Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Transformerless High-Power Medium-Voltage Multi-Module PV Converters, Hasan Bayat
Differential Spring Migration in the White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), Andrew T. Beauchamp
Minding the Gap: Pay Equity and the Role of Law in Narrowing Canada's Gender Wage Gap, Jennifer D. Beaudoin
...and the songs of another... for Six Voices & Live Electronics, Matthew David Becker
The Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Canada: Two Multilevel Case Studies, Daniel J. Bednar
Design, Synthesis, and Oxidation Reactivity of Palladacyclic Complexes Containing N-donor Ligands, Ava Behnia
Hone the Means of Production: Craft Antagonism and Domination in the Journalistic Labour Process of Freelance Writers, Robert Bertuzzi
Design of an All-dielectric Sublayer for Enhanced Transmittance In Stacked Antenna Array Applications, Matthew Bester
Anatomy of the Infrarenal Aortic Plexus: Implications for Nerve-Sparing Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection, Tyler Beveridge
The Impact of Beauty, Body Image, and Health Discourses on Eating Disorder Risk in South Asian-Canadian Women, Nazia Bhatti
Resource Brokering in Grid Computing, Adrian T. Bienkowski
Robust Earthquake Site Classification Assessment at Ontario Bridge Sites., Alex Bilson Darko
Regulation of LPS-Induced Neuroinflammation by Targeting Microglia in vivo Using Chemogenetics, William Chett Binning
A Numerical Investigation of Human Cough Jet Development and Droplet Dispersion, Ran Bi
Prognostic Predictive Model to Estimate the Risk of Multiple Chronic Diseases: Constructing Copulas Using Electronic Medical Record Data, Jason E. Black
Development and Assessment of a Micro-CT Based System for Quantifying Loaded Knee Joint Kinematics and Tissue Mechanics, Alexandra M. Blokker
Object processing in the medial temporal lobe: Influence of object domain, Anna Blumenthal
Discourses of Creativity in Ontario Kindergarten Curriculum, Beatrix Bocazar
The Role of the Canada Games in Canadian Sport: Canadian Celebration and Political Tool, Kerri Bodin
The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback and Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Individuals with Long-Term Post-Concussive Symptoms, Marquise Bonn
Empirical Evidence and the Multiple Realization of Mental Kinds, Danny Booth
Clinical and Genetic Predictors of Aromatase Inhibitor-Induced Arthralgia, Adrienne Elizabeth Borrie
Understanding New Trends on Gold Mineralization at the Yellowknife City Gold Project, Northwest Territories, using Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy, Ramjay Jude L. Botor
The Cognitive Psychology of Humour in Written Puns, James Boylan
Internationalization of Higher Education within Canada’s Migration Management Framework: Supply Side of International Student Migration, Alexandra Bozheva
High Performance Sparse Multivariate Polynomials: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms, Alex Brandt
The association between fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity with the risk of glaucoma: a retrospective cohort study, Ramanpreet Brar
The Art Songs of Kyrylo Stetsenko: Ukrainian Lyric Diction Guide, Olena Bratishko
Assessing Cognitive Function in Chronic Sport-Related Head Impacts and Aging, Danielle Brewer-Deluce
Perceptions of Primates and Protected Areas: Ethnoprimatological Implications for Conservation in the Pacoche Refuge, Tamara L. Britton
High Resolution Ion Beam Investigations of the Mechanisms of Titanium Anodization, Mitchell A. Brocklebank
Characterization of Human Prostate Cancer Using Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nolan Christopher Broeke
Exploring the Physical Activity and Screen Viewing-Related Knowledge, Training, and Self-Efficacy of Early Childhood Education Candidates, Brianne Bruijns
Mapping Debris Disks at extreme contrast: near-IR Polarimetric Differential Imaging with the Gemini Planet Imager., Juan Sebastian Bruzzone
Examining the Relationship between Body Mass Index and Health-Related Quality of Life Perception among People with Mental Illness, Fatima Bukair
Student Perceptions of the Context of Mass Higher Education, Caitlin Burd
Attenuation of Obesity, Hepatic Steatosis and Reversal of Atherosclerosis by the Flavonoids Naringenin and Nobiletin, Amy C. Burke
RNAi Targeting of Manduca sexta Using Chloroplast-Encoded Long dsRNA, William Burke
Active and Safe Routes to School: Evaluating School Travel Planning to Support Children's Active Travel, Adrian Nicholas Buttazzoni
Properties of Si quantum dots, Carolyn C. F Cadogan
Piston Modelling and Gas-Solid Mixing Characterization in JBR, Tian Dong Cai
Exploring Social Cohesion Among Syrian Refugees in Canada: A Secondary Analysis, Sara Calvert
