Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1980
A Note on Pareto Optimal Insurance, Sam Bucovetsky
A Theory of Optimal Retirement, Glenn M. MacDonald and Geoffrey Carliner
Direct Taxes in a Small Open Economy when Capital is Perfectly Mobile Internationally, Joel Fried
Employment Insurance and Competitive Equilibrium Labor Contracts, Chin LIm
Inequality in the Local Public Sector, Sam Bucovetsky
Information in Production, Glenn M. MacDonald
Intermediate Goods and the Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax, Kul B. Bhatia
Intertemporal Choice and International Trade, Joel Fried
Intrametropolitan Location of Employment, Mark W. Frankena
On the Relative Quantitative Importance of Inheritance and Other Sources of Economic Inequality, James B. Davies
Permanent and Transitory Wage Effects in a Multiperiod Family Labor Supply Model, Geoffrey Carliner
Retirement Effects of the Social Security Earnings Test, Geoffrey Carliner
Self-Selection and Interprovincial Migration in Canada, Chris Robinson and Nigel Tomes
The Effects of Alternative Urban Transit Subsidy Formulas, Mark W. Frankena
The Family, Inheritance and the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality, Nigel Tomes
The Finite Sample Properties of OLS and IV Estimators in Special Rational Distributed Lag Models, R. A. L. Carter and Aman Ullah
The Semilogarithmic Portfolio Balance Schedule is Tenuous, Geoffrey H. Kingston
The Theory of the Firm: Uncertainty and Choice of Experiments, Chin LIm
Towards a Protected Society: The Politicization of Economic Life, Thomas J. Courchene
Submissions from 1979
An Empirical Test of the Risk Aversion Hypothesis, Elie Appelbaum and Aman Ullah
An Explanation of Credit Rationing Based upon the Theory of Implicit Contracts, Joel Fried and Peter Howitt
Depreciation and Maintenance of Houses, Stephen Margolis
Estimating Some Empirical Magnitudes of Industry Disequilibria, Stanley J. Liebowitz
Fixed Exchange Rates and Monetarism: The Italian Case, Franco Spinelli
General Equilibrium under Both Legislated and Intervention Supported Minimum and Ceiling Prices: Computation and Existence, Hasan Imam and John Whalley