Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications
Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications falls into eight broad and interlaced areas. These research areas are applied electrostatics and electromagnetics, biomedical systems, computer-assisted medical interventions, communication systems and data networking, microsystems and digital signal processing, power systems engineering, robotics and control and software engineering.
Submissions from 2019
Mechanical properties of ultraviolet-assisted paste extrusion and postextrusion ultraviolet-curing of three-dimensional printed biocomposites, Niklas Kretzschmar, Sami Lipponen, Ville Klar, Joshua M. Pearce, Tom L. Ranger, Jukka Seppälä, and Jouni Partanen
Can we rely on smartphone applications?, Sonia Meskini, Ali Bou Nassif, and Luiz Fernando Capretz
Automatic Recall of Software Lessons Learned for Software Project Managers, Tamer Mohamed Abdellatif Mohamed, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Danny Ho
Compatibility of 3-D printed devices in cleanroom environments for semiconductor processing, T. P. Pasanen, G. von Gastrow, I. T.S. Heikkinen, V. Vähänissi, H. Savin, and J. M. Pearce
Towards quantifiable metricswarranting industry-wide corporate death penalties, Joshua M. Pearce
Low-cost open source ultrasound-sensing based navigational support for the visually impaired, Aliaksei L. Petsiuk and Joshua M. Pearce
Policies to overcome barriers for renewable energy distributed generation: A case study of utility structure and regulatory regimes in Michigan, Emily Prehoda, Joshua M. Pearce, and Chelsea Schelly
An Empirical Study of User Support Tools in Open Source Software, Arif Raza, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Shuib Basri
Mechanical properties and applications of recycled polycarbonate particle material extrusion-based additive manufacturing, Matthew J. Reich, Aubrey L. Woern, Nagendra G. Tanikella, and Joshua M. Pearce
Differences in Snow Shedding in Photovoltaic Systems with Framed and Frameless Modules, Daniel Riley, Laurie Burnham, Bevan Walker, and Joshua M. Pearce
Scalable honeycomb top contact to increase the light absorption and reduce the series resistance of thin film solar cells, Mehdi Sadatgol, Nupur Bihari, Joshua M. Pearce, and Durdu O. Guney
Design and Job Rotation in Software Engineering: Results from an Industrial Study, Ronnie Santos, Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Fabio Q. B. Silva Dr., Cleyton Magalhaes, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Jorge Correia-Neto
Forecasting Building Energy Consumption with Deep Learning: A Sequence to Sequence Approach, Ljubisa Sehovac, Cornelius Nesen, and Katarina Grolinger
Dual morphology titanium dioxide for dye sensitized solar cells, R. Selvapriya, J. Mayandi, V. Ragavendran, V. Sasirekha, J. Vinodhini, and J. M. Pearce
Systems analysis for PET and olefin polymers in a circular economy, David Shonnard, Emily Tipaldo, Vicki Thompson, Joshua Pearce, Gerard Caneba, and Robert Handler
Similarity-Based Chained Transfer Learning for Energy Forecasting with Big Data, Yifang Tian, Ljubisa Sehovac, and Katarina Grolinger
Influence of metal assisted chemical etching time period on mesoporous structure in as-cut upgraded metallurgical grade silicon for solar cell application, Ragavendran Venkatesan, Jeyanthinath Mayandi, Joshua M. Pearce, and Vishnukanthan Venkatachalapathy
Effect of microwave power irradiation on TiO2 nano-structures and binder free paste screen printed dye sensitized solar cells, J. Vinodhini, J. Mayandi, R. Atchudan, P. Jayabal, V. Sasirekha, and J. M. Pearce
Submissions from 2018
Grasp and stress analysis of an underactuated finger for proprioceptive tactile sensing, Mahyar Abdeetedal and Mehrdad Kermani Ph.D., P.Eng.
Grasp Synthesis for Purposeful Fracturing of Object, Mahyar Abdeetedal and Mehrdad Kermani Ph.D., P.Eng.
A Consumer Perspective on Digital Games, Saiqa Alemm, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Faheem Ahmed
Open-source parametric 3-D printed slot die system for thin film semiconductor processing, L. Y. Beeker, Adam M. Pringle, and Joshua M. Pearce
3-D printable open source dual axis gimbal system for optoelectronic measurements, Nupur Bihari, Smruti Prasad Dash, Karankumar C. Dhankani, and Joshua M. Pearce
HPC for Predictive Models in Healthcare, Luiz Fernando Capretz
A Call to Promote Soft Skills in Software Engineering, Luiz Fernando Capretz and Fahem Ahmed