Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 2016
Wilde Women Do, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2015
Dutiful Daughters (or not) and the Sins of the Fathers in Iqbalunnisa Hussain’s "Purdah and Polygamy", Teresa Hubel
Beatrice Joanna and the Rhetoric of Rape, Kim Solga
Theatre and Feminism, Kim Solga
Top Girl Power, Kim Solga
What Tammy Taught Me… About Surviving as a Poor Girl in the Academy, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2014
The Grotesque Gigantic: Stephen Hero, Maximalism, and Bakhtin, Jeremy Colangelo
Dancing in the Diaspora: Remembering the Devadasis, Teresa Hubel
Yaari with Angrez: Whiteness for a New Bollywood Hero, Teresa Hubel
Meet Me at the Border: Theatre Replacement's BIOBOXES, Kim Solga
Playing The Changeling Architecturally, Kim Solga
What Are You Reading?, Kim Solga
What Feminists Do When Things Get Ruff, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2013
Introduction: Borders, Performance, and the Global Urban Condition, D.J. Hopkins and Kim Solga
Performance and the Global City, D. Hopkins and Kim Solga
Neoliberal Pleasure, Global Responsibility, and the South Sudan Cymbeline, Kim Solga
Virtuosity On Virtu(e)osity and Theatrical Community, Kim Solga
’Tis Pity She’s a Realist: A Conversational Case Study in Realism and Early Modern Theater Today, Kim Solga, Roberta Barker, and Cary Mazer
Performing Survival in the Global City: Theatre ISOKO's The Monument, Kim Solga and Jennifer H. Capraru
Submissions from 2012
From Tawa'if to Wife? Making Sense of Bollywood's Courtesan Genre, Teresa Hubel
Canada’s Feminist Past, Present, and Future, Kim Solga
One Dead White Guy at a Time: Miss Julie: Sheh’mah, by Tara Beagan, Kim Solga
Peter Dickinson World Stages, Local Audiences: Essays on Performance, Place, and Politics, Kim Solga
'Tis a Pity She's a Whore: Seeing Inside, Kim Solga
Introduction: Reclaiming Canadian Realisms, Kim Solga and Roberta Barker