun Zheng
Extracting Vessel Structure From 3D Image Data, Yuchen Zhong
Dissociating the Psychoactive Effects of Distinct Cannabis Compounds in the Mesocorticolimbic Circuitry, Jordan S. Zunder
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Numerical evaluation of aerodynamic roughness of the built environment and complex terrain, Daniel S. Abdi
Experimental investigation of wind effect on solar panels, Ayodeji Abiola-Ogedengbe
Cx43 Reduces Melanoma Growth Within a Keratinocyte Microenvironment and During Tumorigenesis in vivo, Mark J. Ableser
Static and Seismic Soil Culvert Interaction, Osama Salem A. Abuhajar
Decentralized Resource Scheduling in Grid/Cloud Computing, Ra'afat O. Abu-Rukba
Novel Control of PV Solar and Wind Farm Inverters as STATCOM for Increasing Connectivity of Distributed Generators, Mahendra AC
Assessing and Analyzing Bat Activity with Acoustic Monitoring: Challenges and Interpretations, Amanda M. Adams
Continuous Segregation and Removal of Biochar from Bubbling Fluidized Bed, Mary O. Adegboye
Study of Vertical Dense Jet Dilution in a Marine Environment, Nadeem Ahmad
Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy of Amorphous, Nanostructured and Nanocomposite Thin Films, Muhammad Shafiq Ahmed
Climate Change and Human Rights: A Case Study of Vulnerability and Adaptation in Coastal Communities in Lagos, Nigeria., Idowu M. Ajibade
From Nizam to Nation: The Representation of Partition in Literary Narratives about Hyderabad, Deccan, Nazia Akhtar
Emissions Trading: A Policy Option for Fighting Climate Change in Africa, Gbenga Akinwande
The role of choline acetyltransferase variants in Alzheimer's disease models, Shawn Albers
Catalytic Conversion of Benzothiophene Over a H-ZSM5 Catalyst, Reactivity and a Kinetic Model, Saad A. Al-Bogami
pH Responsive Hydrogen Bonding Motif to Improve the Sensitivity of Tumor Imaging, Fatimah Mohammed Algarni
Oxygen-Free Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation Over Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Reactivity and Kinetic Modelling, Sameer Ali Al-Ghamdi
A Framework for Measuring the Usability Issues and Criteria of Mobile Learning Applications, Abdalha A. Ali
Application of Differential and Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Studying Natural Hazards, Samira Alipour
Localizing State-Dependent Faults Using Associated Sequence Mining, Shaimaa Ali
Patency and Complication Rates of the Arteriovenous Fistula: A Systematic Review, Ahmed A. Al-Jaishi
Treasuries of Subcultural Capital: Three Indie Institutions in the London, Ontario Independent-Music Scene, Samuel C. Allen
Sol-Gel Derived Biodegradable and Bioactive Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering, Bedilu A. Allo
Reproductive Biology and Speciation in Drosophila pseudoobscura, Josh H.M. Alpern
The Effect of Glycan Linked to Cationic Peanut Peroxidase on its Activity, Maha M. Al-Subaie
Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy: Understanding Women's Decision-Making Process and Family Physicians' Views, Lemmese AlWatban
A Comparison of Speech Amplification Devices for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease and Hypophonia, Monika Andreetta
A Modular Approach to the Development of Interactive Augmented Reality Applications., Nelson J. Andre
Allostratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleogeography of the Cretaceous Upper Fort St. John Group (Upper Albian-Lower Cenomanian) in Northeastern British Columbia, Piotr Jan Angiel
What is the scope of competition law in the UAE? - A comparative study with developed and developing nations, Alisha Ansari
Delta Relaxation Enhanced Magnetic Resonance - Development and Application of a Field-Cycling Contrast Mechanism, Yonathan Araya
The Hippocampus Participates in a Pharmacological Rat Model of Absence Seizures, Justin Andrew Arcaro
What Canada Read/Red: A Content Media Analysis of the Montreal Olympic Games and the Soviet Union as Reported in the Montreal Gazette and The Globe and Mail, Joshua F. Archer
A Dual-Rate Model Predictive Controller for Fieldbus Based Distributed Control Systems, Mohammad Arif Hossain
