Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Managing Interpersonal Conflict: Adolescents With and Without Intellectual Disabilities, Olivia Faulconbridge
Impact of post-pyrolysis wash on biochar powders and their respective granule formations, Anthony Fazzalari
Monks Praise the Female Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: Hild of Whitby and Edith of Wilton, Lori Ferguson
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis et Progressiva (EKVP) Linked Cx30.3 Mutants can be Selectively Rescued by Co-expression of Wildtype Keratinocyte Connexins, Rhett O. Figliuzzi
Effects of Gene-Environment Interactions on the Evolution of Social Behaviours, Vonica J. Flear
Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels: Regulators of Myogenic Tone in Cerebrovascular Smooth Muscle, Jacob Fletcher
Exploring the Perspectives of Older Adults and Health Care Providers on Patient Participation in Transitional Care from Hospital to Cardiac Rehabilitation during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Cecilia Flores Sandoval
Chronic Disease Management in a Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic: An Interpretive Description Study, Natalie Floriancic
Peer Effects and Social Networks in an MBA Program, Zinaida Foltin
Automatic extraction of requirements-related information from regulatory documents cited in the project contract, Sara Fotouhi
Back to the Beginning: An Empiricist Defense of Scientific Stories About the Past, Craig William Fox
The study of the structure and dynamics of parkin activation, Elaine Aisha Freeman
Fear of the Human "Super-Predator" In African Mammals, Nikita R. Frizzelle
The effects of resistance training on cognition and brain health in older adults at risk for diabetes: A pilot feasibility study, Joyla Furlano
Coloquio entre dos Perros, Comic Chamber Opera in Nine Scenes, Sandra Rocio Fuya-Duenas
Allostratigraphy of the Lower Colorado Group (Cretaceous) in south-west Alberta, Slavena Galic
Development of a Wearable Haptic Feedback Device for Upper Limb Prosthetics through Sensory Substitution, Marco B.S. Gallone
3D Printing Technology Applied in Lithium Metal Batteries: From Liquid to Solid., Xuejie Gao
Societal Preferences for Trade-offs between Cancer and Non-Cancer Health Outcomes: A Choice Experiment, Roxanne Garaszczuk
Metabolic regulation during extraembryonic endoderm differentiation, Mohamed Gatie
Making meaning about reproductive work: A narrative inquiry into the experiences of migrant caregivers in Canada, Crystal Gaudet
Production of biopolymers by Aureobasidium pullulans on industrial waste streams, Islam Gawdat
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Class of Ring-based Angular Rate Sensing and Energy Harvesting Systems, Ibrahim F Abdelhamid Gebrel
(Re)Thinking anti-racist pedagogies in early childhood education: An exploratory case study of the perspectives of Muslim Mothers in Ontario, Hanaa Ghannoum
Data and Sensor Fusion Using FMG, sEMG and IMU Sensors for Upper Limb Prosthesis Control, Jason S. Gharibo
Nature, Nurture, or Both? Study of sex and gender and their effects on pain, Maryam Ghodrati
Deep Neural Networks For Human Activity Recognition With Wearable Sensors, Davoud Gholamiangonabadi
Perspectives religieuses et séculaires de la Nature dans les Pensées philosophiques de Denis Diderot, Aleksandra Gieralt
Dopaminergic Modulation of a Fast Visuomotor Pathway in Parkinson's Disease, Madeline C. Gilchrist
Self-Immolative Dendritic Hydrogels, Karanpreet Gill
Explaining the Origins and Evolution of the Global Financial Inclusion Agenda, Tyler Girard
Making the Mandates System, Benjamin Gladstone
Three Essays on Climate and Development, Samantha Goertz
Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques towards Intelligent Networking Automation, Cesar A. Gomez
The Mean-Reverting 4/2 Stochastic Volatility Model: Properties And Financial Applications, Zhenxian Gong
“One of the Most Elaborate Doping Ploys in Sports History”: The Impact of the 2016 Russian Doping Scandal on Anti-Doping, WADA and Athletes’ Rights, Mikael J. Gonsalves
The Measure of a Monitor's Role, Alejandro E. Gonzalez
The Other Neighbour of El Otro Lado, Anahi Gonzalez Teran
The Role of Inflammation in Colitis-Associated Cancer, Hayley Good
More barriers than solutions: Women’s experiences of support with online abuse, Chandell E. Gosse
Evidence-based programming for vulnerable youth: Successes and challenges of implementing healthy relationships programs in diverse settings, Rachelle M. Graham
Effects of Gamma-Radiation on the Evolution of Copper Corrosion Dynamics in Deep Geological Repository Solution Environments, Lindsay J. Grandy
Ancient Egyptian Subadult Mummies: Unwrapping Childhood in the Ancient Past, Jillian A. Graves
The Role of Circular RNA HIPK3 in Ischemia Reperfusion Injury During Heart Transplantation, Adam P. Greasley
Place, community ownership and the role of leaseholders within the social dynamics of wind energy projects in two Ontario communities, Parveen Grewal
Geological, mineralogical and geochemical process controls on Ni tenor variations in the metasedimentary-hosted Thompson 1D orebody at Vale’s Thompson mine (T3), Northern Manitoba, Canada, Povilas G. Grigutis
Long-Circulating, Degradable Lanthanide-Based Contrast Agents for Pre-Clinical Microcomputed Tomography of the Vasculature, Eric Grolman
Mixed-reality visualization environments to facilitate ultrasound-guided vascular access, Leah Groves
Consideration of Executive Functioning for Physiotherapy Rehabilitation: Studies of Physiotherapists’ Knowledge, Normative Data, and a Practice Application, Nicole A. Guitar
Estimation of tropical cyclone rain hazard for sites in coastal region of mainland China, Jiyang Gu
Development of a recombinant brewing yeast to produce beer from hemp extract (Cannabis Sativa L.), Mehmet Ugur Gulmen
Significance of the vehicle front design and gait postures on traumatic brain injuries sustained by different pedestrian populations during car-to-pedestrian collisions (CPCs) - A computational approach, Thava Kalishwara Kumar Gunasekaran
Nanoorthogonal Surface Modifications of Gold Nanoparticles and Nanoclusters through Strain-Promoted Cycloaddition Chemistry, Praveen N. Gunawardene
