Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1982
The Output-Inflation Tradeoff when Prices are Costly to Change, Michael Parkin
The Role of Skills and Technology in the Determination of Optimal Assignments within the Firm, Glenn M. MacDonald and James R. Markusen
The Size and Structure of Union-Nonunion Wage Differentials in Canadian Industry: Corroboration, Refinement and Extension, Glenn M. MacDonald
Submissions from 1981
A Comment on Ordover and Willig's "On the Optimal Provision of Journals qua Sometimes Shared Goods", Stanley J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis
Activist Monetary Policy, Anticipated Inflation, and the Value of Information, Peter Howitt
An Equilibrium Theory of Information Accumulation and Job Assignment, Glenn M. MacDonald
A Small Macroeconomic Model of an Open Economy: The Case of Canada, David Laidler, Brian Bentley, David Johnson, and Susan Thompson Johnson
A Small Macro-Model of the Post War United States, David Laidler and Brian Bentley
British Industrialization before 1841: Evidence of Slower Growth during the Industrial Revolution, C. Knick Harley
Categorizing Risks in the Insurance Industry: The Case of Symmetric Information, Michael Hoy
Disequilibrium Dynamics: An Empirical Study, Seiichi Kawasaki, John McMillan, and Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ex Ante and Ex Post Firms and Equilibrium Price Fluctuations, Elie Appelbaum and Chin Lim
Family Labour Supply and Fertility: A Two Regime Model, Chris Robinson and Nigel Tomes
Hedonic Coalition, Social Consciousness and Social Insurance, Chin Lim
Lifetime Models of Female Labour Supply, Wage Rates and Fertility, Geoffrey Carliner, Chris Robinson, and Nigel Tomes
Lindley and Smith Type Improved Estimators of Regression Coefficients, Aman Ullah
Long-Run Industry Equilibrium with Uncertainty, Elie Appelbaum and Chin Lim
Monopoly versus Competition under Uncertainty, Elie Appelbaum and Chin Lim
Oligopoly Strategy and the Timing of American Railroad Construction: Or Why Were All the Railroads in Kansas Built in 1887?, C. Knick Harley
On Say's Law, Money, and the Business Cycle, David Laidler
On the Short Run Demand for Money and the Real Balance Effect, David Laidler
Price Dispersion and Stockpiling by Consumers, Sam Bucovetsky
The Impact of Imperfectly Categorizing Risks on Income Inequality and Social Welfare, Michael Hoy
Value-Added Tax and the Theory of Tax Incidence, Kul B. Bhatia
Submissions from 1980
Adam Smith's Monetary Economics, David Laidler