Ancient DNA in Archaeologically Charred Zea Mays L: Prospects and Limitations, Chelsey Geralda Denise Armstrong
Tough But Fair: The Moderating Effects of Target Status on the Relation Between Social Dominance Orientation and Fairness, Joel Armstrong
A Pilot Study To Investigate Concerns In Patients Undergoing Neck Dissection Surgery, Daniel Sundar Raj Arulananda Doss
Robotics-Assisted Needle Steering for Percutaneous Interventions: Modeling and Experiments, Ali Asadian
Role of iNOS in septic pulmonary microvascular endothelial cell activation, Zahra Asad
A Comprehensive Study of Cd(II) Removal from Aqueous Solution via Adsorption and Solar Photocatalysis, Samindika Athapaththu
A system dynamics approach to water resources and food production in the Gambia, Jordan T. Atherton
Traumatic Injury in vitro Elicits JNK-mediated Human Astrocyte Retraction, but Spares Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells, Claudia Augustine
Thermal adaptation of life history traits in the Drosophila melanogaster group, Christopher James Austin
Variability in Characteristics of Ground Motions Across North America, Alireza Babaie Mahani
Ratio-based Edge Detection Inspired Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion, Asaduzzaman Babu
An Exploration of the Relationships between Markers of Social Status and Position and HIV Risk Behaviours in African, Caribbean, and Other Black Populations, Shamara M. Baidoobonso
The atmospheric chemistry of magnetic Bp stars, Jeffrey D. Bailey
Core Formation in Partially Ionized Magnetic Molecular Clouds, Nicole D. Bailey
Somatosensory stimulation modulates heart rate variability changes induced by isometric handgrip exercise, Jacquie Baker
The Ontario Leadership Framework and Leadership Interactions in a Sustained Working Group in Ontario Education, Daniel Ballantyne
Circadian rhythms in reward and underlying neural circuits, Ricardo M. Baltazar
Resolving the Genetic Etiology of Hypercholesterolemia in Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia, Mary A. Bamimore
Enunciation and Plurilingualism in the Francophone and Anglophone African Novel, Ndeye F. Ba
Process-Structure Relationships of Magnesium Alloys, Arindam Banerjee
Precast Deck Joints using FRP and Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Augustine K. Banson
Effects of Additive Modification on Flow Properties of Fine Coating Particles, Danni Bao
Numerical Evaluation of Community-Scale Aquifer Storage, Transfer and Recovery Technology, Jessica Barker
Spanish and Polish Heritage Speakers in Canada: The Overt Pronoun Constraint, Ewelina Barski
Neural circuits involved in mental arithmetic: Evidence from Customized Arithmetic Training, Christian Battista
Investigation of Auditory Encoding and the Use of Auditory Feedback During Speech Production, Laura E. Beamish
De-Essentializing the Past: Deconstructing Colonial Categories in 19th-Century Ontario, Matthew A. Beaudoin
Energy Intake Over Two Days is Unaffected by Acute Spring Interval Exercise Despite Increased Appetite and Energy Expenditure, Kristine Beaulieu
Essays on Mechanism Design and the Informed Principal Problem, Nicholas C. Bedard
Treatment of Aqueous Biomass and Waste via Supercritical Water Gasification for the Production of CH4 and H2, Izad Behnia
A Defence of Anti-Psychologism About Reasons, Alex Beldan
Investigating Immersive Augmented Reality as a Rehabilitation Tool for Parkinson disease, Danielle M. Bell Boucher
The role of IL-22 produced by Th17 cells in Type 1 Diabetes, Stacey M. Bellemore
Exploring Attachment and the Transition to Motherhood for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Laura E. Bellhouse
Origins of stable isotopic variations in Late Pleistocene horse enamel and bone from Alberta, Nicolle S. Bellissimo
Skin Diseases and Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss Linked to Cx30 Mutations Arise Through Several Distinct Mechanisms, Amy C. Berger
Development and Applications of a Novel Intermittent Solids Feeder for Pyrolysis Reactors, Federico M. Berruti
InterNAV3D: A Navigation Tool for Robot-Assisted Needle-Based Intervention for the Lung, Srikanth Bhattad