Post-Traumatic Growth and Pregnancy: Exploring the Experiences of Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Alexandra Canzonieri
Imaging Biomarkers of Pulmonary Structure and Function, Dante Capaldi
Essays in International Economics: the Trade-Creation Effect of Migration, Miguel Cardoso
The Effects of Perceived Predation Threat on Stress Response and Memory in Birds, Chlöe S. N. Carter
Altered Brain Networks In Patients with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) Using Ultra High Field MRI, Brittney Castrilli
Examining the role of ganglioside homeostasis in neurodegeneration and aging using MALDI imaging mass spectrometry, Sarah Caughlin
Examining Stigma Among Preservice Teachers Following the Completion of a Mental Health Literacy Course, Nella Cautillo
Invisible Labour: Support-Service Workers in India’s Information Technology Industry, Indranil Chakraborty
Foreign Direct Investment in Global Cities and Co-Ethnic Clusters: Characteristics, Performance, and Survival, Dwarka Chakravarty
The Influence of Romantic Rejection on Change in Ideal Standards, Ideal Flexibility, and Self-Perceived Mate Value, Nicolyn H. Charlot
A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Current Anti-bullying Policies in Ontario, Zhu Cheng
Signal Identification In Discrete-Time Based On Internal-Model-Principle, Jie Chen
Development of Nanostructured Glucose Biosensor, Longyi Chen
Investigating gas adsorption, PSM and molecular-level structure in MOFs, Shoushun Chen
Regulation of Beta-Catenin by the CTLH Complex, Christopher Chiasson
The ‘Meanings’ and ‘Enactments’ of Science and Technology: ANT-Mobilities’ Analysis of Two Cases, Farrukh Chishtie
Essays on Parental Leave and Family Labour Supply, Youjin Choi
Transient Analysis of Full Scale and Experimental Downburst Flows, Junayed Chowdhury
Characterization of interleukin (IL)-1β regulatory elements and chromatin conformation in macrophage activation, Woohyun Cho
Modelling the Common Risk among Equities Using a New Time Series Model, Jingjia Chu
The 2β Insert Perturbs Folding, Stability and Hydrophobic Exposure of Stromal Interaction Molecules, Steve Chung
Child Abuse as a Determinant of Barriers to HIV Status Disclosure Among Women in Canada, Siobhan M. Churchill
Overwintering biology of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), John Ciancio
Does It Work? Examining the Effectiveness of Place Branding in Local Economic Development, Evan P. Cleave
Capacity for Sport for Development, Ryan Clutterbuck
An Investigation of Hydrothermal Veins Along the Foy Offset Dyke, Sudbury Impact Structure, Ontario, Sarah Ann CoDyre
A Composite Material-based Computational Model for Diaphragm Muscle Biomechanical Simulation, Brett Coelho
An Exploration of the Nursing Leaders’ Experiences Addressing Indigenous Health in University Undergraduate Nursing Programs in Ontario, Danae Coggins
Agnotologies of Modernism: Knowing the Unknown in Lewis, Woolf, Pound, and Joyce, Jeremy Colangelo
Conformational Arrangements of UbcH7-Ubiquitin with OspG and Parkin, Tara E. C. Condos
Symbolic and Material Justice: The Case of Displaced Persons in Chocó, Colombia, Allison Cordoba
Receiving in-home respite when caring for a palliative family member at the end-of-life: family caregivers’ experiences of the eShift model of care, Ann Marie Corrado
Empowering Employees to Reduce Perceptions of Workplace Incivility, Chloe A. Cragg
Effects of Aerial LiDAR Data Density on the Accuracy of Building Reconstruction, Peter Crawford
Kant and Tetens on Transcendental Philosophy, Richard D. Creek
Bastard Reasoning: A "Preposterous" History of Walter Benjamin's Ideas, Vladimir Cristache
Mechanical Characterization and Shear Test Comparison for Continuous-Fiber Polymer Composites, Matthew Crossan
Stable Carbon Isotope Variations of Organic Matter and n-Alkanes in the Plant-Bulk Soil-Clay Fraction Continuum, Alana Crump
Fabrication of 3D Conjugated Polymer Structures via Vat Polymerization Additive Manufacturing, Andrew T. Cullen
Cognitive Impairment and the Mediterranean Diet: a Canadian Perspective, Ivan Culum
The Effects of Infertility on Female Vocalist Identity, Laura Curtis
The Production of Pyrolytic Biochar for Addition in Value-Added Composite Material, Douglas Matthew Cuthbertson
Informing care: Mapping the social organization of families’ information work in an aging in place climate, Nicole K. Dalmer
Impact Melt Emplacement on Mercury, Jeffrey Daniels
Examining Child Sex as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Cortisol Reactivity and Symptoms Over Time, Andrew R. Daoust
The Significance of Aram Khachaturian and His Piano Concerto, Sarah M. Dardarian
Students' Perspectives on Educational Acceleration, Lynn Dare
Thioindigo-Based Photoswitchable Hydrogen Bond Arrays, Fereshteh Davoud
Intelligible Variability: Narratives of Male Sex Work in London Ontario Canada, Nathan Dawthorne