Theses/Dissertations from 2019
How Do Humans Process Magnitudes? An Examination of the Neural and Cognitive Underpinnings of Symbols, Quantities, and Size in Adults and Children, Helen Moriah Sokolowski
Finite Element Analysis of Hollow-stemmed Shoulder Implants in Different Bone Qualities Derived from a Statistical Shape and Density Model, Pendar Soltanmohammadi
Adolescents’ Perceptions and Responses to Peer Mental Health Challenges and Problematic Behaviours Following a Social-Emotional Learning Program, Jessica Sommers
Spirals: Spacing, Trauma, Becoming, and Autoimmunity with Caruth, Derrida, Freud, Itō, and Miyazaki., Elizabeth Song
Three essays on organizational paradox, history, and resilience: An ethnography of Buddhist temples, Hee-Chan Song
Effects of Building Scale Parameters on Pressure Equalization Capacity of Roof Paver Systems, Matthew Sparks
Adaptation to Conflict Frequency: Non-Conflict Learning Is Not the Whole Story, Giacomo Spinelli
Weathering Storms and Flooded Waters: Anthropological Perspectives of Policy and Risk in Toronto, Ontario, Jennifer Spinney
Mapping and functional characterization of proteolytic cleavage of murine kidney injury molecule-1, Saranga Sriranganathan
The Canadian Urban - Rural Health Disparity: The Role of Health Lifestyles and an Alternative Explanation for Rurality's Higher BMI Rates, Matthew J. Stackhouse
Partial Nitritation Anammox Process for Sidestream Wastewater Treatment in MABR Technology, Panagiota Stamatopoulou
Galvanic corrosion of copper-coated carbon steel for used nuclear fuel containers, Thalia E. Standish
Improving Civilian Protection during War through Conflict-Specific Behavioural Regulation of Combatants, Kirsten MD Stefanik
Critiquing the New Autonomy of Immaterial Labour: An Analysis of Work in the Artificial Intelligence Industry, James Steinhoff
Georgic Political Economy: Emergent Forms of Order and Liberal Statecraft in Eighteenth-Century British Poetry, Jonathan Stillman
Watching and Working Through: Navigating Non-being in Television Storytelling, Tiara Lalita Sukhan
Self-healing of Concrete Under Diverse Environmental Exposure, Ahmed Ramadan Suleiman
Development of Novel Solid-State Electrolytes for Sodium Ion Batteries, Fei Sun
Empirical Analysis of Urban Sprawl in Canadian Census Metropolitan Areas using Satellite Imagery, 1986-2016, Xiaoxuan Sun
Numerical Studies on Hydrodynamics in Various Circulating Fluidization Systems, Zeneng Sun
The production of Mexican rhotics by Haitian Creole speakers in Tijuana Mexico: a sociophonetic approach, Natasha A. Swiderski
What Do We Learn From Errors? Multidimensionality and Motivational Underpinnings of Error Learning, Anna Sycheva
A role for Shh and Bmp4 in regulating the dorsal-ventral patterning of the developing pharyngeal region, Alex Szpak
Investigating the Role of ATRX in Glutamatergic Hippocampal Neurons, Renee Tamming
A Novel Method for In Vivo Evaluation of Finger Kinematics for Analysis of Activities of Daily Living, Ahmed M. Tanashi
Applicability of Recurrent Neural Networks to Player Data Analysis in Freemium Video Games, Jonathan Tan
Atrial Fibrillation Episodes of Illness in a Primary Care Setting, Alena Tarasevich
Alpha-Synuclein Toxicity is Caused by Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Michael G. Tauro
Effect of Ion Implantation on the Mechanical Properties of the Grain and Grain Boundary Regions of Inconel X750, Maisaa Nezar Tawfeeq
The Effect of Pigmentation on Thermoplastic and Thermoset Elastomeric Power Chain, William Taylor
Evaluation of Biohydrogen Production from Co-fermentation of Carbohydrates and Proteins, Emmanuel Andrew Tepari Jr,
The Impact of the Diabetes Management Incentive on Diabetes-related Services, Hospitalizations, and Mortality Risk in Ontario, Thaksha Thavam
A Developmental and Symptom-level Approach to Comorbid Mental Health Disorders in Children, Elizabeth Thornley
Algorithms for Bohemian Matrices, Steven E. Thornton
Cluster-Based Chained Transfer Learning for Energy Forecasting With Big Data, Yifang Tian
Phenotypic and Metabolic Plasticity In Canine Cellular Reprogramming, Ian C. Tobias
Structural and Functional Characterization of Deinococcal DNA Damage Response A (DdrA), Filip Todorovic
The Role of Cognitive Distortions in the Longitudinal Relationship Between Problematic Drinking and Depressive Symptoms, Monica F. Tomlinson
A Network Approach to Interdependent Infrastructure Resilience Assessment for Natural Hazards, Howard Tong
A structured-light surface scanning system to evaluate breast morphology in standing and supine positions, Olivia Tong
Identifying Brachypodium distachyon proteins interacting with histone deacetylase BdHD1, Alberto Giovanni Torrez
Temporalities of Revolution: On the Representation of History and Collective Action, Nicholas D. Tostowaryk
Parkin Structural Perturbations in Oxidative Stress, An Tran
Multimodal Dissertations: Opportunities for Multimodality in Higher Education, Annie Tran
Investigating the Effects of Parent Dispositional Mindfulness, Parent-Child Conflict and Stress on Children's Self-Regulation, Cassandra Trevisani
A Survey Of Numerical Quadrature Methods For Highly Oscillatory Integrals, Jeet Trivedi
Reflections of Mentoring for Indigenous Youth In the Fourth R, Elisa Trovarello
Partial characterization of putative CYP86A genes from soybean, Trish Tully
