Master of Science
Dr Greg D. Marsh
Unaccustomed eccentric muscle contraction causes prolonged changes to indirect markers of muscle damage (Clarkson & Hubal, 2002). It has been proposed that active recovery therapy (ART) consisting of non-eccentric based movements may aid in the recovery process uts of moderate intensity cycling in the followin(Sayers et al., 2000). The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effect of ART on changes in one repetition maximum (1RM), dynamic muscle function, swelling, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and changes in MRI T2 relaxation times post exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD). Ten previously trained participants (at least 1 lower body resistance training session a week) were recruited from within the university community and divided in two groups: a cycling ART group (CG, n = 5) who performed three bouts of moderate intensity cycling in the four days following the EIMD protocol and a non-cycling group (NCG, n= 5) who performed no cycling in the four days following the EIMD protocol. There were no statistical differences between the two treatment groups for height, weight or age (P < 0.05). The EIMD protocol reduced 1RM, muscle function, elicited DOMS and increased swelling and T2 relaxation times in both CG and NCG (P <0.05). In the 96 h period post the EIMD protocol no differences were observed between CG and NCG for the magnitude of change or rate of recovery. Three bouts of cycling ART performed at 24 h intervals after an EIMD did not improve indirect markers of muscle damage.
Recommended Citation
Major, Brendan P., "Moderate intensity cycling following eccentric contractions does not attenuate indirect markers of muscle damage." (2013). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 1278.