Department of English Publications
Introduction: Reclaiming Canadian Realisms
Document Type
Book Chapter
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New Essays in Canadian Theatre Volume 2: New Canadian Realisms gathers writing by celebrated scholars and artists from both Canada and the US in order to explore what this much-debated genre might be doing for political performance in Canada today. Topics range from Hollywood's influence on the look and feel of the contemporary Canadian "real," to the power and the pitfalls of a "realism of redress" in intercultural Canadian theatre, to the apparently oxymoronic notion of "devised" realism, to the complexities of Indigenous realism(s). Together, this book's authors suggest that Canada's theatrical realisms are, like so much else among us, fractious, multiple, difficult, yet rife with potential.
Citation of this paper:
In Roberta Barker & Kim Solga (Eds.). (2012). New Canadian Realisms: New Essays on Canadian Theatre, Vol 2. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press.