Reassembling Knowledge Translation Through a Case of Autism Genomics: Multiplicity and Coordination Amidst Practiced Actor-Networks, Julia J. Bickford
Approaches Toward Combining Positron Emission Tomography with Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Geron A. Bindseil
Aristotle on the Good of Friendship: Why the Beneficiary is Not What Matters, Kristina L. Biniek
An Ethical Justification for Research with Children, Ariella Binik
Distinguishing the 'Vanguard' from the 'Insipid': Exploring the Valorization of Mainstream Popular Music in Online Indie Music Criticism, Charles J. Blazevic
"Oh, so we're not insured?": Exploring the impact of Ontario's Health Insurance Plan on new permanent residents and healthcare providers, Andrea Bobadilla
ER stress coupled pannexin channel activation via STIM proteins, Ankur Bodalia
Effects of Excitation Pressure on Variegation and Global Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, Rainer Bode
Secular Trends in Ischemic Stroke Subtypes, Chrysi Bogiatzi
Regulation of Lipid Homeostasis, Inflammatory Signalling and Atherosclerosis by the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta, Lazar A. Bojic
A Baseline Assessment of University Students’ Vitamin D Knowledge, Shaunessey Boland
Transforming growth factor-beta receptor signalling is modulated by integrin-linked kinase, Stellar H. Boo
Nurses’ Learning and Conceptualization of Technology used in Practice, Richard G. Booth
Measuring the sixth vital sign: A descriptive analysis of distress in individuals with head and neck cancer and their caregivers, Catherine C. Bornbaum
Mitigating Risk Factors for Disease Progression in Patients with Varus Gonarthrosis, Angelo Boulougouris
The Social Life of Metaphor, Andrea Bowes
Multimodal Noncontact Tracking of Surgical Instruments, Tara Bracken
The Plastic and Evolutionary Responses of Fish to Anthropogenic Stressors, Ross D. Breckels
Assessing Multi-Unit Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity Across Groups: A Multivariate Approach to a Multivariate Concept, Danielle N. Brewer
The Legacy of Military Necessity in Italy: War and Memory in Cassino and Monte Sole, Cynthia D. Brown
Academic Achievement of Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder with In-Depth Focus on Written Expression, Heather M. Brown
Following the Turn: Mapping as Material Art Practice, Kyla Christine Brown
Statistical analysis of nonmetric cranial trait interactions in a skeletal population sample from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Lisa C. Brown
Examining the Shift in Occupational Identity after a Brain Injury, Mikelle Bryson-Campbell
New Graduate Nurses' Structural Empowerment and Their Experience of Co-worker Incivility and Burnout, Pamela Bushell
Carbon Nitride and Conjugated Polymer Composite Materials, Josh Byers
Music, Cinema and the Representation of Africa, Natasha Callender
Exploring accuracy in journalism stories reporting on neuroscience research findings: A comparative case study, Andrea M. Campbell-Davison
Subcellular Analysis of the Disulfide Proteome in p66Shc expressing Nerve Cells, Tyler Cann
Investigating the Effects of Custom Made Orthotics on Brain Forms: A Pilot Study, Lindsay Carey
Examining Risk: Profiles of Adult Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence, Carolyn Carrier
Essays on Worker Promotion and Wage Growth, Hugh Cassidy
Beyond the Suffering of Being: Desire in Giacomo Leopardi and Samuel Beckett, Roberta Cauchi-Santoro
Gold mining in Guatemala: community health and resistance amidst violence, C. Susana Caxaj
New Technology and Techniques for Needle-Based Magnetic Resonance Image-Guided Prostate Focal Therapy, Jeremy Cepek
Effects of Prenatal Testosterone on the Reproductive and Metabolic Neurons of the Sheep Hypothalamus, Maria Cernea
Community Integration After In-Patient Rehabilitation for Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Pilot Study, Chandni Chadha
Molecular and Genetic Analysis of a Conserved Transcription Factor with a Role in Promoting the Completion of Cytokinesis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Bidhan Chakraborty