Does Lexical Frequency affect rater judgement of essays? An experimental design using quantitative and qualitative data, Mohammad Muneer Ul-Huda
Collaborative Listening and Cultural Difference in Contemporary Art, Santiago Ulises Unda Lara
Measuring Enrichment Of Word Embeddings With Subword And Dictionary Information, Felipe Urra
Towards Using Model Averaging To Construct Confidence Intervals In Logistic Regression Models, Artem Uvarov
Understanding hearing aid sound quality for music-listening, Jonathan Matthew Vaisberg
Essential dimension of parabolic bundles, Dinesh Valluri
Reliability and Validity of Two Performance-Based Outcome Measures in Rehabilitation Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, Jennifer L. Van Bussel
VOice analysis with Iphones: a low Cost Experimental Solution, Benjamin van der Woerd
Nitrate supplementation does not alter the V̇O2p SC-muscle fatigue relationship in recreationally active men, James Joseph George Vanhie
Raman-scatter Lidar measurements of Water Vapor determined using an integrated Microwave Radiometer-Lidar retrieval, Jeffrey VanKerkhove
Porous membranes from 2D materials and their integration into chemiresistive sensors for in-line detection of cadmium in water filtration devices, Sheldon Van Middelkoop
The Grand Experiment: Jerome Dwight Davis and the Young Men’s Christian Association’s War Prisoner Aid Sports Programing for German POWs in Canadian Camps During World War Two, Courtney Hope van Waas
Recovery Following Proximal Humerus Fracture, Azar Varahrami Vigeh
Investigating the Relationship between Subcortical and Cortical Auditory Processing, Sonia Varma
Strategies for the Preparation of Functional Pendant Group Polymer Materials via Click Chemistry, Rajeshwar Vasdev
La recepción literaria y artística de Don Quijote en Toronto a través de The Globe (1844-1936), Ivan B. Vazquez Clavellina
HIV-1 Group M Subtype Fitness, Disease Progression, and Entry Efficiency, Colin M. Venner
Localization Theory in an Infinity Topos, Marco Vergura
Characterization and Computational Modelling for the Garnet Oxide Solid State Electrolyte Ta-LLZO, Colin A. Versnick
Shoah et fiction littéraire au vingt-et-unième siècle : une littérature dangereuse ?, Lucie Volquardsen
Interrupting the "Model Minority" Narrative: The Voices of Vietnamese Canadian Youth, Vi Vo
Cell Recruitment and Differentiation in Wound Repair, John Walker
Effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine prevention or intervention on diet induced beta cell compensation and dysfunction, Madison Wallace
Narratives of Canadian Identity at the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Jared V. Walters
Energy Reduction in Fluidized Bed Bioreactors for Municipal and Ammonia-rich Wastewater Treatment, Haolong Wang
Extrusion-based 3D Printing of Macro/Microstructures for Advanced Lithium/Sodium Batteries, Jiwei Wang
Incorporating Figure Captions and Descriptive Text into Mesh Term Indexing: A Deep Learning Approach, Xindi Wang
From Expectation To Experience: My Changing Identity As A Chinese International Student, Yin Wang
The Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer of Impinging Jet Flow and Circular Hydraulic Jump, Yunpeng Wang
Absence and Proximity, Zhizi Wang
Mucosa-Associated Invariant T Cell Roles And Local Responses In Cell-Mediated Immunity To Influenza A Virus, Christine Marie Wardell
Organizational Governance of Event Impacts, Kylie Wasser
Constructions of Learning Disabilities within Contemporary Canadian Society: Discourse, Biopower and Governmentality, Bea Waterfield
Metabolomic and Genomic Analysis of Lactobacillus crispatus Vaginal Isolates, Emiley Watson
Experimental Investigations on the Instantaneous Flow Structure in Circulating Fluidized Beds, Xiaoyang Wei
Texture Analysis and Machine Learning to Predict Pulmonary Ventilation from Thoracic Computed Tomography, Andrew Westcott
Nonsuicidal and Suicidal Intent Among Children and Youth with Histories of Trauma: The Role of Protective Factors, Rebecca West
Psychological stress modulates synaptic mechanisms for prostaglandin E2-mediated HPA axis activation, Meagan Wiederman
Adolescents with FASD: Education-Based Strategies for Social Skills Development, Samantha Louise Wiendels
Effects of Impurities on Calcium Oxalate Crystallization as Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy, Himasha Wijesekara
Virally Packaged RNA in Virus-Like Particle Vaccines Enhances Antigenicity and Augments Latency Reversal of HIV-1, Chanuka Wijewardhana
Patterns of problem behaviours among a representative sample of youth in Ontario, Chantal Williams
Assessing the Impact of Surgical Technique on Implant Migration, Tibiofemoral Contact Kinematics, and Functional Recovery Following Uncemented Total Knee Arthroplasty, Harley A. Williams
Strategic and Subversive: The Case of the Disappearing Diaphragm and Women’s Information Practices, Sherilyn M. Williams
The role of Xenopus laevis RECK in ECM remodeling and tissue patterning, Jessica Willson
The Elements of Production: Myth, Gender, and the "Fundamental Task" of Producing Popular Music, Lydia Wilton
A Groundwork for A Logic of Objects, David Winters
The Leucine-rich domain of RGNEF: a modifier of TDP-43 toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster., Benjamin Martin Withers