A partial-turbulence approach to estimate peak wind loads on low-rise building roofs, Yitian Guo
A Novel Submerged Photocatalytic Oscillatory Membrane Reactor for Effluent Water Polishing, Siddharth Gupta
Addressing Bias in Non-Experimental Studies Assessing Treatment Outcomes in Prostate Cancer, David E. Guy
Active fluids: rheological properties and response to light of suspensions of Synechocystis sp. CPCC 534, Zahra Habibi
Investigating the role of interleukin-15 in post-traumatic osteoarthritis, Ermina Hadzic
A Visual Analytics System for Rapid Sensemaking of Scientific Documents, Amirreza Haghverdiloo Barzegar
A quantitative assessment of hemodynamic and histological parameters in the mdx mouse model, Sarah Hakim
Muslim girls' experiences with Islamophobia, sexism, and anti-Black racism in Ontario secondary schools: A case study, Sarah Halabi
Is Another World Possible?: Herbert Marcuse and Possibilities for 'Real' Change, Robert Halperin
Statistical summary representations are perceived but not grasped., Maryam Hamidi
Investigation of Electrochemical and Hybrid Microbial Desalination Cells for Environmental Applications, Shawn Nicholas Hamilton
Understanding Neural Signals related to Speech Processing in Humans During Sleep, Ashwin Harimohan
Peer Mentorship in an Undergraduate Health Professional Education Program: An Embodied Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Helen F. Harrison
Towards Realistic Simulation of Penetration Tests and Instability Analysis of Sand: A Micromechanical Perspective, Seyedshayan Hashemi
Mitigation of Fluid Coker Cyclone Fouling with Consideration to Reactor Performance, Andrew J. Heaslip
Discontinuous Fiber Vacuum Assisted Compression Molding, Bennet Heidenreich
Three Essays on Individual and Household Responses to Information, Liquidity, and Policy Shocks, Brian C. Held
Investigating the Corrosion Behaviour of Ni-based alloys in Industrially Relevant Environments, Jeffrey D. Henderson
Variable Subject Pronoun Expression in the Spanish of Londombia: A study of language contact in Canada, Angelica Hernandez Constantin
Characterization of tissue-specific matrix-derived bioscaffolds for nucleus pulposus cell culture, Marco A. Herrera Quijano
Genus Bounds for Some Dynatomic Modular Curves, Andrew W. Herring
Long-term Field Performance of Geomembrane-Lined Cover Systems at Mine Waste Rock Piles, Deanna Hersey
Surface Morphology and Subsurface Ice Content Relationships in Arcadia Planitia, Mars and the Canadian High Arctic, Shannon M. Hibbard
Examining the Feasibility of Delivering a Multi-Component Virtual Lifestyle Medicine Program for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Madison S. Hiemstra
The Effect of Feminist Identity on Women's Conceptualizations of Beauty and Body-Based Stigma: A Conceptual Replication and Extension, Courtney C. Hillier
Going With The Flow: The Evolution of Menstrual Education in England, 1850 to 1930, Madeline M. Hiltz
Metal Ligand Cooperative Complexes for Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Amines, Matthew D. Hoffman
Probing the Role of Silicates for Corrosion Control in Lead Plumbing, Hailey Holmes
Social Media Use, Social Connectedness, and Physical Distancing Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Olivia Holmes
Investigating the Role of Targeted Memory Reactivation in Sleep Spindle Production, Justin W. Hopper
Autonomy, Paternalism, and the Moral Foundations of the Fiduciary Relationship, Austin Horn
Early experience and the functional calibration of the stress-response systems, Niki Hosseini-Kamkar
Understanding the Lived Experience of Health Through the Exploration of Well-being of Women with Multiple Sclerosis in Southwestern Ontario, Jennifer Howard
Neoliberalism, Institutionalism, and Art, Declan Hoy
Écrire à partir (des traces) du passé. Annie Ernaux, Anny Duperey, Camille Laurens, Jia Bao Huang
Process Modifications and Additives for Anticorrosive Powder Coatings, Jinbao Huang
Development of 3D Bioartificial Human Tissue Models of Periprosthetic Shoulder Joint Infection, Tony B. Huang
Essays in financial asset pricing, Dillon Ross Huddleston
Antecedents and Consequences of Hospitals’ Responses to Institutions: Three Contemporary Essays Concerning Ontario Reforms, Gabriel J. A. Huppé
Vindicating Evans: A Defence Of Evans' Theory Of Singular Thought, Dylan A. Hurry
Seismic Response of Driven and Helical Piles in Non-liquefiable and Liquefiable Soils, Ahmed Fouad Hussein
Hibernation is super complex: dynamics of electron transport system supercomplexes, Amalie J. Hutchinson
The role and importance of social support during recovery following distal radius fracture, Ogheneruona MI Idoghor Ikpen
Significance of the Neck in Concussive Head Impacts – A Computational Approach, Sakib Ul Islam
Synthesis And Characterization of Re(I) Tricarbonyl Complexes of 1,8-Naphthalimide, Priyanka Jagadeesa Prabhu
Experimental simulation of a density-driven downburst translating within a turbulent boundary layer, Shivani Ashitkumar Jariwala
The Role of GSK3 alpha and beta in Embryonic Craniofacial Development, Harman Jassar
Growth viability assay assessment for disinfectant screening, Paavana Jayaram
Characterizing the Anxiolytic Potential and Synergistic Efficacy of Cannabidiol and d-limonene, Nathashi Jayawardena
Exploring Effectiveness of Implementation of the MindUP Program Through Implementor Perspectives, Maria Jelic
Modulation of GABAA Receptor by Neurosteroids and Protein Kinases in Health and Disease, Jaymin Jeong
Quantifying Timely Access to Surgery: A Global Modelling Study, Joo-Hyun Jeong
A systematic review for identifying instructional design strategies and principles in extended massive open online courses (xMOOCs), Jingrui Jiang
Production of Bio-Based Concrete Water Reducer from Crude Cellulose derived from Woody Biomass, Anthony T. Johnson
Capital Distress: Productive Citizenship and Mental Health in Adolescent Literature, Jeremy TL Johnston
"Healthcare Heroes" - The Change in Perceptions of Nurses' Roles During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Stephanie Jones
The Cost-Effectiveness of a Midvastus Versus Standard Medial Parapatellar Surgical Approach for Total Knee Arthroplasty, Ishita Joshi
Organizing for- and in- the Digital Age: A Case of the Indian Banking Industry, Mayur Prataprai Joshi