The Effective Dose of Different Scanning Protocols Using the Sirona Galileos® Comfort CBCT Scanner, David R. Chambers
La variation linguistique dans les blogues journalistiques québécois, Louise Chaput
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Substituted Pyrrolocytidines, McKenry Charles
Study on the surface chemistry behavior of pyrochlore during froth flotation, Saeed Chehreh Chelgani
Targeted siRNA Delivery Methods for RNAi-Based Therapies, Di Chen
Carbon-nZVI nanocomposites for dechlorination of halogenated hydrocarbons, Jing Cheng
Developing Electrochemical Biosensors for Point-of-care Diagnostics of Cardiovascular Biomarkers, Yang Cheng
Contribution of TRPM2 to Memory Loss in an Alzheimer's Mouse Model, Megan M. Chen
Pricing and Hedging Index Options with a Dominant Constituent Stock, Helen Cheyne
Anonymous: Polemics and Non-identity, Samuel Chiang
Fluorescent Cytidine Analogues, Kirby J. Chicas
Assessing the Impact of Nutritional Education on Gender Roles and Child Care in Northern Malawi, Emmanuel Chilanga
Does incremental training improve motor learning?, Alvin Chin
Electromechanical Delay of the Dorsiflexors in Young and Old Women, In H. Choi
Application of Computer Algebra in List Decoding, Muhammad Foizul Islam Chowdhury
Application of Mixed Iron Oxides in Subsurface Remediation Technologies, Saidur Rahman Chowdhury
A Model to Reduce The Proportion of Inappropriate Referrals to Surgery for Patients With Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Study, Laura K. Churchill
The Role of Morphology in Diet and Flower Visitation by Five Species of Cuban Flower-Visiting Bats, Lindsey Clairmont
Understanding urban development through an event portfolio: A case study of London, Ontario, Richelle Clark
Foraging ecology, sexual selection, and divergence in sunfish (Lepomis spp.), Scott F. Colborne
Elucidating the role of cathepsin B in the lifecycle of influenza A virus, Macon D. Coleman
Women's Experiences of the Intervention for Health Enhancement After Leaving (iHEAL), Rachel Ann Colquhoun
An Investigation of Plant-Microbe Interactions Under Cadmium Stress in Agar-Based Medium, Hydroponics, and Soil Studies, Melanie P. Columbus
The Process Dissociation of Moral Judgments: Clarifying the Psychology of Deontology and Utilitarianism, Paul Conway
The Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Novice Elementary French as a Second Language Teachers, Shelley Cooke
Amine Functionalization of Bacterial Cellulose for Targeted Delivery Applications, Justin Cook
Effects of a Power-Line Frequency Magnetic Field on Human Cognitive Processing, Michael Corbacio
Role of adenylyl cyclase S674 in central and forearm vasomotor control, James Corkal
Basic Cable: Notes Toward Digital Ontology, Robbie Cormier
Torah in the Diaspora: A Comparative Study of Philo and 4 Maccabees, Christopher J. Cornthwaite
Features of Dormancy in Metastatic Ovarian Cancer Cells, Rohann JM Correa
Characterizing the contribution of the LXCXE binding cleft to pRB-mediated genome stability and tumor suppression, Courtney H. Coschi
Method and Metaphor in Aristotle's Science of Nature, Sean Michael Pead Coughlin
Storied Truths: Contemporary Canadian and Indigenous Childhood Trauma Narratives, Michelle Coupal
Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt: The Intersection of Institution, Natality, and Birth, Nathaniel Coward
The Study of Nanophotonic Switching Mechanisms in Photonic and Metallic Heterostructures, Joel Cox
Genetic and morphological variation of butterflies in relict habitats, Lindsay A. Crawford
Telling tales out of school: Principals' narratives of the relationship between school literacy and the home literacy practices of a minoritized culture, Wendy A. Crocker
Mobilizing Insurgent Pasts Toward Decolonial Futures, Patrick Crowley
On the Physical Explanation for Quantum Computational Speedup, Michael Cuffaro
Effect of Instantaneous Load Eccentricities on the Inelastic Torsional Responses Under Bi-Directional Seismic Excitations, Xiaojing Cui
Three Solitudes and a DJ: A Mashed-up Study of Counterpoint in a Digital Realm, Anthony B. Cushing
