Education Publications
Research in Education Publications contains three central clusters: applied psychology, critical policy, equity and leadership studies and, curriculum studies and studies in applied linguistics. All of these not only aim to improve the policies and practices within teaching and organization but also, to improve the lives and knowledge of generations of students to come.
Visit the Education Department website for additional information.
Submissions from 2023
‘Teacher data literacies practice’ meets ‘pedagogical documentation’: A scoping review, Mi Song Kim and Fengcaho Yu
School principals’ emotionally draining situations and student discipline issues in the context of work intensification, Katina Pollock, Ruth Nielsen, and Fei Wang
K-12 Global / International Education: Dancing with ‘Diversity, Democracy, and Social Justice’, Paul Tarc
Trauma-sensitive school leadership, David Tranter, Katina Pollock, and Nadine Trépanier-Bisson
A Case Study of Virtual Kindergarten Teachers in Technology-Enhanced Classrooms, Martin Wolak and Mi Song Kim
Submissions from 2022
unpacking the invisible knapsack, Jason Brown
Ecological interchangeability: supporting team adaptive expertise in moments of disruption, Sayra Cristancho, Emily Field, Lorelei Lingard, Taryn Taylor, Kathryn Hibbert, Graham Thompson, and William Hibbert
A Structured Conceptualization of Implementation-Sensitive Interventions for School Mental Health, Claire Crooks, Caely I. Dunlop, and Kathy H. Short
Implementing a Brief Evidence-Based Tier 2 School Mental Health Intervention: The Enablers and Barriers as Seen through a Clinical Team Supervisor Lens, Claire Crooks, Alexandra Fortier, Rachelle Graham, Morena E. Hernandez, Eve G. Chapnik, Courtney Cadieux, and Kristy A. Ludwig
Practical guidelines and case examples for adapting an evidence-based intervention in a complex community setting, Eli Cwinn, Kate Blackman, John Nandlal, and Claire Crooks
What is the effect of touchscreen technology on young children’s learning?: A systematic review, Atefeh Taherian Kalati and Mi Song Kim
Self-Regulation in Early Writing Strategy Instruction, Perry Klein, Ashley Bildfell, Jill D. Dombroski, Christine Giese, Kristen Wing-Yan Sha, and Serena C. Thompson
Magic and Monsters: Collaborating with Google in 21st Century Literacies, Mary Ott, Jenny Kassen, and Kathryn Hibbert
Leadership trends in Canadian public education, Katina Pollock
Youth-identified Considerations for Programming to Support Newcomers’ Healthy Development: A Group Concept Mapping Study, Alexandra C.G. Smith and Claire Crooks
“You Have to be Resilient”: A Qualitative Study Exploring Advice Newcomer Youth Have for Other Newcomer Youth., Alexandra C.G. Smith, Claire Crooks, and Linda Baker
The trajectory of inclusive beliefs in beginning teachers, Jacqueline A. Specht, Jessica Delorey, and Klajdi Puka
Experiences that shape the development of inclusive instruction in preservice teachers: An international comparison, Jacqueline A. Specht, Susanne Miesera, Donna McGhie-Richmond, and Fizza Haider
Education and the Pandemic: Engaging in Epistemic Humility to Question Assumptions, Institutions, and Knowledges, Prachi Srivastava and Prachi Srivastava
International Baccalaureate: Meanings, Uses and Tensions in a Globalizing World, Paul Tarc
Submissions from 2021
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Comparative and International Education in Light of the COVID-19 Emergency: Imagining the Field Anew, Elisheva Cohen, Laura Wangsness Willemsen, Ritesh Shah, Frances Vavrus, Nelson Masanche Nkhoma, Sonja Anderson, Prachi Srivastava, and Sarah Dryden-Peterson
Engaging Peers to Promote Wellbeing and Inclusion of Newcomer Students: A Call for Equity-informed Peer Interventions, Claire Crooks, Natalia Kubishyn, Amira Noyes, and Gina Kayssi
COVID-19 and Education Disruption in Ontario: Emerging Evidence on Impacts, Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, Prachi Srivastava, Kathryn Underwood, Elizabeth Dhuey, Lance McCready, Karen B. Born, Antonina Maltsev, Anna Perkhun, Robert Steiner, Kali Barrett, and Beate Sander
Down Syndrome Caregivers’ Support Needs: A Mixed-Method Participatory Approach, Katie M. Hart and Nicole Neil
Multiliteracies teachers as teacher entrepreneurs: a conceptual comparison, Najmeh Keyhani and Mi Song Kim