21°C is the emerging ideal temperature for kidney preservation in the presence of hydrogen sulfide, Smriti Juriasingani
The Analysis of Ginsenosides in Ginseng Garden Soil, Karina Marie Kaberi
Visual Cues For Semi-autonomous Control Of Transradial Prosthetics, Mena S.A. Kamel
Calibration Between Eye Tracker and Stereoscopic Vision System Employing a Linear Closed-Form Perspective-n-Point (PNP) Algorithm, Mohammad Karami
Slow Pyrolysis of Vomitoxin-Contaminated Corn in a Batch Reactor, Shokooh Karami
Non-Linear Effects of Solution Parameters and Gamma Radiation on Nickel Oxidation Dynamics, Razieh Karimihaghighi
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Loxlan W. Kasa
Experimental Study of Tornado-Induced Pressures, Aya Kassab
I’ve Got the Power! Agency, Empowerment, and Motivation in Career Management, Mirit Kastelman Grabarski
Cationic Boron Formazanate Complexes, Benjamin D. Katzman
Examining the ‘Pocket Hercules’ – Naim Suleymanoglu: His Life and Career in Olympic Weightlifting and International Sport, Oguzhan Keles
tRNA Regulation in Humans: The cellular effect of a pathological HARS Y454S mutation, Rosan Kenana
A Behavioral Study on the Adult Marmoset Interference Control in Spatial Working Memory, Mohadese Khosravi Najafabadi
Visualizing Anishinaabe Ceramics: A Collaborative Approach to Digital Archaeology, Hillary V. Kiazyk
Waves of Lament, Kennedy Kimber-Johnson
Time-dependent fragility assessment of aged concrete gravity dam subjected to seismic load-with application to a dam in Korea, Jungmyung Kim
Three Essays on Corporate Sustainability Language, Nahyun Kim
Mood, Music Choices, and the Emotional Outcomes of Music Listening: An Examination of the Moderating Role of Rumination using Experience-Sampling Methodology, Elizabeth E. Kinghorn
Why Do People Engage in Eating Disorder Behaviours?, Abbigail Kinnear
Using spatial methods to analyse anthropogenic predation risk and movement ecology of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Rhiannon D. Kirton
'The Memory of All That': The Effects of Music on Paradoxical Lucidity in Older Adults, Sarah Klapman
Students adrift: An examination of school disengagement among clinically referred children and youth, Janell A. Klassen
Cholinergic Modulation of Behaviour, Ornela Kljakic
Composite Compression Co-moulding: a Warpage Reduction Investigation, David Knezevic
Numerical Simulation And Scaling Of Thunderstorm Downburst Outflows, Cristiano Andre Rodrigues Kondo
Catechol-Containing Copolymers As An Active Ingredient for Denture Adhesives, Vincent Ying Wun Kong
The Spatial Equity of Dockless Micromobility Sharing Systems in Calgary, Canada, Vivian Kong
Falls Screening in Community- Dwelling Older Adults, Hadi Kooshiar
Fuzzy and Probabilistic Rule-Based Approaches to Identify Fault Prone Files, Piyush Kumar Korlepara
Extracellular Matrix-Derived Microcarriers as 3-D Cell Culture Platforms, Anna Kornmuller
Systematic Review of STEM Attitude Measures, Meagan Koufis
A Mechanistic View of Mental Fatigue and Motor Performance: Implications of Sex, Physical Activity and Sleep Quality, Katie L. Kowalski
Agroecology, Ecosystem Services and Crop Health and Productivity: A Participatory Geospatial Analysis in Northern Malawi, Daniel Luke Kpienbaareh
Early adversity and positive parenting: Predicting executive functioning in children with ASD, Elizabeth A. Kuenzel
Investigating Bone Cement Susceptibility Related Artifacts and Adhesion, Eric Kuindersma
Direct electrical stimulation of prefrontal cortex modulates the transient heart rate response to exercise in conscious humans, Bartek Kulas
Mechanisms underlying enhanced bone marrow adipogenesis in diabetes, Jina J.Y. Kum
The Discursive Construction of Substance Use and Harm Reduction in Canadian Health Policy, Sibel Kusdemir
A Multi-level Mechanical Assessment of the Shoulder Coupled with Evaluation of Upper Extremity Predictive Finite Element Models, Jonathan Kusins
Investigation of the Hsp90 co-chaperone, STI1, in cellular resilience and neurodegenerative diseases, Rachel E. Lackie
A Sense of Proportion: How humans process relative magnitudes in space and time, Rebekka Lagace-Cusiac
Dynamics of the Soil Microbiome in Ginseng Gardens, Megan E. Lambert
Visual Perception in Hearing Sign Language Users, Jessica M. Lammert
Effects of ergothioneine on endothelial cell and macrophage characteristics, and markers of atherosclerosis risk under high lipid conditions, Daniel Lam-Sidun
Descriptive Analysis of Fall-Related Injuries Among Older Adults in Ontario, Nicolette Lappan
Sexual Dimorphism in Response to Repetitive Bouts of Acute Exercise in Rodents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Jordan C. Larocque
Cognitive and Affective Correlates of Math Achievement: An Examination of the Roles of Symbolic Number Development and Math Anxiety, Nathan T.T. Lau
Does the Cogito Have (a) Sex?, Emily Laurent-Monaghan
3D Printed Polypyrrole Scaffolds for pH Dependent Drug Delivery with Applications in Bone Regeneration, Matthew T. Lawrence
Investigating the Experiences of Faculty Members and Administrators with Quality Assurance and Accountability in Higher Education in Ontario, Melanie Lawrence
Genetic Approaches for the Study of Complex Human Diseases, Julieta Lazarte
Troubling Service User Involvement in Health Professional Education: Toward Epistemic Justice, Stephanie LeBlanc-Omstead
Metschnikowia mitochondria, Dong Kyung Lee
Delineating the Skeletal Muscle-Microvessel Regeneration Program after Ischemic Injury, Jason J. Lee
Refusing Interpretation: Waste Ecologies in Victorian Fiction and Prose, Nahmi Lee
Understanding the Kinomic Contributions to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Resistance in Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Cory Lefebvre
Yoga as embodied peacebuilding: Moving through personal, interpersonal and collective trauma(s) in post-conflict Colombia, Mayme Lefurgey
Theories: Reconsidering Ramsey in the Philosophy of Science, John D. Lehmann
Speaking Songs: Music-Analytical Approaches to Spoken Word, Chantal D. Lemire
Investigation of the Energy Source for an Early Dynamo in Vesta from Experiments on Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Fe-10wt%Ni at High Pressures, Eric M. Lenhart