On evolution dynamics and strategies in some host-parasite models, Liman Dai
Teachers' Mental Health Literacy and Capacity towards Student Mental Health, Tamara D. Daniszewski
The Orpheus Figure: The Voice in Writing, Music and Media, Jason R. D'Aoust
A Structured Conceptualization of Reasons to Accelerate: Words from the WISE, Lynn Dare
Regulation of eukaryotic Mcm2-7 activity, Lance F. DaSilva
A Study of Gamma Radiation Induced Carbon Steel Corrosion, Kevin Daub
Construing Natural Restorative Environments in Individuals Treated for Cancer, Adam M.B. Day
The Experience of Battle in the Sicilian Expedition: From the Great Harbour to the River Assinarus, Frank D. D'Earmo
Re-cognizing Power in the Culture of Dementia Care Knowledge, Ryan T. DeForge
Complex Shoulder Instability: The Role of the Latarjet Coracoid Transfer, Ryan Degen
Hydrogeological and Thermal Sustainability of Geothermal Borehole Heat Exchangers, S. Emad Dehkordi
Feeling With Imagination: Sympathy and Postwar American Poetry, Timothy A. DeJong
Exploring the Iranian-Canadian Family Experience of Dementia Caregiving: A Phenomenological Study, Sevil Deljavan
How Age Friendly is This City? Strategies for Assessing Age-Friendliness, Michelle Dellamora
Governing Occupation Through Constructions of Risk: The Case of the Aging Driver, Silke Dennhardt
Staging Sacrifice: Knowledge Mobilization and Visitation at Huacas de Moche, Peru, Alison K. Deplonty
Organization of Human Auditory Cortex: Responses to Frequency Modulated Sounds, Diedre D. Desouza
An Investigation Into Identity, Power and Autonomous EFL Learning Among Indigenous and Minority Students In Post-secondary Education: A Mexican Case Study, Colette Despagne
Improving Acute Stroke Management with CT Perfusion Imaging: Approaches to Treatment Guidance and Brain Tissue Salvage, Christopher D. d'Esterre
Extra-Capitalist Thought, Karen Dewart McEwen
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Cerebrovascular HSP70, HSP90, INOS and ENOS Expression in Type 1 Diabetes, Adwitia Dey
Green Glass for Orchestra, Carolann K. DeYoung
Study of Stability Analysis of a Grid-Connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)-based small Wind Farm, Baishakhi Dhar
Computational Molecular Coevolution, Russell J. Dickson
Testing the Template Hypothesis of Vocal Learning in Songbirds., Adriana Diez
The Impact of Lateral Electron Disequilibrium on Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancer, Brandon Disher
Fostering Creativity: Ontario Teachers’ Perceptions, Strategies, and Experiences, Catharine M. Dishke Hondzel
Characterization of a Putative Activation Domain in the Hulk Gene Family, Christopher Doan
Exploring the Movement of People in Postclassic and Historic Period Lamanai Using Stable Isotopes, Alicia E. Donis
An Architecture for Believable Socially Aware Agents, Arvand Dorgoly
Gender and Grade Differences in How High School Students Experience and Perceive Cyberbullying, Jeremy D. Doucette
Detection, prioritization and analysis of variants of unknown significance in familial breast cancer genes, Eddie A. Dovigi
The Methodological Roles of Tolerance and Conventionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics: Reconsidering Carnap's Logic of Science, Emerson P. Doyle
Subordinate Ratings of Supervisor Performance: Balancing Accountability and Anonymity, Kevin Doyle
Cortical Cannabinoid Modulation of Subcortical Dopamine Activity: Implications for Emotional Processing, Brittany Draycott
Investigation of Hollow Bar Micropiles in Cohesive Soil, Osama F. El Hadi Drbe
Genetic approaches to studying complex human disease, Joseph B. Dube
Elucidating the Role of Menin During Islet Cell Development in the Human Fetal Pancreas, Jessica L. Dubrick
Imaging Breast Cancer Progression and Lymph Node Metastases in Murine Models Using MRI and Magnetic Nanoparticles, Vasiliki Economopoulos
The Role of Humor as a Character Strength in Positive Psychology, Kimberly R. Edwards
Channel Flow Behaviour During Mixed Convection at Low Reynolds Numbers, Ahmed Elatar
