Department of English Publications
Research in the Department of English Publications covers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, including theatre studies, theory, medieval studies, cultural studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial literature and theory, queer studies, feminist and gender studies, ecological criticism, and digital humanities.
Submissions from 2018
At Play in the Haunted House: Long Day's Journey in Context, Kim Solga
Living a Feminist Life, Kim Solga
Experiencing Stanislavsky in All's Well That Ends Well, Kim Solga and Roberta Barker
Experiencing Stanislavsky in All’s Well That Ends Well, Kim Solga and Roberta Barker
Katie Mitchell and the Politics of Naturalist Theatre, Kim Solga and Dan Rebellato
A Professor and a Fourth-Year Honours Student on Fun Home, Kim Solga and Rachel Windsor
Submissions from 2017
Transition: A fugue, Allan C. Pero
Introduction, Tilottama Rajan
“Something Not Yet Made Good”: The Tropology of the Negative in Godwin’s Mandeville, Tilottama Rajan
A Cultural History of Theatre in the Modern Age, Kim Solga
Introduction:The Impossible Modern Age, Kim Solga
Little Pretty and the Exceptional. What’s new here?, Kim Solga
Making a Feminist Show, Kim Solga
Review of for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf, Kim Solga
Shakespeare’s Property Ladder: Women Directors and the Politics of Ownership, Kim Solga
The Other Side of Our Game, Kim Solga
Wine, Women - and Power, Kim Solga
The Environment of Theatre: ‘Home’ in the Modern Age, Kim Solga and Joanne Tompkins
Submissions from 2016
For the Progress of “Faustus and Helen”: Crane, Whitman, and the Metropolitan Progress Poem, Jeremy Colangelo
A fugue on camp, Allan C. Pero
Models for Systems in Idealist Encyclopedics: The Circle, the Line and The Body., Tilottama Rajan
On Reckoning, Kim Solga
The History Boys at The Grand, Kim Solga
Troubadour Theatre Collective’s Skylight superbly acted, utterly magnetic, Kim Solga