Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Targeted Investigation of the Upper Contact Unit of the Sudbury Igneous Complex in the North Range, Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada, Lindsay E. Debono
The Impact of Free Radical Stabilization Techniques on In Vivo Property Changes in Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene Acetabular Liners, Michael M. Decker .
High Performance Optical Computed Tomography for Accurate Three-Dimensional Radiation Dosimetry, Kurtis Hendrik Dekker
Indigenous Political Organization in Huamachuco, Peru, in the Early Seventeenth Century., Carolina Delgado Domínguez
Development of Digital Control Systems for Wearable Mechatronic Devices: Applications in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb, Tyler Desplenter
Tanks and Tinsel: The American Celebration of Christmas during World War II, Samantha Desroches
The Role of Hand1 in the Development of the Lateral Plate Mesoderm in Xenopus, Victoria A. Deveau
Pheneticism As A Cultural And Literary Critique Of Human Interaction, Richard Dew
Diagnostic Ultrasound in the Measurement of Cortical Bone Thickness in Porcine Mandibular Specimens, Diego Diaz Guerrero
Investigation of Flow Disturbances and Multi-Directional Wall Shear Stress in the Stenosed Carotid Artery Bifurcation Using Particle Image Velocimetry, Amanda L. DiCarlo
Proteomic Characterization of Ovarian and Breast Cancer Microenvironments for Improved Diagnostics and Therapeutic Targeting, Dylan Z. Dieters-Castator
Compact Sensing Platforms Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, Zhutian Ding
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty using a Novel 3D Printed Titanium Augment: A Cadaveric Biomechanical Study, Charles-Antoine Dion
Determining the Molecular Mechanisms of PACS-1-mediated Protein Sorting, Brennan S. Dirk
Chemically enhanced primary treatment processes for wastewater resource redirection and its impact on downstream processes, Tianchen Dong
Sahuhlúkhane’ Ukwehuwenéha They Learned to Speak it Again: An Investigation into the Regeneration of the Oneida Language, Rebecca Doxtator
Examining Rating Source Differences in Narrative Performance Feedback, Kevin Doyle
Measurement and Protection of Lung Health in Poultry Farmers of Southwestern Ontario, Rose-Marie Doyon Dolinar
Experimental measurements of human cough airflows from healthy subjects and those infected with respiratory viruses, Nicholas Dudalski
Pushing the Limits: Testing, Magnetometry and Ontario Lithic Scatters, John E. Dunlop
A normalization circuit of attention in primate lateral prefrontal cortex, Lyndon Duong
and where is the body?, Tyler Durbano
iPad use to Enhance Conversations between Persons with Dementia and their Family Caregivers, Kelsey Dynes
The Role of p66Shc in Mouse Blastocyst Development, Nicole A. Edwards
Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Elements Retrofitted Using External Unbonded Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy Bars, Yamen Ibrahim Elbahy
Chromatin organizer CTCF in brain development and behaviour, Adrienne Elbert
A Case Study of Students' Experiences and Nursing Educators' Leadership Practices to Facilitate RPN to BScN Professional Socialization, Susan L. Eldred
Dynamics of the Phase Coupling for Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer in Conjugate Fluid/Porous Domains, Mahmoud Mohamed Mostafa Elhalwagy
Understanding how to make physical activity pleasurable, Cassandra L. Ellis
Perturbing Gangliosides In-vitro Using Ambroxol as a Treatment for Neurodegeneration, Asmahan Elsariti
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Emulative Connections in Precast Concrete Walls, Mohamed Gamal Elsayed
Opportunity, Constraint, and Capital in Canadian Ice Hockey, Andrew English
Causes and consequences of soil carbon mobilization and lake brownification in northern forested landscapes, Óscar Esbrí Senar
The post-fledging survival and movements of juvenile Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica): an automated telemetry approach, Dean R. Evans
Defect-Related Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications, Angela E. Ezugwu
The Acute Effects of Nicotine and Exercise on Working Memory in Smokers, Matthew Fagan
Virtual Reality Simulation of Glenoid Reaming Procedure, Mohammadreza Faieghi
Development and applications of polyglyoxylate self-immolative polymers, Bo Fan
Expression of Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Drug Metabolizing Enzymes in Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy, Cheng Jay Fang
Development of an EMG-based Muscle Health Model for Elbow Trauma Patients, Emma Farago
Improved techniques for atmospheric ozone retrievals from lidar measurements using the Optimal Estimation Method and Machine Learning, Ghazal Farhani
An Integrated Approach to Analyzing Arteriolar Network Hemodynamics., Zahra Farid
RNA Interference of MDR Genes in Leptinotarsa decemlineata and Trichoplusia ni by Ingestion of Double-Stranded RNA, Grant Favell
Assessing and Preventing Applicant Faking on Personality Tests, Justin Feeney
Wearable sensors and total knee arthroplasty: Assessing quantitative function to improve the patient experience, Megan Fennema
