Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 2010
Realism and the Ethics of Risk at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2009
Michael Jackson: Queer Funk, Steven Bruhm
Introduction, D. J. Hopkins, Shelley Orr, and Kim Solga
Performance and the City, D. J. Hopkins, Shelley Orr, and Kim Solga
Dr. Balachandra Rajan: From India to Canada, Fragments in Search of a Narrative - In Memoriam, Teresa Hubel
Building Utopia: Performance and the Fantasy of Urban Renewal in Contemporary Toronto, Laura Levin and Kim Solga
Zombies in Condoland, Laura Levin and Kim Solga
The feast of nemesis media: Jean Cocteau's the Eiffel Tower Wedding Party, Allan C. Pero
In Quest of Saga Styles in Merlínússpá, Russell Poole
Poetic Translation of Verses in Grettis saga, with Commentary, Russell Poole
Verses of Halli stirði, Russell Poole
At the City Limits, Kim Solga
City Stages: Theatre and Urban Space in a Global City (Review), Kim Solga
Dress Suits to Hire and the Landscape of Queer Urbanity, Kim Solga
Review of Shakespeare's Women: Performances and Conception by David Mann, Kim Solga
Urban Performance and Cultural Policy, Kim Solga
Violence against Women in Early Modern Performance: Invisible Acts, Kim Solga
Voice in Motion: Staging Gender, Shaping Sound in Early Modern England (Review), Kim Solga
Performing Outside the Box, Kim Solga, Laura Levin, Marlis Schweitzer, Jenn Stephenson, and Belarie Zatzman
Submissions from 2008
What I Didn’t Do on My Summer Vacation, Steven Bruhm
Look for one thing and you find another: The voice and deduction in Muriel Spark's Memento Mori, Allan C. Pero
Body Doubles, Babel's Voices: Katie Mitchell's Iphigenia at Aulis and the Theatre of Sacrifice, Kim Solga
Vertical City: Staging Urban Discomfort, Kim Solga
The Line, the Crack, and the Possibility of Architecture: Figure, Ground, Feminist Performance, Kim Solga
Top Girls (Review), Kim Solga