Combating Racial Microaggression in Higher Education: a case study of East Asian students' experiences on campus space, Vivian Leung
Free fatty acid treatment alters autophagy during mouse preimplantation embryo development, Zuleika C. L. Leung
A Transformative Journey: The Lived Experience of Healthcare Learners Participating in Pain Management Education, Zoe A. Leyland
Compound Sums, Their Distributions, and Actuarial Pricing, Ang Li
Mathematical Modelling of Ecological Systems in Patchy Environments, Ao Li
Treatability of Micropollutants and Microplastics using Selected Wastewater Treatment Processes, Juan Li
General Manager Succession in Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries, Liang (Arthur) Li
Assessing Cognitive Function in a Mouse Model of Synucleinopathy, Mei Peng Lim
Staudinger Reactions on Azide Functionalized Au25 Nanoclusters as a Route to Linked Frameworks, Sung Kyun Lim
Characterization of the Ang/Tie2 Signaling Pathway in the Skeletal Muscle of DMD, Yiming Lin
Heat Flow in the Core of Ganymede: High Pressure-Temperature Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Solid and Liquid Ag and Fe-S Alloys, Joshua A.H. Littleton
Structural Tuning and Spectroscopic Characterizations of Polysulfide as Battery Materials, Daiqiang Liu
Essays in Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning, Fred Liu
Development of New Bonding Technologies for Powder Coatings, Wei Liu
Developing multi-species brain-strain-based scaling law using finite element analysis., Xingyu Liu
Uncertainties in internal pressure of oil pipelines and implications for the reliability analysis, Yue Liu
Development of Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems for Locoregional Therapy, Xinyi Li
Investigating the Behavior of Adsorbed CO2 in Metal-Organic Frameworks via 13C Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy, Yingxian Li
Impact of Local Fluidized Bed Hydrodynamics on the Distribution of Liquid Sprayed into the Bed, Yuan Li
Intergroup Leadership: Two Paths to Encourage Positive Intergroup Behaviours, Zhuo Li
Motion Intention Estimation using sEMG-ACC Sensor Fusion, Jose Alejandro Lopez
Thermodynamic Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in Naphtha-Water Mixtures, Sandra Milena Lopez-Zamora
Creation of a Virtual Interface for Stress-Trauma Investigations through Open World Navigation: An Exploration of Tolerability and Physiological Reactions, Michael J. Lukacs
Credit Risk Measurement and Application based on BP Neural Networks, Jingshi Luo
Music for Self-Attention, Jeffrey A T Lupker
Timber! How Loss of Trust Contributes to the Downfall of Narcissistic Leaders, Jennifer Lynch
Common Worlding Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education: Storying situated processes for living and learning in ecologically precarious times, Kelly-Ann MacAlpine
Le lyrisme chrétien chez Anne de Marquets : Étude et Édition de ses DIVINES POESIES DE MARC ANTOINE FLAMINIUS (Paris, chez Nicholas Chesneau, 1568/1569), Annick MacAskill
Examination of Principles of Palliative Care to Bolster the Focus on Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Survivorship, Chelsea A. MacDonald
Survival trends of patients with subglottic squamous cell carcinoma: A population based cohort study, Danielle MacNeil
Blocking PirB Function Increases Dendritic Spine Density in the Prefrontal Cortex of Adult Rats, Hannah J. MacNeil
Ontario High School Science Word List (OHSWL), Mohamed Mahfouz
Uncovering the ubiquitin ligase activity and substrates of the human C-terminal to LisH (CTLH) complex, Matthew E.R. Maitland
Biomaterial for Cervical Intervertebral Disc Prosthesis, Helium Mak
Are Near-Death Experiences Veridical? A Philosophical Inquiry, Monika J. Mandoki
A Light in the Window: Canada, Race, and South African Apartheid, 1958-1994, Daniel Manulak
Quebec’s Uninhabitable Community: Identity and Community among Anglo-Quebecer Out-Migrants, Evan A. Mardell
Stochastic Source Modelling and Tsunami Analysis of the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii Earthquake, Karina Martinez Alcala
Food Caching Decisions in Canada Jays (Perisoreus canadensis), Robert J. Martin
Mandated to Move: Teacher Identified Barriers, Facilitators, and Recommendations to Implementing Daily Physical Activity, Lauren Martyn
Thermochemical Conversion of Plastic to Value Added Products, Anastasia L. Maslak
Understanding Service Gaps and Support Opportunities in the Treatment of Childhood Anxiety, Chelsey R. Masson
"It's certainly someone's job": The roles of health care providers in homelessness prevention, Kayla May
A novel design methodology accounting for ramping and field inhomogeneities in dreMR imaging, Matthew A. McCready
Improving the Accuracy of References: The Effects of Felt Accountability on Personality Ratings, Cullen W. D. McCurrach
Social Structure And Cohesiveness Of GPS Tracked Wild Pigs In The Southeastern United States, Jack McIlraith
Towards A Poetics of Representation in 'London, Ontario': or, Local and Universal Passages, Alex McIntosh
The relationship between neighbourhood-level and family-level factors and sleep problems among children and youth, Katarina McKenzie
Insights into O-GlcNAc-mediated regulation of galectin expression and secretion in promyelocytic HL-60 cells, Adam J. McTague
Cluster Acceleration and Stabilization in Downflow Catalytic Reactors: Experimental and CPFD Simulation Studies, Cesar Alejandro Medina Pedraza
Assessment of the impacts of climate change, land cover transition, and internal climate variability on the hydrology of a forested watershed, Vahid Mehdipour
Experimental, theoretical, and translational studies of RBC distribution in capillary networks, Asher Mendelson
Assessing the Evolution of Mine Water Quality With Empirical 'First-Flush' Models, Patrick J. Merritt
Examining the role of Chloride Homeostasis and PGE2 signaling in the Neuroendocrine stress response to inflammation, Samuel A. Mestern
“I am the expert” : The Process of Adolescent Transition in the Self-Management of Hearing Healthcare. A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study, Christine N. Meston
Endothelial Cell-specific Loss of Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene 2 Exacerbates Atherosclerosis, David C.R. Michels
