Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1983
The Value of Information Concerning Heterogeneous Technologies in a Principal-Agent Relationship, Michael Hoy
Transaction Costs in the Theory of Unemployment, Peter Howitt
Uncertain Entry Models, Entry Behavior, and Limit Pricing, John B. Chilton and R. Preston McAfee
Union Wage Differentials in the Public and Private Sectors: A Simultaneous Equation Specification, Chris Robinson and Nigel Tomes
Submissions from 1982
A Lagrange Multiplier Test of the Restrictions for a Simple Rational Expectations Model, Allan W. Gregory and Michael R. Veall
Analysis of a Monopoly, Mark Bagnoli
Asymptotic Expansion of the Distribution of Stein-Rule Estimators when Disturbances Are Small, V. K. Srivastava and Aman Ullah
Cautionry Tales in Estimating Variance Components (Or: Throwing the Variance Out with the Bath Water), Glenn M. MacDonald and Chris Robinson
Conclusion, Competition, and Conjectures, John McMillan
Efficiency of Estimators in Regression Model with AR(1) Errors, Lonnie Magee, Aman Ullah, and V. K. Srivastava
Industrial Electricity Demand and the Hopkinson Rate: An Application of the Extreme Value Distribution, Michael R. Veall
Information and Coordination: A Review Article, Peter Howitt
Intergenerational Transfers, Redistribution, and Inequality, James B. Davies
Inventories and Price Inflexibility, Seiichi Kawasaki, John McMillan, and Klaus F. Zimmermann
Oligopolistic Extraction of a Common-Property Resource: Dynamic Equilibria, John McMillan and Hans-Werner Sinn
On the Global Univalence of Piecewise Differentiable Mappings, Bernd Kosch
On the Use of Distributional Waits, Sam Bucovetsky
Optimal Ex Ante Commitment and Ex Post Entry Deterrence in a Stochastic Environment, Elie Appelbaum and Chin Lim
Optimal Schooling, Externalities and the Marriage Market, Chin Lim and Nigel Tomes
Optimal Search, Peter Morgan and Richard Manning
Properties of Shrinkage Estimators in Linear Regression when Disturbances Are not Normal, Aman Ullah, V. K. Srivastava, and R. Chandar
Radcliffe and the Quantity Theory, David Laidler
Religion and the Rate of Return on Human Capital: Evidence from Canada, Nigel Tomes
Search and Optimal Sample Sizes, Peter Morgan
Sufficient Conditions for Uniqueness and Stability of Fixed Price Equilibria, Bernd Kosch