Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1979
Generalized Gross Substitutes, Peter Howitt
Georg Simmel's 'Philosophy of Money': A Review Article for Economists, David Laidler and Nicholas Rowe
Imperfect Capital Markets and Gambling with Risk Aversion, Elie Appelbaum and Eliakim Katz
Is Unilateral Tariff Reduction Preferable to a Customs Union? The Curious Case of the Missing Foreign Tariffs; or, Beware of the Large Country Assumption, Paul Wonnacott and Ronald Wonnacott
Labor Market Contracts, Job Mobility and Self-Employment, Glenn M. MacDonald
Linear Regression with First Order Moving Average Errors: Simple and Inexpensive Estimation, Glenn M. MacDonald
Long-Run Inflation in Open Economies, Geoffrey S. Kingston
Positive Differentials between Interest Rates for Borrowing and Lending: Implications for Investment in Human Capital, Glenn M. MacDonald
Precursors of the Monetary Approach to External Equilibrium and the Origins of Canadian Central Banking 1932-34, Derek Chisholm
Regional Adjustment, the Transfer System and Canadian Federalism, Thomas J. Courchene
Risk and Market Structure, Elie Appelbaum and Chin LIm
Secular Inflation under Endogenous National Money Supplies: An Adaptation and Extension of the Cagan-Bailey Model, Geoffrey Kingston
Simultaneity and the Demand for Money in Canada, Stephen S. Poloz
Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs: A Reappraisal, Michael Parkin, Brian Bentley, and Christina Fader
The Demand for Money in the United States Yet Again, David Laidler
The Identification of Market Structure: An Econometric Approach, Elie Appelbaum
The Impact of Cable Television on Over-the-Air Broadcasters, Stanley J. Liebowitz
The Impact of Schooling on Wages: A Theoretical Analysis, Glenn M. MacDonald
The Security Prices and Default of a Firm under Anticipated Inflation, Muhammad Rashid and Baldev Raj
The Size and Structure of Union-Nonunion Wage Differentials in Canadian Industry, Glenn M. MacDonald and John C. Evans
The Wages of Older Men, Geoffrey Carliner
Uncertain Lifetime and the Theory of the Consumer: An Extension and an Application, James B. Davies
Uncertain Lifetimes, Imperfect Capital Markets and the Altruistic Motive for Bequests, Nigel Tomes
Uncertainty and the Effectiveness of Stabilization Policy, Russell S. Boyer
Wage Differences by Language Group and the Market for Language Skills in Canada, Geoffrey Carliner