Biofilm Control in a Fludized Bed Bioreactor (FBBR) Treating Municipal Wastewater: Optimization, Modeling, and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions, Ahmed Eldyasti
Simplified Tools for Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames Exposed to Fire, Salah El-Din F. El-Fitiany
Manufacturing Legitimacy: A Critical Theory of Election News Coverage, Gabriel N. Elias
Evaluation of matricellular proteins as potential therapeutics for the treatment of human chronic skin wounds, Christopher G. Elliott
On The Development of a Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Near-Infrared Technique to Measure Cerebral Blood Flow in the Neurocritical Care Unit, Jonathan T. Elliott
Understanding what would make children want to attend a bicycle safety training program, Cassandra L. Ellis
Cyclic and Post-Cyclic Response of Silt and Sandy Silt Soils, Ali El Takch
Uncovering the Molecular Link Between miR156.SPL15 and Carotenoid Accumulation in Arabidopsis, Davood Emami Meybodi
Structure of an Ensemble of Insectivorous Bats, Matthew A. Emrich
Trophic Level Influence on Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Bat Fur, Leslie M. Erdman
Fabricating Cost-Effective Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications, Erden Ertorer
The Synthesis and Evaluation of Peptide-Based Probes for the Imaging of RHAMM Expressing Carcinoma and GLP-1R on Pancreatic Beta Cells, Ashley Esarik
Photocatalytic Water Splitting using a Modified Pt-TiO2. Kinetic Modeling and Hydrogen Production Efficiency, Salvador Escobedo Salas
Progress Toward Synthesis of Molecular Beacons Incorporating DABCYL Analog Quenchers, Christie M. Ettles
Sexual Differentiation of the Prefrontal Cortex in Humans: Examining Behavioural Sex Differences and the Modulatory Role of Androgens, Kelly L. Evans
The Violence of Aesthetics: Benjamin, Kane, Bolaño, Nicholas A. Fagundo
Characterization of the Corrosion and Oxide Film Properties of Alloy 600 and Alloy 800, Melissa Faichuk
Expression analysis of histone acetyltransferases in rice under drought stress, Hui Fang
The Effects of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors on the Reproductive Biology of Male Western Bean Cutworm Moths, Striacosta Albicosta (Smith), Jasmine Farhan
Investigating The Role of Zoos In Primate Conservation: An Analysis Of Visitor Experience At The Toronto Zoo, Caleigh Ashton Farrell
Numerical Modeling of Solidification Process and Prediction of Mechanical Properties in Magnesium Alloys, Mehdi Farrokhnejad
The Effects Upon Students of Supplementing Aboriginal Post-Secondary Transition Programs With Traditional Cultural Activities, Karen Favell
Elementary Students' Beliefs About the Causes of Learning Difficulties: A Comparison Between Canada and Saudi Arabia, Huda Saleh Felimban
Exploring parental experiences and decision-making processes following a fetal anomaly diagnosis, Ramona L. Fernandez
Non-Neuronal Acetylcholine Secretion by Neonatal Murine Cardiomyocytes, William Fields
Spectrum Sensing and Multiple Access Schemes for Cognitive Radio Networks, Oscar G. Filio Rodriguez
Language contributions to health related quality of life in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Katie M. Findlater
Factors Affecting Music Education in Ontario Secondary Schools: Teachers' Perspectives, Laura E. Fitzpatrick
Multiple approaches for assessing mangrove biophysical and biochemical variables using in situ and remote sensing techniques, Francisco Javier Flores de Santiago
The effects of pre- and postnatal administration of propionic acid and lipopolysaccharide on the behaviour of adolescent male and female rats, Kelly A. Foley
The Effect of Exercise on Cravings and Ad libitum Smoking Following Concurrent Stressors, Angela J. Fong
Human Adenovirus E1A binds and retasks cellular hBre1, blocking interferon signalling and activating virus early gene transcription, Gregory J. Fonseca
Reinforcement learning with motivations for realistic agents, Jacquelyne T. Forgette
Characterizing Stomatin-like Protein 2 and its Role in Neuron Survival, Lisa A. Foris
Studies of the Charge Storage Properties of Poly(bithiophene) and Amorphous Carbon Nitride, Timothy Adam Forristal