Developing a toolbox to engineer quantitative trait variation in legume species using CRISPR/Cas technologies., Petar Miletic
Creating Tools to Study the Signaling and Function of the Adhesion Family of GPCRs, Victor M. Mirka
Kindlin-1 is involved in spreading, migration, and protein regulation in epidermal SCC-13 cells, Naomi Mishan
4DCT analysis of in-vivo carpal kinematics during FEM, Manisha R. Mistry
Coevolution of Hosts and Pathogens in the Presence of Multiple Types of Hosts, Evan J. Mitchell
Chronic Pain Following Musculoskeletal Injuries: Where Do Familial Factors, Depression, and Distress Fit in?, Shirin Modarresi
Strings of Sound and Sense: Towards a Feminine Sonic, Ellen N. Moffat
Parallel Arbitrary-precision Integer Arithmetic, Davood Mohajerani
Curriculum, Theory and Practice: Exploring Nurses' and Nursing Students' Knowledge of, Attitudes Towards and Self- Efficacy in Caring for The Elderly in Canada, Amany Farag Mohamed
Impacts Of Climate Change On Food Security And Smallholder Livelihoods In Northern Ghana, Kamaldeen Mohammed
The effects of decellularized adipose tissue constructs on mesenchymal stromal/stem cell phenotype and pro-angiogenic secretory function., Yehia Moharrem
Cerebrovascular Compliance in Humans, Marcy Erin Moir
“I can’t be the nurse I want to be”: Stories of moral distress in pediatric oncology nurses’ caregiving narratives, Monica L. Molinaro
Biomechanical Analysis of Ligament Modelling Techniques and Femoral Component Malrotation Following TKA, Liam A. Montgomery
Trust and Bias in Peer-to-Peer Ratings: Why Peer-to-Peer Service Ratings are Nearly Always Positive, and How They Can be Fixed, Michael Moorhouse
Likelihood and familiarity in the simulation of future events, Claudia Morales Valiente
Alighting: A Phenomenology and Ethics of Sight and Touch in the Videocall, Liam Morantz
Phantasms of Hope: The Utopian Function of Fantasy Literature, Alexander C. Morgan
Health Care Initiative to Evaluate the Impact of a Nurse Practitioner Led Community Wound Care Service on Emergency Department Utilization, Sherry Morrell
Music of Peace and Protest: U.S. Composers and Musical Activism during the Vietnam War (1965-1971), April P. Morris
Exploring the Burden Experiences of Care Partners for People with Parkinson's Disease Living in Southwestern Ontario, Lisa A. Moszczynski
The impact of Quality-Based Procedures on radical prostatectomy outcomes in Ontario, Nickan Motamedi
The Dionysian Disintegrations of Horacio Castellanos Moya's Tragic Antiheroes, Spencer Moyes
Testing a Novel Peptide-Infused Cream for Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis in DR4tg Mice, Alisha J. Moynahan
Complicating factors in hydraulic jumps: the effects of earth's rotation, Muveno Pascoal Elias Mucaza
Exploring the Feasibility of a Concurrent Mindful Awareness Program, M3, for Children in a Community Setting, Alyssa E. Mueller
Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) Enactment of Dysphagia Education and Counselling in TBI Inpatient Rehabilitation., Stephanie Muir-Derbyshire
Validating an Observational Coding System for the Dominance Behavioural System (DBS) in Childhood, Jennifer Mullen
Predicting Dissatisfaction with Total Knee Arthroplasty, Joseph S. Munn
Assessment of Executive Function Using a Series of Operant Conditioning Based Tasks in T1DM Rodents, Kevin T. Murphy
Copper Corrosion Dynamics under Deep Geologic Repository Conditions, Masoumeh Naghizadeh
Resonances: An Examination of Republication Through Four Case Studies, F S. Nakhaie
Power Management and Control to Balance Residential Microgrids with Individual Phase-wise Generation and Storage, Syed Ahmed Raza Naqvi
Lean Supply Management in the Canadian Agri-food Sector, Fernando Naranjo
Non-invasive quantification of cerebral oxygen metabolism by hybrid positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging, Lucas Diovani Lopes Narciso
The Effect of Obesity on Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: Functional Outcome, Ninety-Day Costs, Reoperations, Readmissions and Cost-Effectiveness, Mohamad Nasser Eddine
Using Ionic Liquids in Fabrication of VO2 for Thermochromic Coatings, Shidokht Nazari
HIV-1 Drug Resistance to Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors in HIV-1 non-B Subtypes, Emmanuel Ndashimye
Overcoming Technological Challenges for the Commercialization of the Circulating Fluidized Bed Bioreactor for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Michael J. Nelson
The Experiences of Iraqi Refugees in Canada: A Life History Study of War and Resilience in the Aftermath of Migration, Nada Nessan
Heavy Metal Fundraisers: Entrepreneurial Recording Artists in Platform Capitalism, Jason Netherton
Nrf2 regulation by Hsp90, oxidation, and in breast cancer, Vy Ngo
La formation des questions Qu en ndà'ndà', Christelle Niguieu Toukam
Cyber Souls and Second Selves, Yas Nikpour Khoshgrudi
The Problems Facing the International Criminal Court: African Perspectives, Sarah Nimigan
A Systematic Literature Review of Intergenerational Literacy Studies, Ling Niu
Uncovering the Structural Basis for Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Dominant Negative Beta Subunit (MCUb) Function, Megan L. Noble
Evaluating a Concern for Falling Among People with a Lower Extremity Amputation, Kristin Elizabeth Nugent
Nurses' and Nurse Educators' Experiences of a Pediatric Nursing Continuing Professional Development program in Rwanda, Amy K. Olson
Investigating All-Gender Bathrooms in Ontario Schools: A Multi-Sited Case Study, Kenan Omercajic
Snapshot Three-Dimensional Surface Imaging With Multispectral Fringe Projection Profilometry, Parsa Omidi
Anxiety symptoms ten years after diagnosis of childhood-onset epilepsy: Prevalence and Correlates, Onyebuchi C. Omodon
Characterizing the Role of TDG in FXR-dependent Signaling, Oladapo A. Onabote
Fall Risk-Increasing Drugs and Gait Performance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Results from the Gait and Brain Study, Abdelhady Osman
Finding Teams that Fight Fair: Exploring Trajectories of Team Conflict Over Time, Natasha E. Ouslis
Neural substrates of reward, error, and effort processing underlying adaptive motor behaviour, Dimitrios J. Palidis
