Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications
Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications falls into eight broad and interlaced areas. These research areas are applied electrostatics and electromagnetics, biomedical systems, computer-assisted medical interventions, communication systems and data networking, microsystems and digital signal processing, power systems engineering, robotics and control and software engineering.
Submissions from 2018
Analysing Popularity of Software Testing Careers in Canada, Luiz Fernando Capretz, Pradeep Waychal, and Sachin Pardeshi
Decarbonizing the boardroom? Aligning electric utility executive compensation with climate change incentives, Cleyton M. Cavallaro, Joshua M. Pearce, and Roman Sidortsov
Cost-effectiveness of interventions for alternate food in the United States to address agricultural catastrophes, David C. Denkenberger and Joshua M. Pearce
Design optimization of polymer heat exchanger for automated household-scale solar water pasteurizer, David C. Denkenberger and Joshua M. Pearce
Micronutrient availability in alternative foods during agricultural catastrophes, David Denkenberger and Joshua M. Pearce
Evaluating muscle activation models for elbow motion estimation, Tyler Desplenter and Ana Luisa Trejos
Fast and cross-vendor OpenCL-based implementation for voxelization of triangular mesh models, Mohammadreza Faieghi, O. Remus Tutunea-Fatan, and Roy Eagleson
Economic potential for distributed manufacturing of adaptive aids for arthritis patients in the U.S., Nicole Gallup, Jennifer K. Bow, and Joshua M. Pearce
An Investigation of Head Motion and Perceptual Motion Cues' Influence on User Depth Perception of Augmented Reality Neurosurgical Simulators, Hamza Ghandorh, Roy Eagleson, and Sandrine De Ribaupierre
Modular design for spherical microphone arrays, Raimundo González, Joshua Pearce, and Tapio Lokki
Coal with Carbon Capture and Sequestration is not as Land Use Efficient as Solar Photovoltaic Technology for Climate Neutral Electricity Production, James Gunnar Groesbeck and Joshua M. Pearce
Energy Slices: Benchmarking with Time Slicing, Katarina Grolinger, Hany F. ElYamany, Wilson Higashino, Miriam AM Capretz, and Luke Seewald
Chemical compatibility of fused filament fabrication-based 3-D printed components with solutions commonly used in semiconductor wet processing, Ismo T.S. Heikkinen, Christoffer Kauppinen, Zhengjun Liu, Sanja M. Asikainen, Steven Spoljaric, Jukka V. Seppälä, Hele Savin, and Joshua M. Pearce
Approaches to open source 3-D printable probe positioners and micromanipulators for probe stations, Iiro Hietanen, Ismo T.S. Heikkinen, Hele Savin, and Joshua M. Pearce
Economic impact of substituting solar photovoltaic electric production for tobacco farming, R. Krishnan and J. M. Pearce
Chemical synthesis and characterization of nano alumina, nano composite of carbon-alumina and their comparative studies, Saravanan Vanal Krishnan, Sivakumar Palanivelu, Muthu Manickam Muthukaruppan Ambalam, Ragavendran Venkatesan, Muthukumar Arivalagan, Joshua M. Pearce, and Jeyanthinath Mayandi
Anisotropic mechanical property variance between ASTM D638-14 type i and type iv fused filament fabricated specimens, John J. Laureto and Joshua M. Pearce
Economic advantages of dry-etched black silicon in passivated emitter rear cell (PERC) photovoltaic manufacturing, Chiara Modanese, Hannu S. Laine, Toni P. Pasanen, Hele Savin, and Joshua M. Pearce
Searching for Relevant Lessons Learned Using Hybrid Information Retrieval Classifiers: A Case Study in Software Engineering, Tamer Mohamed Abdellatif Mohamed, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Danny Ho
Properties of Al-doped zinc oxide and In-doped zinc oxide bilayer transparent conducting oxides for solar cell applications, Marikkannan Murugesan, Dinesh Arjunraj, J. Mayandi, Vishnukanthan Venkatachalapathy, and J. M. Pearce
Applications of open source gmaw-based metal 3-d printing, Yuenyong Nilsiam, Paul G. Sanders, and Joshua M. Pearce
Belt-driven open source circuit mill using low-cost 3-d printer components, Shane Oberloier and Joshua M. Pearce
General design procedure for free and open-source hardware for scientific equipment, Shane Oberloier and Joshua M. Pearce
Open source low-cost power monitoring system, Shane Oberloier and Joshua M. Pearce
Prospects of applying 3-D printing to economics of remote communities: Reindeer herder case, Svetlana Obydenkova, Nicholas C. Anzalone, and Joshua M. Pearce