Clash of the Industry Titans: Marvel, DC and the Battle for Market Dominance, Caitlin Foster
UTIL-DSS: Utilization-Based Dynamic Strategy Switching for Improvement in Data Centre Operation, Graham Foster
A Physical and Geochemical Characterization of Southwestern Ontario's Breathing Well Region, Candace N. Freckelton
"Sit-still and Shut-up": The Construction of Childhood and Classroom Management Pedagogies in a Preservice Education Textbook, Marlene P. Frederick
Structure-Function Analysis of UDP-Sugar: Polyisoprenyl Phosphate Sugar-1-Phosphate Transferases, Sarah E. Furlong
Theory of Model Kohn-Sham Potentials and its Applications, Alex P. Gaiduk
Mapping and Zircon Geochronology of the Lyon Inlet Boundary Zone, Nunavut; a Crustal Scale Break in the Churchill Province, Nikolas B. Ganderton
Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows Using Ferrate (VI), Rohan Gandhi
Statistical Analysis of Correlated Ordinal Data: Application to Cluster Randomization Trials, Ruochu Gao
Core French Teachers’ Perceptions of ELL Inclusion: A Mixed-Methods Investigation, Jordana F. Garbati
Thinking with Arendt: Authenticity, Gender and Leadership, Rita A. Gardiner
Climate Change Impact on Flood Hazard in the Grand River Basin, Ontario, Canada, Abhishek Gaur
Development of Novel Nano-structured Materials with Low-Cost and High Stability for PEM Fuel Cell, Dongsheng Geng
Rheology of Solutions of Polyisophrene and Polyisoprene-Carbon Nanotube Composites, Ruiping Ge
Performance assessment of wireless Two Way Relay Channel systems, Siramack Ghadimi
Enhanced Voltage-Sourced Inverters for Large-Scale Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems, Hamidreza Ghoddami
Investigating Conducted Microvascular Response To Localized Oxygen Delivery In Vivo Using A Novel Micro-Delivery Approach, Nour W. Ghonaim
A Free Exchange e-Marketplace for Digital Services, Wafa M. I. Ghonaim
Reducing Epilepsy-Related Stigma: Teachers' Implementation of an Epilepsy Education Program, Gayle Michelle Gibson
A Case study mapping literacy learning opportunities and identity construction among African immigrant youth in a Canadian Secondary School, Wambui J. Gichuru
The Call of the Wild Geese: An Ethnography of Diasporic Irish Language Revitalization in Southern and Eastern Ontario, Jonathan R. Giles
Evaluating the Co-commensal Lifestyles of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, Piraveina Gnanasuntharam
Short Term Treatment Effectiveness And Long Term Prognosis In Patients With Lateral Epicondylosis/Tennis Elbow, Pritika Gogia
Pharmacogenetics of Oral Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets, Inna Gong
Factors That Contribute To Adverse Events Involving Care- Dependent Community Dwelling Older Adults And Their Caregivers., Dorothy J. Gotzmeister
Perspective Transformation Amongst Student Interns, Robert V. Gough
Flexibly adapting to emotional cues: Examining the functional and structural correlates of emotional reactivity and emotion control in healthy and depressed individuals, Steven G. Greening
Essays in Macroeconomics of Development, Douwere Eric Grekou
Awareness of Physical Activity Levels and Sedentary Behaviour: An Assessment of Awareness of Physical Activity Levels and Sedentary Behaviour Among Parents and Children, Tripat Simran Kaur Grewal
Space, Power and the Public Library: A Multicase Examination of the Public Library as Organization Space, Matthew R. Griffis
Disaster Data Management in Cloud Environments, Katarina Grolinger
P2X7 Nucleotide Receptor Signaling in Osteoblasts, Matthew W. Grol
Seasonal Decomposition for Geographical Time Series using Nonparametric Regression, Hyukjun Gweon
Applicability of a Picosecond Laser for Micro-Polishing of Metallic Surfaces, Abdullah Mohammad Khalid Hafiz
New algorithms for structural variation detection by de novo genome assembly, Ehsan Haghshenas
Micro-Mechanical Assessment of the Local Plastic Strain Invoked During a Splined Mandrel Flow Forming Operation, Meysam Haghshenas
Shroom3 deficient mice show congenital heart defects, Rami R. Halabi