Adversity, Neurodevelopment, and Cognition in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Alissa Papadopoulos
Three-dimensional Ultrasound Imaging For Quantifying Knee Cartilage Volume, Samuel Papernick
Equisingular Approximation of Analytic Germs, Aftab Yusuf Patel
The No No-Exit Closet: An Alternative to No-Exit Pathways, Faith I. Patrick
Potential sex-related differences in neurophysiology post-concussion, Alexandra N. Pauhl
Evaluation of two mouse models of high genetic variation for suitability to test a heterozygote instability hypothesis, Hailie Pavanel
Targeting CCN Proteins in the Treatment of Dermal Fibrosis, Alex Peidl
Functional Role of DREAM and DYRK1A in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Cell Dormancy, Pirunthan Perampalam
The Role Of Working Memory And Linguistic Knowledge On Language Performance, Theresa Ai Vy Pham
In Situ Study of Geological Fluid Inclusions Using 23Na Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Stephen Pilar
Regional lipid expression abnormalities identified using MALDI IMS correspond to MRI-defined white matter hyperintensities within post-mortem human brain tissue., William J. Pinsky
Mechanical Design and Development of a Compliant 5-DOF Manipulator Using Magneto-Rheological Actuators, Sergey Pisetskiy
Comparison of Heterotrophic Activity in Forested Streams Originating from Wetland and Agricultural Tile Drainage Sources, Rebecca Poisson
Health Providers Perspectives on the Access and Use of Formal Health and Social Services by Stroke Caregivers, Hannah Pollock
A Narrative Approach to the Barcarolles for Solo Piano by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), Matthew T. Pope
Modifications in the representation and control of finger movement sequences with learning, Nicola Popp
Investigation of Shocked Basalts from Vargeão Dome and Vista Alegre: Implications for the Search for Life on Mars, Nikol Posnov
The Psychosocial and Physical effects of Therapeutic Horseback Riding for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Karen M. Pratt
(In)tolerance and (in)visibility: LGBTQ+ sense of place in the Stratford area, Dayna Prest
In the Shadow of the Atomic Cloud: Masculinity, Modernity, and the ‘Bomb’ in the Electoral Politics of Canada and the United States, 1949-1963, Allen G. Priest
The Effect of Authentic Leadership and New Graduate Support on New Graduate Nurses' Job Satisfaction, Stephanie H. Prtenjaca
Metabolic Reprogramming By DNA Tumour Viruses, Martin Prusinkiewicz
Metabolic origins of urogenital malodour in women and their relationship with their microbiota: can probiotics help?, Scarlett Puebla Barragan
Childhood-onset epilepsy and long-term child and maternal well-being, Klajdi Puka
Recognizing Parasport Impacts: Ripples, Waves, and Echoes, Adam J. Purdy
Precision Grasp Planning for Integrated Arm-Hand Systems, Shuwei Qiu
Evaluation of the Bioactive Properties of Peptides Derived From the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Zhujun Qiu
The Role of Exogenous Ketones on Various Aspects of Exercise Performance, Manuel D. Quinones
Mitigation of Replant Disease using Solarization in American Ginseng (Panex quinquefolius), Andrew G. Rabas
The E26 Transformation-Specific-Family Transcription Factor Spi-C is Dynamically Regulated by External Signals in B Cells, Hannah L. Raczkowski
Food Insecurity in the Agrarian Household: An Analysis of Gendered Identity, Conjugal Dynamics, and Coping in Northwestern Benin, Rosalind Ragetlie
Deep Learning for High-Impedance Fault Detection and Classification, Khushwant Rai
NNeMo (Neonatal NeuroMonitor) - a hybrid optical system to characterize perfusion and metabolism in the newborn brain, Ajay Rajaram
Performance Assessment and Design Guidelines for RC Three-Sided Culverts, Safwat Hassan Ramadan
Factors Associated with Dating Violence Victimization among Canadians: Results from the 2014 General Social Survey, Visna Rampersad
Examining the effects of a weight stigma induction on psychological stress and exercise outcomes, Isabella J. Randall
Perspectives on Firm Strategies in the Non-Market Environment, Vittal Kartik Rao
From Stateless People to Citizens: The Reformulation of Territory and Identity in India-Bangladesh Border Enclaves, Md Rashedul Alam
Novel ZCS PWM Methods for Industrial Applications, Ramtin Rasoulinezhad
Does aberrant connectivity underlie the experience of misophonia?, Kate Raymond
Is Motor Excitability Modulated by Isochronous Rhythms?, Syed Z. Raza
Generation and Characterization of an In Vitro Organotypic Foreskin Model for Future Study of the Penile Microbiome, Geoffrey J. Rempel
Debt and Stress Amongst Orthodontic Residents, Timothy Renison
The Role of Top-down Attention in Statistical Learning of Speech, Stacey Reyes
A Technique for Evaluating the Health Status of a Software Module Using Process Metrics, . Ria
The 1980 Moscow Olympic Boycott as a Tool of American Foreign Policy, Andrew Rice
“The seal set on our nationhood”: Canadian Literary Responses to the South African War (1899-1902), Alicia C. Robinet
Inter-disciplinary Characterization of Streambed Heterogeneity and its Influence on Groundwater-Stream Water Interactions, Kyle Robinson
4DCT to Examine Carpal Motion, Sydney M. Robinson
Exploring Experiences of Parents of a Child with Medical Complexity: A Case Study Approach, Vanessa Rocchese
Biomechanical strategies to reduce subsidence in Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion procedures, Renan Jose Rodrigues Fernandes
The Role of Community Paramedicine Programming in Providing Lift Assists in Southwestern Ontario, Andrew Rosa
Visual Analytics for Performing Complex Tasks with Electronic Health Records, Neda Rostamzadeh
The Social Identity Approach to Leadership: The Case of Alberta, Samuel Routley
Motivic Metamorphosis: Modelling Intervallic Transformations in Schoenberg’s Early Works, Adam Roy
The impacts of psychological stress on innate-like invariant T cell survival, phenotype, and function, Patrick Rudak
The Imitation of Ecuadorian Assibilated Rhotics by Naïve Andalusian Speakers from Seville, Maria de la Esperanza Ruiz-Peña
Hydrogen Production Via Photocatalytic Water Splitting Under Near-UV and Visible Light Using Doped Pd TiO2, Bianca Rusinque
Ridge Pine 3: A Late Archaic site in the southern Lake Huron Basin, Jessica Russell
