Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 1995
Wordsworthian Errancies: The Poetics of Cultural Dismemberment. David Collings, Steven Bruhm
Taking One to Know One: Oscar Wilde and Narcissism, Steven Bruhm
Submissions from 1994
Gothic Bodies: The Politics of Pain in Romantic Fiction, Steven Bruhm
Devadasi Defiance and The Man-Eater of Malgudi, Teresa Hubel
Constructions of Fate in Victorian Literature and Philology, Russell Poole
Psycholinguistic Principles in Skaldic Repetition, Russell Poole
Submissions from 1993
Aesthetics and Anesthetics at the Revolution, Steven Bruhm
Roderick Random’s Closet, Steven Bruhm
Charting the Anger of Indian Women through Narayan's Savitri, Teresa Hubel
Cultural Reformation and Cultural Reproduction in Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Russell Poole
Darraðarljóð, Russell Poole
Gunnlaugr ormstunga, Russell Poole
Lausavísur, Russell Poole
Liðsmannaflokkr, Russell Poole
Óttarr svarti, Russell Poole
Sighvatr Þórðarson, Russell Poole
Variants and Variability in the Text of Egill’s Höfuðlausn, Russell Poole
Submissions from 1992
William Godwin’s Fleetwood: The Epistemology of the Tortured Body, Steven Bruhm
Submissions from 1991
Blackmailed by Sex: Tennessee Williams and the Economics of Desire, Steven Bruhm
Viking Poems on War and Peace: A Study in Skaldic Narrative, Russell Gilbert Poole
Submissions from 1990
Orðræðan í konungakvæðum dróttskálda [Skaldic Praise Poetry as Discourse], Russell Poole
Skaldic Praise Poetry as a Marginal Form, Russell Poole
Submissions from 1989
Verses and Prose in Gunnlaugs saga, Russell Poole
The Textile Inventory in the Old English Gerefa, Russell G. Poole