Attributions & Resiliency: An Analysis of the Resiliency-Attribution Association, Aaron J. Halliday
The Continuum Linear Polarization Signature of Classical Be Stars, Robbie J. Halonen
The Halifax Pop Explosion: Music Scenes, Sloan, And The Case For A Halifax Sound, Danielle Hamel
Children's Understanding and Experience of Anger Within Their Peer Groups, Nicole J. Hamel
Cellular Adaptation of Macrophages to Anthrax Lethal Toxin-Induced Pyroptosis via Epigenetic Mechanisms, Chae Young Han
N-acetylcysteine as a chemoprotectant against ifosfamide nephrotoxicity; from mechanism to prevention, Lauren Hanly
College instructors’ preparedness to teach students with learning disabilities, Kathryn D. Hansen
Development of Microfabrication Process for Micro Inductive Sensors, Xueguang Han
Hardware Acceleration Technologies in Computer Algebra: Challenges and Impact, Sardar Anisul Haque
Understanding the Volunteer Youth Coaching Environment: A Psychological Contract Perspective, Alanna Harman
Fluid Identities: Toward a Critical Security of Water, Cameron Harrington
Optimization of a boundary element approach to electromagnet design with application to a host of current problems in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Chad T. Harris
The Role of Self-Brand Overlap in Consumer Evaluations of Brand Portfolio Management Decisions, Kendra A. Hart
Efficient Arithmetic for the Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Ebrahim Abdulrahman Hasan Abdulrahman
Valuation of the Peterborough Prison Social Impact Bond, Majid Hasan
Smouldering Combustion for Soil Remediation: Two-Dimensional Experiments and Modelling, Tanzeer Hasan
Multi-Point Stride Coverage: A New Genre of Test Coverage Criteria, Mohammad Mahdi Hassan
The Role of Probe-Trial Distractors in the Production/Removal of the Spatial Negative Priming Effect, Peter D. Haworth
DNA barcoding expands dietary identification and reveals dietary similarity in Jamaican frugivorous bats, Colin E. Hayward
Development of a translational animal model of sepsis, Nathaniel E. Hayward
Well-Being, Authority, and Worth, Michel Hebert
Solid State NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Metal-Organic Frameworks, Peng He
Numerical Investigation of the Interdependence between Humeral Implant Position and Bone Removal Amount for Total Elbow Arthroplasty, Alexander J. Heroux
Foreigners Among the Dead at Túcume, Peru: Assessing residential mobility using isotopic tracers, Barbara R. Hewitt
After Dark: Reading Canadian Literature in a Light-Polluted Age, David S. Hickey
Atrial Fibrillation-Linked Germline GJA5/Connexin40 Mutants Showed an Increased Hemichannel Function, Matthew D. Hills
The effects of a single acute and repeated intracerebroventricular infusions of propionic acid on locomotor activity and neuroinflammation in rats, Stacey Holbrook
The Relationship Between Male Batterers' Self-Disclosure and Treatment Outcome, Armita Hosseini
Analysis of Subcellular Localization Patterns Suggest Non-enzymatic Roles for Select Arogenate Dehydratases, Travis R. Howes
Investigating the Effects of Radiation on Phosphonium-Based Ionic Liquids, Susan Howett
Finite Element Analyses of Single-Edge Bend Specimens for J-R Curve Development, Yifan Huang
Outsourcing Family: Consumers, Culture, and Marketplaces for Care & Intimacy, Aimee L. Huff
Effects of niacin in human vascular endothelial cells during lipotoxicity, Jennifer M. Hughes-Large
Hospital-Based Nurse Practitioner Practice: An Exploration of Interprofessional Teams., Christina J. Hurlock-Chorostecki
Representation, Recognition and Collaboration with Digital Ink, Rui Hu
Personal Smart Assistant for Digital Media and Advertisement, Ali Hussain
Atypical antipsychotic drugs and the risk of acute kidney injury: A population-based cohort study, Yoseob Joseph Hwang
Why Are Secondary School Girls Not Embracing Science?, Felicia F. Ibrahim
Effects of Coordinated Bilateral Hearing Aids and Auditory Training on Sound Localization, Iman Elsabah Ibrahim
Trust in Functional and Dysfunctional Organizational Leaders: The Role of Leadership Style, Employees’ Emotions and Trustworthiness Perceptions, Tatjana Ilic-Balas