Essays on Information Asymmetry and Leakage, Jun Hyun (Joseph) Ryoo
Microstructural Alterations in Grey and White Matter Following Early-Onset Deafness in the Cat, Alessandra Sacco
Seizure Detection Using Deep Learning, Information Theoretic Measures and Factor Graphs, Bahareh Salafian
Audiovisual integration in cochlear implant users and typical hearing controls: A study of group differences in syllable perception and effect of asynchrony on speech intelligibility, Cailey A. Salagovic
Matrin3 Misfolding in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Ahmed Salem
The Effectiveness of the Protection Motivation Theory in Reducing Vaping Behaviour in a Student Population, Babac Salmani
The regulation of Pannexin1 and Pannexin2 in the skin in health and disease, Rafael E. Sanchez Pupo
Essays on Firms in International Trade, Aldo Sandoval Hernandez
Refining Adaptation and Its Onset: Signals of Financial Innovation that Trigger Strategic Attention in Financial Services, Andrew Sarta
Bed particle dispersion and scour in the San Juan (Pacheedaht) River, Meghan Sauro
Reddit and Nursing During Covid-19: A Summative Content Analysis, Julia C. Savin
Perspectives of Canadian Midwives on Nutrition for Pregnancy, Yvana T. Sawaya
Disruption of Insertion Sequence 200 (IS200) leads to a premature induction of the Cysteine regulon in Salmonella Typhimurium, Naomi-Jean Q. Scherba
Functional Loss of Cntnap2 in the Rat Leads to Autism-related Alterations in Behaviour and Auditory Processing, Kaela Elizabeth Scott
Kinematics in Total Knee Arthroplasty, Allan Roy Sekeitto
Ideas Worth Spreading? Adverse Effects of Information Load in Online Communications, Amir Sepehri
Life in Between: Prehispanic Settlement Patterns of the Carabamba Valley, Northern Peru, Amedeo Sghinolfi
Urban Heat Mitigation for Current and Future Conditions: A case study for downtown London ON, Maryam Shams
A critical review and finite element study of structural relaxation in veneered 3Y-TZP dental structures, Prashant S. Shelar
Addictive Potential: Regimes, Transformations, Circulations, Kayleigh E. Shield
Predictive Model of Driver's Eye Fixation for Maneuver Prediction in the Design of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems, Mohsen Shirpour
Effect of Ion Implantation on Mechanical Properties and Kinetic Deformation Mechanisms in Inconel X-750, Loabat Shojaei-Kavan
Development of Control System for Open-Source Low-Cost Ventilators, Heena Shrestha
Revisiting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission in Photodissociation regions, Ameek K. Sidhu
A Mixed-Methods Examination of Modern Feminist Identity, Jaclyn Siegel
SymPhas: A modular API for phase-field modeling using compile-time symbolic algebra, Steven A. Silber
Real-time Automated Performance Metrics for Virtual Temporal Bone Drilling, Evan S. Simpson
Investigation of Column Packing & Flow Profiles in Packed Chromatographic Columns, Karamjit Singh
The Synthesis and Application of Polyglyoxylamides, Quinton EA Sirianni
Functional Characterization of Arogenate Dehydratase Isoforms in Soybean, Ramtin Sirjani
Characterizing the structural, biophysical and functional effects of S-Glutathionylation on STIM1 Ca2+ sensing, Christian Michael Sirko
Trends in Mental Health Service Use Among Youth and Emerging Adults in Canada, Thipiga Sivayoganathan
Individual Differences in Lifestyle Factors and the Effects of Acute Exercise on Executive Functioning in Children and Youth with ADHD, Jasmyn Skinner
Narratives of De/Retransition: Disrupting the Boundaries of Gender and Time, Vanessa Slothouber
MRI of structural & functional changes associated with Western diet consumption, Lauren M. Smith
Ethnic and Socioeconomic Variations in Psychiatric Hospitalization and 30-day Readmission in Canada, Meghan PJ Smith
The Relation of Auditory Temporal Processing to Language Development and Other Cognitive Processes: Methodological and Conceptual Considerations, Rachael E. Smyth
The Embroidered Tablecloth: How Locale Influences Eastern European Jewish Textile Production, Elena Solomon
Rooted In History: Representations of Ethiopian Identities in Canada, Nassisse Solomon
Being a Child Bride in Nigeria: A Feminist Narrative Inquiry, Olubukola Foluke Sonibare
Towards Multiclass Damage Detection and Localization using Limited Vibration Measurements, Sandeep Sony
Seeking Host Community Perspectives in a U.S.-based Service Learning Program: A Case Study, Vanessa R. Sperduti
Phase imaging for reducing macrovascular signal contributions in high-resolution fMRI, Olivia W. Stanley
Health Concerns of Adolescents and Adults with Spina Bifida, Jessica A. Starowicz
Neural Markers of Musical Memory in Young and Older Adults, Avital Sternin
The Expression of Guilt, Chloe A. Stewart
The Moral and Political Status of Microaggressions, Heather Stewart
Short-term vs. Long-term Warming and Nitrogen Treatment Effects on Soil Carbon and Microbial Activity in a Temperate Old Field, Erica Stroud
Novel Imaging Tools Reveal the Dynamics of the Myocardial Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor in Heart Disease and Heart Failure, Rebecca Sullivan
Global Warming Effects on Mercury Cycling in Northern Peatlands, Ting Sun
A Workflow to Analyze ETHcD Mass Spectrometry Data for Studying HIV gp120 Glycosylation, Yingxue Sun
Anode interphase engineering for high-performance next-generation batteries, Yipeng Sun
Fleet: Nuances of Time and Ephemera, Rebecca Sutherland
Exploring Institutional Dynamics: Barriers and Opportunities for Health Through Sport, Taylor N. Sutherland
Health Care Utilization By Immigrants With Multimorbidity: A Population Based Cross-sectional Study Of The 2015-2016 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), Chinmoy Talukder
Brown Dwarf Atmospheres at High Cadence and Spectral Resolution: A Speed Limit on Brown Dwarf Rotation and a Spectroscopic Atlas of a 1050 K Atmosphere, Megan E. Tannock
An Anomaly Detection System for Smart Manufacturing Using Deep Learning, Tareq Tayeh
Effectiveness of Social Enterprises: Aligning Strategies and Supply Chains for Impact, Kelsey M. Taylor
The Role of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in Regulating Cerebellar Network Formation Across Murine Development, Vasiliki Tellios
