Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 2002
Two Students of Boethius, Russell Poole
Victorian Professionalism and Charlotte Brontë’s Villette, Russell Poole
The Savage Ambivalence of Delisle de la Drevetière, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2000
David Punter, Gothic Pathologies: The Text, the Body and the Law, Steven Bruhm
Encrypted Identities, Steven Bruhm
Reflecting Narcissus: A Queer Aesthetic, Steven Bruhm
Tommy Atkins in India: Class Conflict and the British Raj, Teresa Hubel
Introduction, Russell Poole
Skaldsagas: Text, Vocation, and Desire in the Icelandic Sagas of Poets, Russell Poole
The Relation between Verses and Prose in Hallfreðar saga and Gunnlaugs saga, Russell Poole
Submissions from 1999
Cannon Schmitt. Alien Nation: Nineteenth-Century Gothic Fictions and English Nationality, Steven Bruhm
Stage Blood (Book Review), Steven Bruhm
Picture This: Stephen King’s Queer Gothic, Steven Bruhm
Submissions from 1998
Gothic Body, Steven Bruhm
Reforming Byron’s Narcissism, Steven Bruhm
Old English Wisdom Poetry, Russell Poole
Reasons for Rhyme, Alliteration, and Wordplay: A Psycholinguistic Look at Poetic Composition and Reception, Russell Poole
Tofu, Green Tea, and Alzheimer’s Disease: Critical Thinking as Quantitative Literacy in First-Year Composition for Information and Mathematical Science Students, Russell Poole and Jenny Lawn
Submissions from 1997
Excavating the Expendable Working Classes in "The Imperialist", Teresa Hubel
Composition Transmission Performance: The First Ten lausavísur in Kormáks saga, Russell Poole
Submissions from 1996
Blond Ambition: Tennessee Williams’s Homographesis, Steven Bruhm
On Stephen King's Phallus; Or the Postmodern Gothic, Steven Bruhm
Queer, Queer Vladimir, Steven Bruhm
Whose India?: The Independence Struggle in British and Indian Fiction and History, Teresa Hubel