"Troubadour Theatre Collective’s Skylight superbly acted, utterly magne" by Kim Solga

Department of English Publications

Troubadour Theatre Collective’s Skylight superbly acted, utterly magnetic

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David Hare’s “Skylight” opened in 1995 in the tiny Cottesloe studio at London’s National Theatre, but in many respects the play feels like it could have been written yesterday.

Kyra, one-time employee and former lover of wealthy restauranteur Tom, has lost her taste for his world and its middlebrow conservative politics; she has decamped to a poor area of North London (Kensal Rise) and landed a job in a hardscrabble school in the east end. First Edward, Tom’s son, and then Tom himself turn up at her flat one wintry evening, the former looking for an ally and the latter some forgiveness, a bit of whiskey, sex, and maybe another chance.


Review of Skylight by David Hare, directed by Brenda Bazinet, performed at the Troubadour Theatre Collective

Available online at https://stratfordfestivalreviews.com/blog/2016/08/26/troubadour-theatre-collectives-skylight-superbly-acted-utterly-magnetic/