The Hijacked Self: Midbrain and Default Mode Network Functional Patterns in PTSD, Braeden A. Terpou
Meningeal B cells in central nervous system autoimmunity: Their phenotype and susceptibility to therapeutic depletion, Yodit Tesfagiorgis
Characterization and Discovery of Short Linear Motifs Mediating Protein Nuclear Import, Tanner M. Tessier
Investigating Physiological Determinants of Mental Health in Children with Cerebral Palsy, Daniela A. Testani
New Graduate Nurses’ Experiences of Engaging in a Leadership Role in Hospital Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Justine Jeanelle Ting
Exercise as a Treatment for Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: The Role of Growth Factors and Inflammatory Cytokines, Joshua A. Titus
The Physical Properties of Volcanic and Impact Melt, Gavin Douglas Tolometti
Effect of Levodopa on EEG Connectivity in Parkinson's Patients, Sepehr Torab Parhiz
Learning object representations in deep neural networks, Ehsan Tousi
The similarities and differences between distortion-product otoacoustic emission testing instruments and accuracy settings, Maximilian Tran-Luong
The Integration of the Style Hongrois into Brahms’s Musical Language in His Chamber Works, Raymond D. Truong
Effects of Annexin A5 on Endothelial Inflammation Induced by Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Platelets and Extracellular Vesicles, Brent Jeffrey Tschirhart
Sleep Restriction in Children and Executive Function Performance, Kathryn A. Turnbull
Objective Measurement Optimization in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, Matthew J. B. Urichuk
Gender-Based Violence among Women and Girls with Disabilities in Sub-Saharan African Countries: A Scoping Review of the Literature, Aimée Josephine Utuza
Production of self-assembling protein nanocages and virus-like particles displaying porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus epitopes in Nicotiana benthamiana, Jordan T. VanderBurgt
Considerations for the Tornado-Resilient Structural Design of Low-Rise Buildings, Cody J. Van Der Kooi
Sustainable Coping Among Experienced 911 Operators, Lisa Vanderloop
Neuroimaging Depression Risk in a Sample of Never-Depressed Children, Matthew R. J. Vandermeer
Assessment of Surgeon Performance of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Insertion and the Resulting Affects on Projected Patient Outcomes, Nicholas Van Osch
Establishment of a pesticide resistance monitoring tool for the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, Hanna Varonina
A Multifunctional Treatment Process for Combined Sewer Overflow Pollutants and Nutrient Control, Tiziana Venditto
Desmitificando un nombre. Juana, “la loca”, a través de su representación biográfica y dramática. Siglos XVIII-XXI, Maria Carmen Vera Lopez
Evaluating Anesthetic Protocols for Non-Human Primate Functional Neuroimaging, Megha Verma
Older Adult Care Transition Experience Following Inpatient Rehabilitation, Patricia Versteegh
Functional nanoparticles: tin monoxide and molybdenum disulfide quantum dots on graphene nanosheets, Denys Vidish
Seismic Imaging in Crystalline Terrains of the Superior Province, Canada, Brian Villamizar
Smart Chatbot For User Authentication, Peter Voege
The contribution of Memorial University medical graduates to the family physician workforce in Newfoundland and Labrador, Emily M. Volpe
Correlates Of Positive Mental Health Among Migrants In Canada, Branka Vujcic
A Generative-Discriminative Approach to Human Brain Mapping, Deepanshu Wadhwa
Jamaican Secondary School Principals' Work and Occupational Well-being, Annette R. Walker
Characterizing The Cellular, Molecular, And Behavioural Pathology Of Repetitive mTBI In A Human Tau Transgenic Mouse, Morgan A. Walker
Surgical Residency workload, perceptions and educational value: implications for competency- based medical education, Eric Walser
Exploring Variations in the Implementation of a Health Systems Level Policy to Improve Maternal and Child Health, David R. Walugembe
Endothelial Dysfunction in Hindlimb Arteries of Old Sprague Dawley rats, and the Type 2 Diabetic Zucker Diabetic Sprague Dawley strain., Andrea N. Wang
Edge Intelligence Enabled Distributed and Collaborative Authentication in UAV Swarms, Huanchi Wang
Developing sodium MRI for longitudinal assessment of chemotherapy of glioma in a rat model of cancer, Xin Yue Wang
Population and Evolution Dynamics in Predator-prey Systems with Anti-predation Responses, Yang Wang
Essays on Private Information and Monetary Policy, Zijian Wang
Microplastics in White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the Upper Thames River, Ontario., Colleen Wardlaw
Using a Self-Paced Reading Task to Examine the Comprehension Monitoring Abilities of Children with and without ADHD, Olivia J. Ward
Interpreting UNDRIP: Exploring the Relationship Between FPIC, Consultation, Consent, and Indigenous Legal Traditions, Jeffrey Warnock
Investigating mycelial-crop residue mat application to reduce early-colonizing weeds in row-crop agriculture, Donald T. Watson
WesternAccelerator:Rapid Development of Microservices, Haoran Wei
Investigation of Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (sRPAS) to Human Head Impact, Yuhu Weng
Uncovering Deficits in Auditory Processing and Cognition Following Hearing Loss and Prefrontal Cortex Dysfunction, Krystyna B. Wieczerzak
Impact of Clinical and Pharmacogenetic Variables on the Risk of Fluoropyrimidine-Related Adverse Events within Ontario, Theodore J. Wigle
Learning New Words from TED Talks: Strategic use of L1 subtitles and L2 captions, Injung Wi
The Ability of Lactobacillus spp. to Limit Extracellular ATP Release by Urogenital Bacteria, Hannah Wilcox
A Characterization of RGNEF Biophysical Properties and Interactome, Brooke E. Wile
Residential Greenness and Substance Use, Evan R. Wiley
Measuring inflammation in the entire myocardium in a canine model of myocardial infarction with hybrid PET/MRI, Benjamin Wilk
Exploring Multimodal Cancer Cell Tracking Using Magnetic Particle Imaging and Akaluc BLI, Ryan J. Williams
Community Attitudes and Wind Energy Development Types: A Comparative Study in Ontario and Nova Scotia, Sara M. Wilson
Neither Seen Nor Heard: Surviving Children of Domestic Homicide, Alexis Winfield