Master of Education
Dr. Peter Jaffe
The purpose of this study was to examine risk profiles presented by men who have assaulted their partner versus those who have killed their partner in an act of intimate partner violence (N =526). Three groups of men were examined: men who have killed (DVDRC) and men involved in a batterer intervention program (BIP) either post-adjudication (CO) or as a part of a specialized pre-adjudication (EI) program for domestic violence offences. Twenty risk factors were compared across the three groups. Primary findings of the study suggest that men who kill their partners are different than men who did not and were involved in the batter intervention program (BIP) in that they presented with a greater overall risk. Moreover, results showed a pattern of specific risk factors being significantly elevated (obsessive and/or jealous, prior threats to commit suicide, access to firearms, and prior attempts to isolate the victim) relative to the men in the non-lethal groups. Finally, it is worthy to note that a significant portion (34%) of men post-adjudication presented above the suggested cut-off for high-risk of lethality. Several implications follow from these findings that build on the growing body of literature pertaining to the phenomenon of IPV.
Recommended Citation
Carrier, Carolyn, "Examining Risk: Profiles of Adult Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence" (2013). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 1197.