"Reconstructing The Social Landscape Of Cerro Arena, Peru" by Felipe Gonzalez-Macqueen
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Arts




Millaire, Jean-François


This thesis deals with the 2017 archaeological survey of the site of Cerro Arena, in the Moche Valley, Peru. The site belongs to the Salinar phase (c.a 400–0 BCE), known to be a time of increased warfare and cultural fragmentation. During this time, Cerro Arena became the largest settlement in the valley, housing a large number of people in structures densely packed into the elevated terrain of the site. Yet, information on the spatial arrangement of civic and residential architecture was lacking. Using remote sensing techniques—primarily Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) —and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), we sought to create high-resolution models of the site from which to map all architectural remains. We use several analyses to document life on this ancient Andean settlement.

Drone_Orthophoto.tif (5076333 kB)
Final post-processed orthophotograph at 5.2cm pixel resolution, covering Cerro Arena and its environs.

Fig5.6-ViewshedPDF.pdf (2869 kB)
Larger image of panoramic shot taken from the main mound of Cerro Arena (Figure 5.6). Important locations marked for reference.
