Education Publications

Book Review: How school principals use their time: implications for school improvement, administration, and leadership

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date



Leadership and Policy in Schools

URL with Digital Object Identifier

DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2021.1966049


This edited book documents the patterns, causes, and effects of principal time-use internationally. The collection is divided into three sections: (a) Theoretical perspectives and methodological issues, (b) Principal time-use in Western contexts, and (c) Principal time-use in Asia and Africa. In reviewing the collection, I first show the value of its applicability to educational leadership theory, methodology, policy, and practice. Then, I problematize the false dichotomy established by the organization of the latter two sections into, essentially, “Western” and “Other” contexts.

Citation of this paper:

Nielsen, R. (2021). Book Review: How school principals use their time: Implications for school improvement, administration, and leadership. Leadership and Policy in Schools.

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