Theses/Dissertations from 2018
An Analysis of the Relationship between Humor Styles and Depression, Marisa L. Kfrerer
Phase transitions of Integrated Information in the Generalized Ising Model of the Brain, Sina Khajehabdollahi
Development and validation of a stand-alone DCS system for monitoring absolute cerebral blood flow., Mahro Khalid
Current Implementation of the Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Asma Khalil
Two Essays on the Link between Consumer-Brand Relationships and Customer Brand Loyalty, Mansur Khamitov
Lung-derived selectins interact with CD44 and enhance the migration of breast cancer cells, Sami U. Khan
The Development and Validation of a Preliminary Meditation Intentions Questionnaire, Daniel Kharlas
Oncoplastic Surgery: Is It Time to Change? From Innovation to Adoption Using Mentorship Program, Eman Khayat
Effects of Maternal Protein Restriction on the Pulmonary Surfactant System during the Early Life and Adulthood, Reza Khazaee
Efficient Alignment Algorithms for DNA Sequencing Data, Nilesh Vinod Khiste
Modulation of parathyroid hormone 1 receptor signaling by extracellular nucleotides, Brandon Kim
Optimization Studies and Applications: in Retail Gasoline Market, Daero Kim
An Exploratory Case Study of a Quality Assurance Process at an Ontario University, Grase Kim
Social Emotional Learning Policy and Its Implementation in One School District in British Columbia, Jenny Kim
Cultural Hybridity in the Contemporary Korean Popular Culture through the Practice of Genre Transformation, Kyunghee Kim
Heterotypic Docking Compatibility of Human Connexin 37 with Other Vascular Connexins, Nicholas Kim
Functional and Structural Mimicry of A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins by Human Adenovirus E1A, Cason R. King
The Creative Destruction of Place in an Ontario Heritage Conservation District, Wes Kinghorn
L'auteur dramatique et la conscience professionnelle (1610-1640), Heather N. Kirk
Cardiodynamic Associations With Resilience in Undergraduate Students and the Effect of a Mentorship Intervention, Rachel J. Knetsch
Identification and Characterization of HIV-1 antagonists to the antiviral protein, HERC5, Divjyot S. Kochar
Development and Validation of a Probe Tube Placement Training Simulator, Robert Koch
The Listening Shift: Evaluating a Communication-Strategies Training Program for Telepractice Nurses Experiencing Hearing Challenges, Raphaelle Koerber
When Your Boo Becomes a Ghost: The Association Between Breakup Strategy and Breakup Role in Experiences of Relationship Dissolution, Rebecca B. Koessler
Efficacy of Rhythmic Acquisition on Gait Performance Among Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, Demian L. Kogutek
The Role of Thymine-DNA Glycosylase In Transcriptional Regulation, Bart Kolendowski
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Crossover Youth: The Pathway to Development and the Relationship with Life-Time Offending, Hailey Kolpin
Immediate release ginseng chewable tablets and sustained release amino acid pellets based on dry powder coating technology platform, Xiangwei Kong
Trophic and Competitive Interactions among Egg Parasitoids of Stink Bugs, Joanna K. Konopka
Learning Expands the Preplanning Horizon in Finger Sequence Tasks, Neda Kordjazi
Examining Eudaimonic Well-Being in Sport, Despina Kouali
Hardiness, perseverative cognition, anxiety, and health-related outcomes: A case for and against psychological hardiness, Christopher M. Kowalski
Models of conflict and voluntary cooperation between individuals in non-egalitarian social groups, Cody Koykka
Social Transformation and Investment in Spanish Language Learning Through International Service Learning: A Case Study, Jennifer Kozak
The Role of TBX3 In Early Breast Cancer Progression, Milica Krstic
Patterns and Drivers of Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Taxonomy and Function in Agroecosystems, Edward M. Krynak
Viral etiology of rheumatoid arthritis, Fatima Kudaeva
CO2 Biomass Fluidized Gasification. Thermodynamic and Reactivity Studies., Amanda Kuhn Bastos
The Mental Health and Resilience Benefits of Being a Peer Mentor, Gazal Kukreja
Landscape-level effects of agricultural intensification on the condition and diet of nestling Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica), Jackson W. Kusack
Top-down and bottom-up effects on Collembola communities in soil food webs, Jordan Kustec
Iron and Copper Homeostasis in Staphylococcus aureus, Holly A. Laakso
Animated Art History: A Look into Disney’s Representation of Artwork in Film, Brianna Lagacé
Non-Pilot Protection of the Inverter-Dominated AC Microgrid, Houman Lahiji
Multiliteracies meaning-making: How four boys’ video gaming experiences influence their cultural knowledge—Two ethnographic cases, Carol Ann Lane
Modelling the thermal transport of a thawing permafrost plateau, Joelle E. Langford