Coupling Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy and 3D Modelling to Probe Membrane Permeability of Human Bladder Cancer (T24) Cells, Fraser Filice
19F-MRI to Monitor Therapeutic Cell Migration and Distribution, Corby Fink
Exploring Quality Improvement for Diabetes Care: A Multiple Case Study of Primary Care Teams in First Nations Communities in Canada, Meghan Fournie
Tomographic and Histological Analyses of Ectopic Calcification Associated With Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH), Dale Edward Fournier
A Study of Six Nations Public Library: Rights and Access to Information, Alison Frayne
Validation of an Algorithm Allowing Identification of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Cases from Administrative Databases, Eric Frechette
Atmospheric change promotes increasing cyanobacteria dominance in Swedish lakes, Erika Christiane Freeman
Exhibiting Human Rights: Making the Means of Dignity Visible, Amy J. Freier
Reading Comprehension and Strategy Use in Fourth- and Fifth-Grade French Immersion Students, Bailey Frid
The Lived Experiences of Home Care Nurses Providing Palliative Care Information to Community-Dwelling Older Adults with a Terminal Illness, Katharine Fuchigami
Inhibition of NK cell-mediated Cytotoxicity by Tubular Epithelial Cell Expression of Clr Proteins, Benjamin B. Fuhrmann
Evaluation of Perioperative Peripheral Nerve Injury in Cardiac Surgery Using a Novel Automated SSEP Monitoring Device, Satoru Fujii
Participatory Action Research Examining the Role of Physical Activity in Mentoring for Resilience, Francesca Gable
P-T-X Constraints on Ilmenite Unit Cell and Relationship to Kimberlitic and Non-Kimberlitic Sources, Mitchell R. Galarneau
Mitochondrial permeability regulates cardiac endothelial cell necroptosis and cardiac allograft rejection, Ingrid Gan
Evaluating white matter changes and executive function in rat models of mediodorsal thalamic stroke and neuroinflammation, Jessica Garabon
Tribute to the Fallen: The Evolution of Canadian Battlefield Burials during the First World War, Jeremy P. Garrett
Evaluating devices for the measurement of auditory-evoked fetal movement, Patrick Gatutsi
Numerical Investigations of Bubble Column Equipped with Vertical Internals in Different Arrangements, Tuntun Gaurav
Our Identities Are Different: Unpacking the Presence and Absence of Organizational Identity in Corporate Apologies, Dilek Gergin
Syrian Refugee Women’s Perspectives About Their University Experiences: A Case Study at a University in Ontario, Huda Ghadban
Optimal Trading of a Storable Commodity via Forward Markets, Behzad Ghafouri
Predicting Software Fault Proneness Using Machine Learning, Sanjay Ghanathey
Augmented Reality Simulation Modules for EVD Placement Training and Planning Aids, Hamza Waleed Ghandorh
It's About Time! GDM: A Transformative Postpartum Process. A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study, Natalie Giannotti
Job: An Oratorio for Voices and Chamber Ensemble, Kevin Gibson
Development Of Material Model Subroutines For Linear And Nonlinear Response Of Elastomers, Asim Gillani
Trajectories of the Effects of Sad Mood Induction Procedures (MIPs), Jennifer C. P. Gillies
Modeling Fluid Coker Cyclone Fouling, Erica Glatt
Assessing the Perceptions of the Use of a Courthouse Facility Dog Program with Child and Youth Witnesses, Melissa Glazer
A Biomechanical and Physiological Signal Monitoring System for Four Degrees of Upper Limb Movement, Allison R. Goldman
Investigating the Interaction of Emotion and Cognition: Conflict Adaptation and the Impact of Emotionally-Salient Distraction, Samantha Goldsmith
Biobutanol production from cellulosic and sugar-based feedstock from the corn plant, Reyna Gomez-Flores
Narrativa Multiterritorial Hispanoamericana, Ana Maria Gonzalez
Reconstructing The Social Landscape Of Cerro Arena, Peru, Felipe Gonzalez-Macqueen
Exploring the Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Phosphorus-Chalcogen Heterocycles, Cameron Graham
Leading Canada's Cities? A Study of Urban Mayors, Kate Graham
A study of respiratory therapy and medical radiation technology faculty who transitioned from clinical practice into academia: their transition experiences, and perceptions of students with disabilities., Christine M. Griffith
Non-Linear Time Series Modelling with Applications to Equity and Fixed Income Markets, Galyna Grynkiv
Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production using a Mesoporous TiO2 Doped with Pt: Semiconductor Synthesis, Oxidation-Reduction Network and Quantum Efficiencies., Jesus Fabricio Guayaquil-Sosa
The Mirror of Humanism; or, Towards a Baudrillardian Posthuman Theory, David Guignion
Clinical And Pharmacogenetic Determinants Of Plasma Factor Xa Inhibitor Systemic Exposure, Markus Gulilat
Corrosion Dynamics of Carbon Steel in Used Fuel Container Environments, Dan Guo
Corrosion Scale Characteristics and Lead Oxide Dissolution in Chloraminated Water, Daoping Guo
Microsieving as a Primary Treatment for Biological Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater, Medhavi Gupta
Measuring the Efficiency of the Living Kidney Donor Candidate Evaluation Process, Steven Habbous