Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 2005
Sigvatr Þórðarson, Russell Poole
Skalde/Skalds, Russell Poole
Skaldische Dichtung/Skaldic Poetry, Russell Poole
The Nesjavísur of Sigvatr Þórðarson, Russell Poole
Building an Ethical Architecture: Habitat and the Shape of Radical Humanism, Kim Solga
Orpheus Descending: Tennessee Williams in Light and Shadow, Kim Solga
Tyranny of Bliss (Review), Kim Solga
Submissions from 2004
Gothic Masculinity: Effeminacy and the Supernatural in English and German Romanticism. (Book Review), Steven Bruhm
Curiouser: On the Queerness of Children, Steven Bruhm and Natasha Hurley
Introduction to Curiouser: On the Queerness of Children, Steven Bruhm and Natasha Hurley
Introduction, Antonina Harbus and Russell Poole
Verbal Encounters: Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Studies for Roberta Frank, Antonina Harbus and Russell Poole
In Search of the British Indian in British India: White Orphans, Kipling’s Kim, and Class in Colonial India, Teresa Hubel
Adverbial Genitives in Skaldic Poetry, Russell Poole
Claiming Kin, Skaldic-style, Russell Poole
Heinrich Beck and Else Ebel, editors. Studien zur Isländersaga: Festschrift für Rolf Heller, Russell Poole
Metre and Metrics, Russell Poole
Myth, Psychology, and Society in Grettis saga, Russell Poole
Old English Riddles, Russell Poole
Submissions from 2003
Queer Today, Gone Tomorrow, Steven Bruhm
Lof en eigi háð? The Riddle of Grettis saga Verse 14, Russell Poole
Mother Courage and its Abject: Reading the Violence of Identification, Kim Solga
Submissions from 2002
The Contemporary Gothic: Why We Need It, Steven Bruhm
The ‘Conversion Verses’ of Hallfreðr vandræðaskáld, Russell Poole