Gay-Straight Alliances and Student Activism in Ontario Public Secular and Catholic High Schools, Alicia A. Lapointe
Counteracting Roles for the Related E26 Transformation Specific Transcription Factors Spi-B and Spi-C in Regulating Antibody-Forming Responses, Anne-Sophie Laramee
Understanding the process of recovery from critical illness from the patient perspective: A constructivist grounded theory, Tania Larsen
Transitions in Medical Education, Britta Laslo
Third- and Fourth-Graders’ Perspectives on Social Exclusion: A Group Concept Mapping Study, Tsz-Wing Zita Lau
Wait Times, Resource Use and Patient-Reported Outcomes for Patients Referred for Total Knee Replacement Surgery, Kate Lebedeva
Subjectivity, Passion, and Mystical Intuition: Nietzsche's Early Writing, Joseph Leivdal
Multi-Scale Peripheral Vasculopathy with Metabolic Syndrome, Kent Lemaster
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Novel Protease-Activated Receptor 2 (PAR2)-Targeting Imaging Agents for Cancer, Jordan C. LeSarge
White Matter Inflammation And Executive Dysfunction: Implications For Alzheimer Disease And Vascular Cognitive Impairment, Alexander Levit
Crop monitoring and yield estimation using polarimetric SAR and optical satellite data in southwestern Ontario, Chunhua Liao
Autohydrolysis Pretreatment of Mixed Lignocellulosic Biomass, Claudio Lira
Community of Practice: Adult’s Informal Learning in an Online English Learning Community in China, Ran Li
Experimental testing and modeling of partial nitrification at different temperatures, Xiaoguang Liu
Numerical Simulation of Three-Phase Flows in the Inverse Fluidized bed, Yunfeng Liu
Preparing to Receive: On the Revolutionary Questioning of Being and Time, Joshua Livingstone
Feature Based Calibration of a Network of Kinect Sensors, Xiaoyang Li
Ureilite Meteorite Record of Shock Metamorphism and Parent Body Processes, Yaozhu Li
Electrospun collagen fibers for tissue regeneration applications, Ying Li
Real-time Intrusion Detection using Multidimensional Sequence-to-Sequence Machine Learning and Adaptive Stream Processing, Gobinath Loganathan
Episodic-like Memory in Dogs: Solving What-Where-When Tasks, Ka Ho Lo
A Foucauldian Genealogical Analysis of Healthy Eating Education Materials in Ontario 1942-2015, Janet N. Loughheed
Evaluating plant root uptake of dsRNA for application in pest management, Kaitlyn Ludba
Computational Modelling of Human Transcriptional Regulation by an Information Theory-based Approach, Ruipeng Lu
Development of Nanostructures by Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition, Andrew P. Lushington
Buffer, Graham Macaulay
Circannual Patterns of Adipose Tissue Characteristics in a Hibernator, the Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus), Amanda Maccannell
Spatial memory for isolated arm locations on the radial maze, Hayden MacDonald
Rachmaninoff's Piano Works and Diasporic Identity 1890-1945: Compositional Revision and Discourse, Renee MacKenzie
Time, Number, Space, and the Domestic Dog, Krista M. Macpherson
Examining Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Baseplate Fixation in Patients with E2-type Glenoid Erosion, Matthew D. Mahaffy
Unsettling the Homeland: Fragments of Home and Homeland among Iraqi Exiles in Amman, Jordan, Abdulla Majeed
In Vivo Tracking of Tumour Associated Macrophages in Breast Cancer with Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ashley V. Makela
Calcium Isotopes in Natural and Experimental Carbonated Silicate Melts, Matthew Maloney
Sources of Glass Transition Temperature Variation in Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Cellulose Composites, Elena Mamycheva
Essays on Crime, Education, and Employment, Maria Antonella Mancino
Healthy and Happy: Creating and Evaluating a Catalyst to Improve the Health of University Students via an Online Training System, Gillian E. Mandich
Diffusion and Functional MRI of the Brain Following Sports-Related Impacts and Concussion, Kathryn Y. Manning
Simplified Numerical Models in Simulating Corona Discharge and EHD Flows, Sara Mantach
Disabilities, Masculinities and Schooling: A Narrative Inquiry into the Stories Lived by Boys and Men with Physical Disabilities, David J. Mara
Cultural Memory and the Traumatic Past: Examining the Voids in Contemporary German and Uruguayan Literature, Museums, and Film, Jessica Paola Marino
Exploring Harm Reduction Among Canadian Veterans Experiencing Homelessness, Olivia Marsella
Synthesis of 2-thiouracil and 2-thiothymine peptide nucleic acid monomers compatible with fmoc-based oligomerization, Timothy Martin-Chan
Production of a Candidate Recombinant Protein Vaccine for Mannheimia haemolytica in Lettuce and Tobacco Chloroplasts, Coby K. Martin
High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Hyades Giants, Antonio Martinez