Master of Science
Medical Biophysics
Dr Alexandre Legros
2nd Supervisor
Dr Alex W. Thomas
Joint Supervisor
Extremely low frequency (ELF, < 300 Hz) magnetic fields (MFs) have been reported to modulate human cognitive performance. However, little research has investigated MF exposures comparable to the highest levels experienced in some occupations. This research evaluated the impact of a 60 Hz, 3 mT MF on human cognitive performance. Ninety-nine participants completed the double-blind protocol performing a selection of psychometric tests under two consecutive MF exposure conditions (exposure vs. no exposure). A significant interaction effect on a working memory test (digit span forward - F=5.21, p
Recommended Citation
Corbacio, Michael, "Effects of a Power-Line Frequency Magnetic Field on Human Cognitive Processing" (2013). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 1762.