Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 2007
Byron and the Choreography of Queer Desire, Steven Bruhm
Ekphrasis: Its ‘Prolonged Echoes’ in Scandinavia, Russell Poole
Myth and Ritual in Eyvindr skáldaspillir’s Háleygjatal, Russell Poole
Blasted’s Hysteria: Rape, Realism, and the Thresholds of the Visible, Kim Solga
Ghosts: Death's Double and the Phenomena of Theatre (Review), Kim Solga
Not the Other Avant-Garde: The Transnational Foundations of Avant-Garde Performance (Review), Kim Solga
Submissions from 2006
Gothic Sexualities, Steven Bruhm
Nightmare on Sesame Street: or, the Self-Possessed Child, Steven Bruhm
The crux of melancholy: Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance, Allan C. Pero
“Orð eftir orð,” “orð eftir orði”: The Progress of the Dictionary of Old Norse Prose, Russell Poole
Some Southern Perspectives on Starcatherus, Russell Poole
Walkürenlied, Russell Poole
Wissensdichtung, Russell Poole
Þulr, Russell Poole
Book Review: Auto/Biography and Identity: Women, Theatre and Performance, Kim Solga
Ibsen's Hauntings: Ghosts and the Politics of Inheritance, Kim Solga
Rape’s Metatheatrical Return: Rehearsing Sexual Violence Among the Early Moderns, Kim Solga
Tanya Pollard. Drugs and Theater in Early Modern England, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2005
In Pursuit of Feminist Postfeminism and the Blessings of Buttercup, Teresa Hubel
The High Cost of Dancing: When the Indian Women's Movement Went After the Devadasis, Teresa Hubel
Eduard Sievers, Russell Poole
Kindred, College, and Scholarship in the Lifework of Bertha Surtees Phillpotts (1877-1932), Russell Poole
Poetic References from Skaldskaparmal, Russell Poole
Seeing ‘a little of the world’ (and not being able to change it) in Anne Brontë’s Agnes Grey, Russell Poole